Friday, 16 December 2016

2016 is coming to an end~ the year pass really fast this time.
over all 2016 was a pretty simple and happy year for me.

Got into a relationship at 9 nov 2015 and been 95% happy at the time!
and still struggling with my weight issues LOL ! That's something I'll struggle in my life time I guess?

Interesting 'Highlights' of the year

21 mar - MY FIRST PLANE TRIP IN MY LIFE ! TO KL ! It was an awesome and fun trip with my boyfriend! Its a little sad that we kinda under plan our money but it was really fun! Hopefully next time i'll get to go sunway lagoon !

Went to crab factory ! super worth it.. omg I love SEAFOOD !

1 Apr - was kinda sad.. got rejected by the navy~ but oh well~ I tried! My hard work for my IPPT though.. SIGH

Early Apr - Long story cut short. Boyfriend wanted to adopt a kitten(Blackie & Tomtom's child).. his father rejected the idea of cats living in his home and I got BAN from going to his place~ Cant be blamed ~ Stubborn old man.

After that saga.. tried looking for a home for the kitten.. sadly I failed to and THANK GOODNESS MOM ALLOW US TO KEEP THE KITTEN ! we named it Toffee(toto).

- Boyfriend's NS complete. Enjoyed almost a full month worth of time with him

July - Boyfriend found work. working at the airport.

Sept - Boyfriend moved into my house! Really happy about this. mom never let this happen before! couldn't ask for more

Oct - My birthday was great :D ! Simple and happy

Nov - Massive nomnoms ! Dancing Crab ~ The Boiler ~ Keisuke Ramen ~ Saizeriya ~ Royal pudding ~ 4 Fingers and etc ! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

+ Trying out bride's maid dress(my god..its been a real long time since I wore a dress)

18 Nov
- My only female cousin(mom's side) got married! It was an interesting experience(tiring but fun!) I get to enter a bungalow at sentosa ! It was pretty big and nice!!
I didn't know there's so many things to do for a wedding dinner.

3 Dec I went for the army woman career, everything was going fine so far i guess ?

9 Dec - Received the army's email. Boyfriend helped me with it

10 Dec - Found out my Bestfriend Wei Xin changed into a male.
To be honest.. it was really hard to accept it~in a way that I'm so used to calling him a HER
Well im pretty okay with just need time to change all the SHE dialog to HE.

and that's pretty much it for this year~
Being 24 this year ... I still feel like a 16 year old teenage.. I don't know how to ADULT to be honest ~ Hopefully I'll find my way to proper 'Adulthood' ~

Time is really passing real fast after graduating from school.


I don't ask for much but I do hope I can live in this simple and happy life.
Happily with my family, kitties & boyfriend

and hopefully next year I'll get my job and travel around while I can before settling down!!
I bet many years from now I'll cringe at what the fuck I just wrote as a young adult~ Just like how I cringe from reading my teenage days posts...


I got a feeling ~ one day my future children will see this and I'll DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT