Wednesday, 29 April 2009

i saw this on erin's blog @@

Put a cross in the box that applies to you (:


[x] you love hoodies
[x] you love jeans ( i love PANTS )
[x] dogs are better than cats
[x] its hilarious when people get hurt ( i think its funny LOL * siao*)
[x] you've played with boys on a team (PE lessons now ==")
[x] shopping is torture ( its hell ! )
[] sad movies suck
[] you own a XBOX
[] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid
[] at some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter
[x] you own a DS, PSP or SEGA (i got a sega !)
[x] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers( how many years ago was that?)
[x] you watch sports on TV
[x] gory movies are cool
[x]sometimes you go to your dad for advice ( dad's advice are always cool)
[] you own like a trillion baseball hats
[x] you used to/do collect pokemon (long ago ~ i still love lugia LOL)
[] baggy sweat pants are nice to wear
[x] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours ( blue)
[] sports are fun
[x] you sometimes talk with food in your mouth
[] you sleep at night with your socks on
[x] you have fished at least once

TOTAL= 16 (wow)


[] you like to shop (shop for cute things and mangarrrrrr)
[] you wear eyeliner
[] you wear the color pink
[x] sometimes you go to your mum for advice ( cooking advice from her LOL)
[] you consider cheerleading a sport
[] you hate wearing all black
[] you like going to the mall
[] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[] you like wearing jewelery
[] you cried watching The Notebook
[] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe ( uhh i have skirts ~but i don't wear them)
[] shopping is one of your favourite hobbies
[x] you've seen Star Wars and don''t like it some of it ( its not kind of thing)
[] you do/did gymnastics
[] it takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed
[] you smile a lot more than you should
[x] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes ( sport shoes)
[] you care about what you look like majority of the time
[] you like wearing dresses whenever you can
[ ] you like dancing/do dancing
[] you like high heel shoes
[x] you used to play with dolls as a kid (Barbies ~ YEARS AGO !)
[] you like putting makeup on others
[] you like being the star of almost everything
[] pink is one of your favourite colours ( WAIT LONG LONG)

TOTAL= 4 (oh my~)

Multiply both scores by 4.

64% Male
16% Female

omg ~ im dude in a girl shell ~ cool !
The past few day i wasn't free to blog ~ due to many things ~
man time past so fast ~ like shit . now already going to may
and im getting worried ~ for my exam its coming
drawing closer and closer each day ~

and ....................
WALAO ! whats wrong wif the world now !
now got swine flu some kind of mutated pig disease ?!?
i'm freaking scare now ==" im trying my best to avoid crowded places
i don't wanna die ~ i still got a freaking long long long ~~~ way to go
i wanna marry, i wanna do some crazy things and stuff like that
before i die ~ even if the world is coming to an end
i rather end with it ~ then dying at some kinda of mutated disease !!

GOSH ! i wanna see my niece ~ i don't wan see her mom
i wan smack my brother ~ for being so NIAO

and yeah yeah yeah ~ im have a bad girl recently ~
i skip morning classes , example " p.e and life lesson" ONLY !
this is 2 lesson i will skip for now ~
P.e = 5 week of skipping cos SWIMMING
life lesson ~ = consider ~ ( hate that noob teacher)

thats all for today !

Friday, 24 April 2009

Happy belated birthday to my dear Mei Hui !
so sorry ): i din know ~ and also i realize your friends some of them
study the same school as i do LOL , everytime see them at bus stop.
i will try to make it up to you asap ~ so so sorry !

i feel so stupid ~ i spend so much time on crap till
i forgot everything ~ YES EVERYTHING ( ROAR ) !
time not enough ! so many need to do in 2 months time

- Exam coming ~
- Father's Birthday
- ah ma's birthday
- Theory Crap ~
- 11 Hour Journal ( not yet done !! by 7 may T_T)
- Life lesson test ~

time not enough and MONEY not ENOUGH also !!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

You know ~ that i love you, ahh ~
Can't you see my eyes ~
Theres only one of the real show ~

Naega dallineun gireun Love, Love, Love, Love
Heona geu giren ontong deot, deot, deot, deot
Pihal su eomneun hamjeongeun mamui geop, geop, geop, geop
Machi neupcheoreom yonggireul samkyeo jeomjeom...

