and the longest one that i ever type in my blog history !
2009;9002 time flies ! phew ! 1 year is about to disappear in 4hours + time
seriously it felt like yesterday was just 2008 and in 5 days time
im going to ite year 1 ! now its like in 5 days time im going ite year 2
time seriously pass so fast,im getting older and older..
i was bored.. so i decided to read all my old posts
and its like so damn funny ! tat was like 2 years + ago when i started blogging
selena intro me to blogging. And somewhat i got addicted by it
and start blogging like a mad fella ! i just blog like some blog-bitch
seriously most of the post are colourful !
and some how type in a way like some song lyric.
my english is like broken/shitty/twity/weird/idk
hahahaha i just freaking laugh
its like everytime i blog i complain about life
now i did wish i have those old times back. serious..
today will be the last day of 2009.
tml will be 2010; 1 new year ahead
and im getting old ~ SHIT !
who give a SHIT about aging everyone is aging !
** OTAKU(おたく/オタク)
Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests,
particularly anime,manga, and video games
** Manga (漫画;まんが;マンガ)
Japanese term for comics
** Anime (アニメ)
Japanese Cartoon
* retarded moment part 1 *
i spend my life being an otaku since pri 6 !
my first anime saiyuki ! i got hook on the ps1 game
then anime then collections
happy 5 years being an otaku to myself ROFL
*retarded moments part 2*
when i was sec 1 ~ i got hook on inuyasha;
i gone crazy with that anime till i collect/play the games
i even got my best friends/close friends/friends/online friends/cousins
(wei ting,wei xin,fiona,sheena and many others)
addicted to it. idk why don't ask why !
after 1 year all of us got bored of it ~ its too draggy
and we felt that all the characters are actually quite tard.
only sesshoumaru &
*retarded moments part 3*
** Yaoi (やおい)
Boy Love ,Guy x Guy = Gay
2 person of the same gender (males)
Yuri are for girls, girl x girl
somedays of my life i become damn despo for a boyfriend
till i end up drawing yaoi ~ idk how the hell tat happen !
i swear ! don't ask why either ! i just love BL ( boy love aka yaoi)
*retarded moments part 4 *

YAY ! rock on asian power !
from left to right
china,korea,hong kong & japan
all this characters are from hetalia
Hetalia: Axis Powers is actually an anime
all the characters are named after their country
*retarded moment part 5*
i spend most of my time plurking then anything
first thing in the
when i wake up i ~
- On my computer
- brush my teeth
- Open Mozilla firefox
- Restaurant City
- Country Story
- Plurk ( all day )
- Surfing the net ( at youtube watching craps)
- Msn
- watch anime
- Dinner
- Otaku time table ~
( wakes up in the afternoon/evening and sleeps in the morning)
thats what i do during my holidays
i only go out when its needed
or someone
*retarded moment part 6~7 *
yes this is an extremely long post
cos its the last day of 2009 ! so i'll post everything i wanna say
in 2009 before its too late !
*retarded moments part 8 *
i hardly on audi nowdays
idk why. kinda lost interest in it.( i never say i lost interest in my audi frens!)
somemore next year busy year; doubt i got time for it also.
*retarded moments part 9 *
yeah! im going to be a 18 year old hag next year.
get to watch M18 movies (after birthday ~ at oct so far )
get to do whatever i want :D

*M18 retarded crap*
by the way the fella in 2 pony tail & cream all over his body
is a guy ~ all characters all from hetalia ~
the 1 in pink is taiwan
the 1 in green is japan
the 1 in white/blue is korea
the 1 in cream is china
* last retarded moments *
i will never 4get 4E1'08 ! i miss you all ):
if time can turn back i would i want it to be 2005
the year we all first met each other at
paya lebar methodist girls school (sec)
i would wish time would stop for a moment
just for us to be together once more (;
things i learned this year ~ ~~~~~
i learn how to chance 6 key ( audi )
i learn about mechanical stuff ( in school )
i learn what the hell is Vocaloids
i learn what the hell is Hetalia
i learn to treasure the times with my frens (rating from real to online friends)
i learn to for------give ~ but hard to for---------get ==
i learn my mistakes of the past
i learn that i become more manly -.- for some reason.
i learn how to keep my hair long again
i learn how to draw handsome young mans
i learn how to fall in love with silent hill arts
i learn that there is 1 bitch that stll bad mouthing about us(4e1'08)
even though 1 year pass already you still can do that ! pro leh you.
you not tired? but im damn tired to the core
what happened this year?????
alot of good and stuff happened
there are alot of things i gain and lose
but its okay. everything comes in a price.
there is no such thing as a free meal in this world !
i did alot of stuff like ~
getting contact lens,dying my hair, meet up with old frens
get back in contact with long lost friends
friends that are link to another friend
( i swear singapore is too damn small )
and many more stuff ;D i can't list them all here
cos the post is already damn long
well i guess i should stop blogging already
its so bloody long already !
damn wordy and damn alot of random pictures
ahh who cares ! as long im happy can already
besides who the hell gonna read my super duper long post?
i type this for the fun it ! YAY owntage !#$%^&*
that was random! damn random to the core ~!
i better stop blogger before japan (from hetalia)
crawls out from the tv like this picture

the correct picture/thing crawling out is THE RING
that scary woman.. ( that woman freak me out till today )
i am damn scare of her -.- even today my tv is like cover by a cloth !
( i scare she crawl out of my tv or i see something fuzzy )
i decided to put all the bad times/thing behind my back
and i won't talk about it anymore (;
To: old enemies and others ~
time past already; time to grow up
its very tiring to hate forever.
so.. forgive and forget ~
( i got no right to say that cos i can't 4get lol)
wish ya all a good 2010 ! BYEEE ! MUACKS
heres a sexy picture of england(from hetalia) for all the
happy/crazy/otaku/weird/yaoi fangirls out there ;D

- With Love
Celyn Ang ! :D