Yesterday went out with Wei ting and Sharon.
did some light jogging~after that went to sharon's house to slack :D
was kinda bored ~ so i din go home immediately ~
followed ting to her house downstairs ~
chit chatted with her till 3am + in the morning
woke up at 12nn+
check pixiv/facebook/mangafox/mangareader/ask(s) tumblrs and etc
now im bored ): nothing to do ~ oh maybe i shall take a nap o3o ! tata
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Lolllll its been a super busy/tiring/etc weekkkkkkk
so i'll just cut it short
starting with
study group
more exam
went to sharon's birthday
met her brother who happens to be xin's taekwondo friend
computer died
bought new computer
not used to new computer system
holidays coming
1 week of school left
teacher's day
slimming down
-Random part-
so tired ! i want to cut my hair ~ lololol
but thinking about it ~ i want long hair too tsk !
7 sept coming closer ;_; im scared ~ need to extract 2 teeth ;_;
boohoooo ~
today just bought all the teacher's day present LOL
ahhhhhhh ~
currently im crazy over
Amaimon x Shiemi
Kagura x Okita Sougo
LOLOLOLOL dunno why :D i enjoy looking at all the couple pictures at pixiv
why is it so hard to find a nice mephisto pheles picture D: !
;___________________________; !
my nails are getting longer ~ too lazy to cut =w=''
addicted to the song call Unhappy Refrain by Hatsune miku :D
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
k that's all lazy to blog tata
so i'll just cut it short
starting with
study group
more exam
went to sharon's birthday
met her brother who happens to be xin's taekwondo friend
computer died
bought new computer
not used to new computer system
holidays coming
1 week of school left
teacher's day
slimming down
-Random part-
so tired ! i want to cut my hair ~ lololol
but thinking about it ~ i want long hair too tsk !
7 sept coming closer ;_; im scared ~ need to extract 2 teeth ;_;
boohoooo ~
today just bought all the teacher's day present LOL
ahhhhhhh ~
currently im crazy over
Amaimon x Shiemi
Kagura x Okita Sougo
LOLOLOLOL dunno why :D i enjoy looking at all the couple pictures at pixiv
why is it so hard to find a nice mephisto pheles picture D: !
;___________________________; !
my nails are getting longer ~ too lazy to cut =w=''
addicted to the song call Unhappy Refrain by Hatsune miku :D
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
k that's all lazy to blog tata
Thursday, 11 August 2011
though the idea is not mine ~ its from narutolover6219 at deviantart
not as good as the orginal fanart ~ but still ~ whatever LOL
been kinda tired this few days ):
tml braces tightening -.- fml ~
mwhahahaha so happy !
finally i get to draw whatever i want and post it on devaintart
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
still sad that amaimon died in the anime ):
been stalking and the past few days LOL
i enjoy looking at all the fanarts ! x)
k that's all bye
though the idea is not mine ~ its from narutolover6219 at deviantart

not as good as the orginal fanart ~ but still ~ whatever LOL
been kinda tired this few days ):
tml braces tightening -.- fml ~
mwhahahaha so happy !
finally i get to draw whatever i want and post it on devaintart
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
still sad that amaimon died in the anime ):
been stalking and the past few days LOL
i enjoy looking at all the fanarts ! x)
k that's all bye
Monday, 8 August 2011
Sun :
kor bought a scanner and a 16 gb memory stick for me :D -happy-
time flies real fast yesterday @@"
Today :
Half day schoooll~~~ redo my solid work test ;_;'
cause my file is corrupted... -cries-
reach home at 12 + o3o"
took a nap at 1+ ~ woke up at 6+
had dinner~ after dinner~ check pixiv's amaimon art HEHEHEHE
watched ep 17 ;_;""
sad.... T__T sob ~ amaimon died ;_;'' ....
thank goodness in the manga he didn't die ! -happy-
but its really sad to see him die ;_;"
i like Tetsuya Kakihara's voice~ sadly i wont hear his voice in ao no exorcist anymore ;_;
shall continue with fairytail ~ since he is natsu over there @@"
why does all the interesting characters have to die D: ~
that's all for today ~ shall continue stalking LOL
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Fri :
another person drew this too LOL
After milling lesson, yun and i went to csquare for lunch~
i bought 2 nose stud for mom and 3 pair of ear studs(purple,green,blue)
yun bought 1 pair of ear stud and some stuff .
