Saturday, 23 January 2010

the 6 diligence;2004 LOL sadly just 4 of us
(actually zandy was coming but end up cos of her bf then never come)

we had alot of fun, watched tooth fairy its damn funny and nice
we watched the 7pm movie ~ actually we are suppose to watch daybreaker
we din watch it cause the movie was like selling fast,
the only sit left are 2 row from the screen -.-''

we had lunch/dinner at 4pm ++ we din eat lunch so its a 2 in 1 meal
HAHAHAHAHHAH ~ after the movie mei hui n hui ying went home
so wei ting and i went to the arcade play DDR HAHAHAH PAI SEH SI
so old already ! the last time we go to the arcade was almost 6 years ago

HAHAHAHA okay i damn lazy to type le BYEEEE

before i zao heres some picture that
wei ting,mei hui,hui ying and i CAM WHORE :D !

our movie tickets ;D
our Feets ROFL ( extra talking time)
MEI HUI ALSO EXTRA! we all wear jeans she wear SKIRT LOL !
WEI TING EXTRA ! we all got bag she never bring bag ROFL !
HUI YING EXTRA ! her height not the same with us (1.65 and above)
I EXTRA ! i wear nike sport shoe they wear office shoe ! DAMNNNN LOLOLOL
our dinner :D ! this mini steam boat is wei ting and hui ying's dinner
as for mei hui and i we had pepper lunch ! mwhahahhaha
she took the beef curry rice set ;D i took the slice beef with hamburger set
omg pepper lunch taste so GOOD ! I'm LOVING IT :D !

More Camwhoring at MRT ROFL


camwhoring almost everywhere LOL
excuse me i eating something u all also want take pic x_x

LOL this pic make me look like a panda

okay thats all for today ! camwhore alot already :D LOLOLOL
most of the pictures belongs to mei hui and wei ting
they are the ones taking pictures LOLOLOLOLOL all this
they sent to me de ;D some i took from mei hui's blog

thats all BYEEEEEEE

Sunday, 17 January 2010

I think boys in SCHOOL UNIFORM look CUTE:D

i download gakuen hetalia ~ sadly its just a demo version T_T
it says to download the full version you have to buy it ): sad

here are the 2 pictures i love :D ! italy and england :D
(all hetalia characters are name after their country)

:D kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

and also kingdom hearts birth by sleep is out ;D on 9 jan
but still don't have it ); saddddddd
omg i so tempered to play it ): i wantttttt
but need to waitttttt for a few days moreeeeee

sian where is wei xin ): ~ what is taking her so long to come x_x

somemore now days i don't know why i feel so damn bored
somemore... everytime people chat with me on msn so irritating
talk half way disappear -.- then talk talk talk disappear again
mights well don't talk to me -.-'' ! ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
maybe i siao already ~ bored to death sian sian sian EEEEK !

Friday, 15 January 2010

FRIDAY ! is my favourite day :D and it'll always be !
and will i do on friday? OTAKU TIMEEEEEEE !

i'll play ~~~~~~~~~~
play games
watch anime
read mangas
sleep late
facebook stuff
play my psp games
watch random crap on youtube
looking for fan arts

and my lastest addiction is

cos i set my bonus day on friday
thats why i love friday even more :DDDD

heres some random pic i saw on photobucket ;DD

kuja(ff9) and sephiroth(ff7) exchange clothes !
Dissidia Final Fantasy Kuja / Sephiroth Pictures, Images and Photos

at least its not so bad if firion(ff2) and tidus(ff10) exchange clothes
Dissidia Final Fantasy Firion Pictures, Images and Photos

imagine chaos cannot control his pawns and asked help from cosmos
FF villians playing their respective games Pictures, Images and Photos

sadly our heros got the same problem LOL
Dissidia Final Fantasy Consoles of Cosmos Pictures, Images and Photos

Dissidia Final Fantasy Garland / The Emperor / Cloud of Darkness / Golbez / Exdeath / Kefka / Sephiroth / Ultimecia / Kuja / Jecht / Cosmos / Chaos Pictures, Images and Photos

imagine sephiroth is your class teacher; that would be scary ~
dissidia Pictures, Images and Photos

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ;D count backwards
Dissidia Heroes Pictures, Images and Photos

thats all for today :D bye !

Monday, 11 January 2010

this is the 2nd week of school already;
1 week just pass so fast and im going to sleep soon !
so tired and lazy -.- tml p.e ~ sian also.. class start at 8 ~ end at 5
i been thinking. will i make it to higher nitec? i really dunno.

aiyyaaaaaa ! why xinxin don't have 2.5 gpa ):
if not we can go Cambodia's 14 day exchange program !
i want to go.. but .. thinking about it ~ i was like... uhhh????
if xinxin cannot go then i go with the guys
that was like uhh.. so wrong ROFL !a reverse HAREM :D LOL
* bangs head on the wall * AHEM !

recently mei jun did not come to class.
for i don't know what reason other then
" i don't want to study already, i want to work "
totally zzzzz ~ i rather study then work -.-
working is so SHITTY ! and hard and tired and blah blah
yeah yeah im damn zzz also cos i H-A-T-E to work

but im willing to work for $ =3='' !
this December holiday i must really really
find a part time job already !! i need moneyyyyy ~
i can't totally ask my parents to get for me =3=''
i want a ps3 so badly ): ~! my mom say she'll get me a ps3 ~ IFFFFFF
i get 4 gpa for this semester -.- ~ THAT IS SO IMPOSSIBLE !