* stop singing LOL *
that was actually my blog song LOLOLOL !

today was a crazy day ;x !
poor zi rui ~ he became Cinderella of the Class LOL !
Mr Foo made him clean the class lab~

then mei yun and i started disturbing him ;x

Poor Thing, he don't mind being called cinderella
he say me and tae ho ~ the evil step sisters LOL
Mr foo the evil step mother
Patrick become Prince Charming
Eddy and Cheng Rong become the 2 lil mouse fren
Mei Yun the Fairy GOD mother ~!
LOOLOLOLLOLOLOL ! laugh till out of breath

mei yun still say " hui gu nan" ! EPIC FAIL LOL !
(hui gu nian = cinderella) ( nan = guy, nian = gal)

This is Just too Damn Funny !
Current Mood : Crazy ~
AHAHAHAHAHA ! i'm going Crazy ;D
next week (for the next 5 weeks,till school ends)
my p.e lesson will be SWIMMING ~ NOOOO !
i die also don't wanna SWIM ! my class 3 girls 48 boys !!!
mei jun and mei yun ditching p.e !!! (like what i did today)
i ditch pe~ and theory classes ;x ! hur hur hur !!
Which is 8-930(pe) and 930-12(theory) ~
i woke up at 11am ;x ! and reach school at 1230 LOLS !
i came for hydraulics lesson only ;x ! which is 1pm to 6pm ;x
during Hydraulics lesson all those kpo guy put all the chairs up so high x_x

so happy ~ that fucker din come to school ! ;D
you're such a Leche'cul* anyway (*Ass Kisser)

Time past so fast ~ like a rocket ~ ZOOOM ! gone ~
its like last month i graduated from Xinmin Primary School
and entered Paya Lebar Methodist Girls School (Secondary),
Last week i just graduated from Paya Lebar Methodist Girls School (Secondary)
and Yesterday I entered Ite College East : Simei ~ (Course : Mechanical Technology)
WOW and now its Day 23 April 2009, Team 2 , Semester 1.
2004 - 2009 Just come and go so fast ~ haiz ~
the next thing i know im already an adult , soon or later
i'll get married , start a family and telling my kids what i did
when i was YOUR age , just like how my mom told me ~
then i'll think back ~ how i wish i could be young again ~

Current Mood : Tired, Bored and Sad ): ~

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

okay i was being an arse for the past few days
i ditch school on monday, my old bad habit has came back ~
and that mother fucker malay guy in my class _|_ is such a sucker

who the fuck ask you to stand right outside the door?
how the fuck would i know? that YOU the BRICK HEAD standing there?
you think limbu got super version ah? my spec is 500+ degree both side !
macham like BLIND GIRL how the shit i can SEE YOU !

i open the door and the fucking door hit onto him. guess what?
he scolded me stupid ugly fucker ~

wow yeah im stupid guess what u're more
stupid -.- ~ 19 year old in year 1 , ditch class everyday
had some police case ~ act gangster WOW * claps *

Ugly? well yes i agree and i dare to admit im fat and ugly
what about you? why don't you take a fucking mirror
and see your fucking face? is it HANDSOME? NO it look like dog SHIT !

lastly im not a fucker , i dont fuck people, i bet you do rite?
fucking every slut you know from your gang. say people mother fucker
aint you yourself 1? noob shit ! i hope you fail all your subjects ;D
and i will just FUCKING LAUGH LIKE A BITCH ! _|_ !

Now Days i really PRAYED hard , i wish my classmates
AINT SO RETARTED and have a better attitude.
guess what? now i wish those mother fuckers just fail all their exam
retain one more year , good for them ~ FUCK OFF _|_ !

Current mood : Fucked up ~=.= !
tml i will be more fucked up ! 8pm to 6pm class

Good Night ;D ! * off to bed *

Saturday, 18 April 2009

guess what? year 2009 , 4 months , day 18 , 11:00pm ~ now
i seriously met a PURE OTAKU ~ in singapore ......
( otaku : over crazy/obsessive for 1 or more things)
my friend Fred was such an otaku...
i tot i was an otaku already ~ din know he's one hell of it..
i even can LOSE to them .... in this kind of things =.= !
he keeps talking about silent hill the game version...
over and over ~ in details..... and im totally not interested ...

i only know the movie version abit....