Currently wearing the purple and green ear studs :)
my left ear had a blue star stud(the 'sole' survivor ear stud LOL) ~
so i just put in a purple stud in ~ the right side green~purple~green ~ :D
yay ! all 5 of my ear piercing is filled :D !
its been a long time since i wear so many ear studs
the blue pair of ear stud~ i shall keep it till 1 of them is lost/etc then i will replace it LOL
yun have not wear ear studs for years
and her ear piercing hole is kinda small ~ she said it hurts when she put it in ~
so we went to 77th street to buy some rubbing alcohol or something whatever its called ~
i went home alone since yun have to go boonlay to meet her sister~
reached home around 4pm + took a nap all the way till evening ~
kinda angry at mom's cooking.. the bee hoon she cooked.... has garlic -_-'
i refuse to eat it ~_~' so i skip dinner ~
on my com ~ and O-M-G ! i discover this website call !
its a japanese webside filled with anime drawings ! best part was like.....
so many アマイモン (amaimon) & メフィスト・フェレス (mephisto pheles) drawings !
yay for my improvement of jap and boo for my chinese =3="
i realize some chinese words... i dont even know how to read them ...
but if it's the same word... i know what it is read as in jap and not chinese -_-'
fml ~ oh well who cares ! i m starting to be able to read basic jap words !
which is good enough :D HAHAHAHAHA !!
downloaded a lot of amaimon's pictures ! hehehehehe !!
slept at 6am + @@
was too 'busy' looking at all of amaimon's fanart
till i din notice the time =_='
damn brother of mine... on his damn music.. so damn early in the morning
-_- i wish he could stop that.. so that i can sleep peacefully !!
today i did the same thing again in the afternoon:X
i went to to see amaimon,shiemi and mephisto
LOLOLOLOLOLOL downloaded another few more pictures of them
i'm so gonna get a pixiv account when i get a scanner :X !
dinner time~ went down to the coffee shop with mom for dinner ~
had pork chop fried rice :X it taste goooddddd O: !
bought a can of peach tea too !
kor and rachelle too busy watching kungfu panda 2 in his room =='
so we had to buy dinner for them ~_~"
played donkey and old maid with mom,kor & rachelle
epic game :D rachelle/kor/mom's reaction = priceless LOLOLOLOLOL !
i just love looking at people's epic/funny priceless reaction :D
no idea why ROFL
tml going to tampines courts with dad and kor @@"
so gonna make kor buy me a scanner so that i can scan all my drawings !
then post it at devainart/pixiv :D WOOHOOO !
Currently i'm using Google Chrome LOL
I'm starting to like it :D
Sadly Mozilla FireFox's facebook maple game.. can't load -_-'
don't know why.. so i was force to use google chrome~
but it turn out pretty interesting ! just that all my favorite page is not here LOL
too lazy to tranfer them all here -__-' since i use mozilla firefox more ~
and its kinda odd for some reason @@"
i still don't like internet explorer -_-' blehh
i r addicted to facebook maplestory LOL
i quit playing pserver for now ~ give up both side of my hgm
1 side private to friends only -_-
1 side kinda speechless at the things they do ~
worth it or not ~ i don't care :D
its a GOOD BYE to them ^^
back to otaku mode ^_^V
i love this picture ! so cute :D dino-amaimon LOL
another person drew this too LOL
can't wait for ao no exorcist ep 16 :D !
i wanna see amaimon's true form ~ sadly ep 15 was only a few sec ;_;
and the manga version doesn't have it ! rawr !
