today time PASS SIBEI FAST SIA !
omg la
tml not going to skool whahaha !!
skool sux totally
everyday i see u ~ u see mi
so boring
my class got 5 groups
-the 6 people group( team 1 )
-the racist (team 2 )
-the NERDS ( team 3 )
-the ANYHOW de ( team 4 )
-the STALKERS ( team 5 )
the 6 ppl de i got nth to say
one girl verii emo
i shout DIAM LAH
she never diam
then i shout at her diam
then i say her abit nia
she cry ~
haizz emo sia
the racist de i dun care la !!
all Indians anyway =_=
the nerds
got one girl sibei lame
ask her shaddup
she keep saying
" GOD giv mi MOUTH so its my MOUTH i dun wan to SHADDUP"
ask her go n die
she say
" ok i go die lor "
then i say
" u say i go die lor y u still here ? "
then she never reply
SIAO DE =_=''
the anyhow
i in tat team
we do wad we wan
slack or wad so ever
outing oso got
the stalkers....
they can stalk an actor till they got his NUMBER
and even email SIAO DE !!
then i do some updating on my blog