the 6 diligence;2004 LOL sadly just 4 of us
(actually zandy was coming but end up cos of her bf then never come)
we had alot of fun, watched tooth fairy its damn funny and nice
we watched the 7pm movie ~ actually we are suppose to watch daybreaker
we din watch it cause the movie was like selling fast,
the only sit left are 2 row from the screen -.-''
we had lunch/dinner at 4pm ++ we din eat lunch so its a 2 in 1 meal
HAHAHAHAHHAH ~ after the movie mei hui n hui ying went home
so wei ting and i went to the arcade play DDR HAHAHAH PAI SEH SI
so old already ! the last time we go to the arcade was almost 6 years ago
HAHAHAHA okay i damn lazy to type le BYEEEE
before i zao heres some picture that
wei ting,mei hui,hui ying and i CAM WHORE :D !
our movie tickets ;D

MEI HUI ALSO EXTRA! we all wear jeans she wear SKIRT LOL !
WEI TING EXTRA ! we all got bag she never bring bag ROFL !
HUI YING EXTRA ! her height not the same with us (1.65 and above)
I EXTRA ! i wear nike sport shoe they wear office shoe ! DAMNNNN LOLOLOL

she took the beef curry rice set ;D i took the slice beef with hamburger set
omg pepper lunch taste so GOOD ! I'm LOVING IT :D !

More Camwhoring at MRT ROFL

camwhoring almost everywhere LOL

LOL this pic make me look like a panda

okay thats all for today ! camwhore alot already :D LOLOLOL
most of the pictures belongs to mei hui and wei ting
they are the ones taking pictures LOLOLOLOLOL all this
they sent to me de ;D some i took from mei hui's blog
thats all BYEEEEEEE