i like this drawing style too x)
by : はちべぇ
i also like this traditional drawing !
i like のぶのぶ☆夏's drawing style so much ! i wish i could draw like her !
i like the way she do all the shading D: so sexy...
till today.. i suck at colouring/shading for shadows... fml
the lady that drew this = proooo
my new msn picture :X LOL
it look like the original artist's drawing @@"
too lazy to upload all of them x) ! LOLOLOL
dunno why am i so crazy over this green hair dude
maybe because he has blue eyes HAHAHA!
i like mephisto too O: ! though his eyes is forest green
THENNNNNN i realize.. actually i like demon characters more than humans LMAO
cause in panty & stocking that anime ~
i like the demon sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks
so... over at ao no exorcist = demon brothers LMAO !
for female characters at ao no exorcist, i like shiemi,shura and musashi
out of the 3 of them, i love shiemi !
don't know why so many people hates her -_-'
even my own bro doesn't like her =="
but i think she's cute and helpful ~ but very clumsy for some reason LOL
ahhh who caresssss ! all i know is.. KAWAIIIIIIII ! LOL
my fav normal pairing amaimon x shiemi :X
not a big fan of rin x shiemi ._." or shiemi x yukio LOLOLOLOLOL
don't know whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
my fav pairing for yaoi amaimon x mephisto (drawn by はちべぇ too) !
and also i just discover more fanfics of ao no exorcist LOL
shall read them after this posting this ! EHHEHEHE !
k bye :X
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
i'm somewhat addicted to reading amaimon x mephisto fanfiction o3o"
i think it's awesome LOL ~ i read most of them on devaintart
i just like the way they make amaimon so innocent in all the fanfiction :D
A tired Amaimon, who was obviously still half asleep stressed every single letter of this word as he crawled up a bit. His hands went to Mephistos knees and he placed a chaste kiss on his elder brothers leg. Dazed eyes looked up at startled ones as he nuzzles the older demons leg; "Aniue...are you mad?"
He asked this with a frown on his face; Mephisto swallowed his pride and shook his head, "No. No I'm not," He said quickly, recieving the most innocent smile he'd ever seen on Amaimon's lips.
this part taken from ' A Game ' Chapter 2 by HoodieStrings
i totally imagine him doing that innocent smile~
SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !! i don't know why @_@"
dammit... ~ i dunno why my mind can't imagine stuff as good as this.. if its a storybook..
whenever i read a storybook... the 'imagination level' was pretty poor... and it made me bored... easily....
then... when i read fanfiction... the 'imagination level' went to HD LOLOLOL WTF
-sigh- this proof that.. i have no love for storybooks -_-"
;_; tml.. solidworks test... ~ i still happily reading fanfictions..
eekkkssssssssssssssss !
need to sleep soonnnn
i think it's awesome LOL ~ i read most of them on devaintart
i just like the way they make amaimon so innocent in all the fanfiction :D
A tired Amaimon, who was obviously still half asleep stressed every single letter of this word as he crawled up a bit. His hands went to Mephistos knees and he placed a chaste kiss on his elder brothers leg. Dazed eyes looked up at startled ones as he nuzzles the older demons leg; "Aniue...are you mad?"
He asked this with a frown on his face; Mephisto swallowed his pride and shook his head, "No. No I'm not," He said quickly, recieving the most innocent smile he'd ever seen on Amaimon's lips.
this part taken from ' A Game ' Chapter 2 by HoodieStrings
i totally imagine him doing that innocent smile~
SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !! i don't know why @_@"
dammit... ~ i dunno why my mind can't imagine stuff as good as this.. if its a storybook..
whenever i read a storybook... the 'imagination level' was pretty poor... and it made me bored... easily....
then... when i read fanfiction... the 'imagination level' went to HD LOLOLOL WTF
-sigh- this proof that.. i have no love for storybooks -_-"
;_; tml.. solidworks test... ~ i still happily reading fanfictions..
eekkkssssssssssssssss !
need to sleep soonnnn
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