and now he's still crapping about it......
about the main character facing his past...
his parent is such a sadist ~ sacrifice blah blah blah something....
this is so boring... i cannot watch Japanese drama IN PEACE !

currently im watching jigoku shoujo ~ drama version ~
there is like nothing better to do anyway.....

and im so tired also.... tired of my lifeless life...
everyday go school come back on com
play, eat , sleep , go school again ~
No Life................... ==" now already like that
next time how? if im married got a job, got kids
got family ~ wa lao more lifeless... work,eat,slp ~
today was a great day ~
wei xin and i went to hougang green to play audi lols
actually i paying for the 2 com and playing 2 com @@
left hand 1 keyboard , right 1 keyboard..
i replace space bar for control key. ~
its not easy playing 2 at the same time ~

actually i called wei xin there to chitchat
and use her ez-link card ~ to book 2 computer LOLOLOL

tml wei ting and i going to lan shop ~
wei xin going out ): sadly ~ hahahaha

before going home to blog/play games
we had MacDonald for lunch ;D the chicken rap or whatever
the new mac's meal , taste like mac spicy ~ and abit of twister (kfc)
actually its a 70% copy of KFC !!! =.= ~~~~

and also sian la ! i need pass up my life skill dairy by next month mid
11 hours dairy ~ ( i need to type/write/other about what i do on 1 day) 11 hours !!!
i asked this noob life skill teacher ~ what if i play 11 hours of poker?
what to do? ~ she say " write whats the game about what you do? "
so u're telling me , if i play all types
i have to write all in details?! THIS IS PATHETIC !!!

i go bath ~ don't wan type le ~ * fed up *

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Semester 1 , term 2 , day 4 .. soon 1 week
tml day 5 ~ guess what? 6 weeks 1 day more to my 5 weeks holiday !!!
damn happy like no body's business LOLOLOLOLOL !
MAN this is FUN ! i hope 6 week faster PASS !

and also i made wei xin addicted to "insomnia" sang by Wheesung
actually got english verson ~ but this 1 is a korean verson ! ;D
WHEESUNG IS SO HANDSOME ! ( audition also got this song )
but wheesung look like my cousin kenji ~

* imagines * about 10 years from today
kenji will be 22 year old, young and handsome like wheesung
KYAAAAAAHHHHHH ! handsome ! ( if he slims down )
now he's fat ==" he looks like he got A cup boobies !
serious ! OMGGGG i can't wait 10 year from now !!!
handsome kenji HAHAHAHHAHA !!! * dreams on *

okay la i go sleep already tml got school ! CRAP ! bye !

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

sometimes im kinda pissed off =.=... why?
firstly im a free thinker... no religion no nothing
and yeah... so..... like...............................

my house here at the other end...
there is this christian family ....
once awhile they will come and talk about christian stuff....

i asked her.... what is Easter day actually?
and now she's telling me the whole story ... not related to it...
telling me how god sent his son to save us all...
those who believe in him will go to heaven ... something something...

yes yes ~ i know... i was from a christian school..
im not anti-christian or whatever ~its just ~
i felt that some people join Christianity for the sake of going to heaven...
really.... thats like kinda sick.... betraying your previous god...

im really speechless.............................
this is hopelessssssssssssssssssssssssss
and im serious ! im not anti-ing it !!!
so please don't get mad at it =="
thank you...............~

i found out a certain someone is talking behind backs again ~
oh come on .... this is damn tiring ..
we are already not in secondary school...
not your classmate or what now ~
why still talk about us? not tired is it?
if you're not tired... guess what ~ IM TIRED OF UR NONSENSE
so ~~~~ GROW UP ! AND GET A LIFE =.= ! zzz childish....
i bet you'll never grow up either... so no point anyway.....

Monday, 13 April 2009

Looks like my "summer" vacation is over.....
and back to school.... i will never miss school...
thinking about it... kinda makes me sick...
oh well its 2am + now can't sleep....

3 weeks just ended, its like as good as sat and sun
the feeling of.............................
not long ago i just came home from school ~
saturday just ended ~ and today is sunday tml is monday
time to go back to school ~ WOW GREAT :D !
SO.. SO... SO.... "HAPPY"....................................................

Not surprise to see some people UNCHANGED in class
azhar will forever be a dick head....
mei jun will forever and never change ... from saying
"wah ta hao SHUAI " he's so handsome !
and some people.... i don't even want to talk about it !

