Tuesday, 16 November 2010

its been a long time since i blogged !
like a real real real real real long time ~ k maybe not that long.. 1 month only LOL

i have a thing for male blonde hair characters
doesnt matter anime/real life/game ~ no idea why ._.''

oh well back to the topic of life
recently been kinda busy ~ since with year end exams here and stuff
which freaking-ly makes life ' wonderful '

is something the matter? that's the question
i want my holidays ~ i kinda envy the secondary and primary school kiddies
they are having holidays now ~ since their year end shit exam just ended

* random mode *

oh gee i seriously hope a tank came out of no where and blast down my school
so that exams can be postpone to another day/time

18 year old.. i still like anime/manga/games

7-12 somewhat crazy over POKEMON and hell yeah i like satoshi/ash
whatever his name is in japanese or english
knew almost all season 1 pokemon in CHINESE cause i watch it in CHINESE
cannot get along with some asses in my pri school. cause they watch it in ENGLISH
and called me a freak for watching it in CHINESE. HOW NICE
SON OF A BITCH ! i swear if time can go back to that day
i would fucking whack the daylight out of them -_-'

found out i like drawing ~ learned drawing pokemons awesome
and now i dont even know how to draw pokemon anymore ): !

crazy over play station 1 games : HARVEST MOON : BACK TO NATURE

12-13 the 'year of saiyuki ' and its the year i taught myself how to
draw japanese looking manga characters with my mad craze for goku ~
started out with a game named 'saiyuki' which is nothing related to gensomaden saiyuki
then i realize omg this ' gensomaden saiyuki ' the goku sanzo hakkai look cute
k i dont like gojyo.. he's hair is like a freaking roach ~

13-14 like wow suddenly gone ' kuku ' over inuyasha
i could even draw him,think of him and stuff
that was like oh my god? pure otaku? going gaga over inuyasha

crazy over play station 2 games
aka : KINGDOM HEARTS 1 and 2
it was a damn addictive game

watch all kinds of anime, played all sorts of game
got myself a play station portable at my 17th birthday/christmas gift
bought a psp just to play kingdom hearts birth by sleep
well of cause i did play other games such a final fantasy VII : Crisis Core
Hatsune Miku : Project Diva 1 and 2 ~ FairyTail ~ Bleach and etc
had a great time with it ~ loved it but desperately wants a play station 3 ):

english improved, singlish ~ trying not to use it as much as i used to during
my younger days at blogger. loads of singlish = sounds ' ah lian '

after being expose to final fantasy related stuff ~ or more like
square enix related stuff ~ i turn out like having a ' liking/love'
for blue eyed male characters/blonde male characters
as for reality i don't really go gaga over blonde haired guys/blue eyed
though i like jesse mccartney ;x cause he's so awesome :D

after many years i still playing harvest moon LOL !
i wish to have a nintendo ds ): ~ cause all the nice harvest moon games are there
even kingdom hearts 358/2 ! like OMG !!!!! I WANT PLAY

k maybe im nuts over kingdom hearts at the moment ~
i just love games so much ): !
Back to topic again

life is getting boring as years come by ~
i'm already 18 ~ and there are times i wish i was a child again
when i was a child. i always wish to be older ~ but seriously
life suck ): being older = more responsibility,
being younger = everything is done for you. nothing to worry about
make a mess and trouble . you wont get any shit from it
doing something stupid now = DOOMED

being 18 ~ i don't even feel like 18
i feel like i'm 16 ~ i dont get this ' awesome ' feeling of being 18
like when i tell some of my online friends im 18
i'm like...... yeah right cool ~ -_-' i don't feel cool at all geezzz

i'm getting bored of private server maple
and even audition ~ currently playing my psp...
and i turn out to be a lazy ass now ~_~ oh well whatever lazy to type already