ARGGGGHHH #$%^&*(*)*#*()@$)&$#^&^#@ !!
this suck... okay bye im going to sleep nights.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

whenever i do some drawings i always think..
'' im not good enough and i'll never be "
but.. whenever i look at this line....
"Art Is About Content Not Skills. And A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words"
i'll end up thinking. is my drawing really worth a thousand words?
i really don't know. ~ i love drawing ever since im young.
but my drawings where never beautiful till i started watching animes.
even so.. i still don't think its beautiful. when people say
it is beautiful, its a talent that not many have.

thinking about it, it wasn't any talent to begin with
its just willing or not willing to try/learn.
if it was a talent.. then everyone in japan is damn talented in drawing.
cause they are damn good at it. thats why they are so
popular with animes and stuff like that.

everytime i go deviant art to look at fan arts.
its always all so nice and beautifully drawn
sometimes i did wonder. when will i be able to draw like this.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Hetalia- Germany Pokes Italy Pictures, Images and Photos
* poke poke poke poke poke poke poke*

recently i kinda like school; its kinda fun
idk whats got into me for liking school ~
i must have ate the wrong medicine or something :D

now days so tired don't even have time to audi or anything
monday to thurday classes end at 5pm -.- ! the only time
I LIKE/LOVE is FRIDAY ! in my whole life
i loved friday the most ! WHY?! cos its the last day of school :D
FRIDAY ENDS AT 1pm :D YAY ! so happy :D

so thats all i can say ~ and yeah.. im currently addicted to
final fantasy dissidia (psp) this dame :D idk why its fun :D
i just love it so much !

thats all for today bye :D good nite all :X

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

hetalia canada kumajirou sleep Pictures, Images and Photos
good morning ;D !
i din have time to even blog; or more like
i come back bath,eat dinner, use com abit
* BAM! SLEEP * ~ (730pm-6am)
woah i sleep so shiok ~ then i keep forgetting
school already reopen~ ALARM RING ~
wake up ~ sian -.- first lesson p.e DAMNNNNN #$%^& !

actually before i come back, of cos school la ~
school was somewhat great ;D
9-1pm go home ROOFFFLLL
actually is 11.30-5pm, it turn out like this
cos the time table is too damn gay =3=''
11.30-1 = pm2
1-2 = mea theory
3.30-5 = PM2 AGAIN?! WTF????

so ~ there was no text book for the first day
so mea theory canceled ;D the other half of pm2 canceled
cos we chiong do everything in the first half pm2 LOL

pm2 sucked ~ ! ths teacher is like so boring also. haiz ~
after class ~ went to watch movie with mei yun
the computer got error thats why she see her score FAIL for pm1

well we went to watch alvin and the chipmunks 2
HAHAHAHA this is the 3rd time i watched it
1st time with cousins during chalet
2nd time with wei xin and audi friends
3rd time with mei yun only hahahah

around 3pm + wei xin smsed and say
class end already ? i reply end already,she tot i say end = i still in school
acutally im already on bus 72 ~
so i decided to get down off 72 ( since its like 5 stops away from tm)
and walk back slowly to tm HAHAHAHAH
to go home together with xinxin :D
i damn bo liao ~ reach home ~ bath eat use com

okay la see ya all byeeee going to school le :D !

Monday, 4 January 2010

i have alot of stuff to say; but i don't feel like saying it now

yeah i was crazy enough ;D i din even sleep
i was like busy playing dragonica with selena rofl
from like 11pm + downloading 12am start playing
till now :D ! i just had my bath ~ getting ready to go to school


sad to the core ); ! okay cya all byeeee

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Hetalia school Pictures, Images and Photos
damn ! time seriously fucking fly ! friday was like
HAPPY 2010 ! next thing i know, i need to go back to school.
AIYA ! whyyyy timeeee passsss sooooo fasstttttt ?!!!?!?

oh well time waits for no one -.-''

recently i been chomping on candies and sweets
while i surf around the internet x_x
its like.. it becomes a bad habit already. LOL
im damn addicted to Ricola's Fresh Pearls; Mountain Breeze
it tastes so good :D i keep eating and eating and eating
when i realize how much sweets i been eating..
its like 10 over packets x_x macham i some smoker LMAO
so many packets in my mini rubbish bin ROFL

aiyo ~

i don't want to go back to school ):
in like 13hours + time i need to wake up and go to school
somemore my hair my bird nest =3='' i haven cut hair
who cares ! its already messy !! UURRGGGHHHH

SAD ~ DIE ~ ME ):

Friday, 1 January 2010

hetalia arthur alfred Pictures, Images and Photos
YAY! HAPPY 2010 :D !
my first post of the year :D lol

currently im kinda obsess with hetalia's england !_! (the older guy)
idk why ;D he look like syaoran(tsubasa reservoir )
LOL with thick eye brows; look cool ;D
the fact is all hetalia characters are good looking !

currently trying to type as fast as i can
cos i need to go down meet my mother ~
buy new school shoes for monday !
monday blues D: but i love BLUE ! damn !

and im super duper worried !
i pray hard mei yun can go year 2
i don't give a damn if mei jun can't ==''
she's all so weird n stuff ~ ahhh who cares
i gtg ~! cya all BYE ! happy 2010 ;D

Axis Power Hetalia Pictures, Images and Photos
damn UKE face !_!
uke;bottom,seme;top for yaoi terms

uke is read as WU KEH
seme is read as SEH MEH

okay GTG BYE !