Current Mood : SICK and TIRED ==" !
* Changed song ~ Maou(demon king) - Detroit Metal City ~

Saturday, 11 April 2009

i want to cry already ~~~~~
school reopening on 13 april ): ~
i left 1 day 18hours more to school ~ haiz !

I wanna kill myself ~ my lips now days keep cracking
fucking painful -.- ! keep bleeding when i just smile
like what the hell right?!! dry like SHIT !
i keep drinking water ~ whats the used !!
its like shading skins -.- everyday !
like some snake lips ~ crappy leh ! GRRRR !!

im kinda addicted to Detroit Metal City's song
Satsugai and Maou (demon king)

i left 3hours 30min more to hell tagging -.- !
owwww ~ damn lips -.- it hurt ~~~~~~

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

woooo ! today was a crazy day ;D
watched another round of DETROIT METAL CITY XD !
actually i can't go out today ~ but ~~ heck care i just go !

today was an interesting day x) !
i met wei xin on bus 74 lols !
we went to plaza sing for the movie ;D
i had mee siam for lunch and wei xin had chicken rice.

well too bad today is the last day of DMC !
don't worry just wait for the CD/DVD if you missed it ;D !
seriously you must watch it !! if you don't you'll regret it !!

And also wei xin is addicted to dmc ;x
she wants to be like krauser(the main character) ;D !
more like he's real name is neigishi souichi !
omggggg he's the dude that act as L in death note

okay enough of this ~ time go eat dinner ;D cya all !
- * Relink Samzy *- ! - Miss 4E1'08 - T_T !

last but not least ~ why more and more people got msn virus ==" !
first lavanyyah , then mr tang, then wei xin , then some other frens also

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Wah now days so tired ~ and strength draining off~
what is audition for? some say release stress
some say its a game that makes me sad
some say for finding gf,bf ~~~~~~~~~

To Me its like a Strength Draining GAME !
play abit only so damn tired !! like what the hell right?!

so tired also !! school reopening soon le ! damn sad ):
now i think about ITE i really really TURN OFF LEH !
SIAN ! not say i like the course also ~
i take it for the SAKE of POLY/MY PARENTS !

My Stupid Brother coming back to Singapore next year 2010
FUCK LEH ! now i wish he can don't come back =.= !
somehow the i finally know what happen...
my father told me everything already ~ he say back then
he thinks im not old enough to understand thats why he din say~
after hearing the story ~ i feel so ..... speechless ~
why my brother like that..... even his wife =.= ~ SPEECHLESS !!!


Friday, 3 April 2009

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG ! this is 1 hell of a NICE MOVIE !
i give it a 10/10 !!! NC-16 ;D

wei ting and i went for this movie today
omg if you have time PLEASE go and WATCH this MOVIE
i tell you its NOT a WASTE of money ! you won't regret it XD !

i totally laugh the hell out of myself xD !
(nothing more to type AHHAHAHAHAHA)

And Also i changed my Blog Skin ;D thats all for today ;x

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

yeah i kinda got addicted to audi again ==" just like what meow say
im crazy over it ): Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
April Fool's Day ==" lols ~ i din go visit mr tang n others ):
cos my dad off today, need to take care of him ~

yeah he has gone back to work, but he's not as good as he used to be ):
he's eye still like 80% ok only ==" so worry ): omg leh....

i wonder if mr tang still remember what we did last year
for april fool LOL ~ i bet he must have tell then 4E1'09 about us
hahahahah omg ;x

All this aside ~~~
recently something wrong with my house, WRONG as in AT NIGHT
after 1am ( cos im awake, my parents are asleep)
so the living room's light will be off and it'll be damn dark...
sometimes i come out to take water or go to the toilet
I HEAR SOUNDS ! like those ... when u on light tat ''TAK" sound !!

if im inside my room , there are NOISE from the kitchen
those noise of cups hitting each other sort of things...
i told my parents about it , they say I HEAR WRONGY ! where got ~!!!

i don't think its just the 3 of us 3 + 1 in my house
3 = me , my mom and dad .... + 1 like something else IN MY HOUSE
when im alone... i always got this feeling like someone in the house
walking around... can hear those foot steps sort of sound...

im kinda scare now =='' ..... omggggg HELLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~