cos this morning i go find Jun xiang =_=
then he late then go wrong mrt zz
should go ang mo kio de then end up going yio chu kang
well lucky there got bus 72 =_=
my cousin solomon is my com doctor
thx to him then my com got no problem
hes my god sia lols ... God of fixing com? jk jk XD
today sux i dun really like liane's frens
one is yellow shirt not so bad ~
the one wif hat wif emo hair kns
she think she wad dao lang ar?
then liane nth to say sia =_= DOTS
then jun xiang ar .... nth to say oso .....
. . . . . .. . . .
then selena and i was like this pic below

everything is not UNDER CONTROL
welll who cares
today seem fun in the end
we watch dead silent
verii er xin
the show the story
is something like sasori sia
(sasori from naruto)
omg la use human make into puppet
so er xin then the maker name is call
then they keep saying
"if u see mary shaw in ur dreams do not SCREAM
for she has no children and she will silent whoever tat screams "
well she got no children but her children
are all puppets kinda gross =_=
meaning slient = PUT OFF UR tongue
EEE LA T_T so er xin
= = = = = = == = = = = = = =
today im quite angry of my audi couple
he say my blog its boring and lame
wtf he so smart why dun he make one blog on his own
loser sia !! im so gonna break wif him
anyway i still love my maple laogong <3 lols

give me a break im so damn tired X_x
i needa rest =_= im getting old
day by day omg la !!
time running out sia sad T_T

i so damn tired le ppl still disturb mi
u all damn evil hor =_=
but i more evil haha XD jkjk
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