why? i been kick thats all :) nothing more or less for you to know.
like i already say there is a reason to it, nothing else.
stop asking and make rumors out of it whatever happens
its already over, stop asking. thank you very much (:

wahhh zack fair so handsome D: idk why i like his eyes ;x
wei xin and i today kinda crazy over the game ;x
her zack currently have this hair style (the pic above)
my zack is having this hair style (the pic below)
Woohoo Zack's 1 Million Dollar Smile ♥_♥ LOL :X

well angeal die already thats why zack change hair style D:
make him look older D: this is evil =_= ! oh well
whatever hair style he change he's still handsome LOl
HAHAHAHA okay i'm mad already :D
-fyi this is final fantasy 7 : crisis core (psp game)
okay end of topic ~
exam coming up soon
project pm1 ended already. time for final year exam
recently mr foo been giving us alot of paper work.
past year paper work and exam papers.
so tired ahhhhhhhh D: bo pian tch
idk what to do with my audi grow mushroom already HAHAHA
oh well heck care ;D now exam come first !
24 nov HOLIDAY ! but ... 26,30 nov and some other days ~
need to come back school for exams x_x !
kekeke can't wait for holiday :D next year , year 2 ! WOOT
damn that means im 1 year older again D: sad ~ tsk tsk tsk
okay lazy already BYE !
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