Sunday, 25 July 2010

yay i have not blog for a long time ~ like yeah LOL
too lazy somehow? i spend most of my time at forum(private server maple)

i somehow quitted audi already. too lazy to play -.-"

and yeah ~ i haven even buy my memory stick for my psp
worst case the shop that i buy from shuts down already lOLOLOLOLOL
too lazy to blog what happen ~ i'll just blog about yesterday

yesterday i went for sylvia's birthday ~ we went to the k-box with
uncle william,kimberly and rachelle ~
kinda shocking to see kimberly sing lol ! seriously
had a great time. played with rachelle LOL

came back at 11pm ++ tired ):
worst thing was like my feet hurts =_=''
due to the new shoe. the back of the shoe kinda rub against my feet~
some of my skin came out =_=' pain like hell ~~~~~~~~

anything msn me instead ~ LOL k bye

Monday, 5 July 2010

its been a long time since i blogged.
during the holidays i did a few fun stuff ;]
what i did from 9 june'10 to 4 july'10?

went out with sylvia jie for movies.

went out with wei xin for movies and shopping
the shopping part kinda epic adventure lol.

went out with my parents + wei xin to east coast beach to bbq
it was a fun and great day. went roller blading with wei xin too.

went out for chalet with was kinda terrible
came back half dead. kinda suffered there.
when i reach home my arm was like aching like mad
it was really painful.

went out with my brother and his family to the beach
eat alot and had alot of fun. even though i don't really like his wife.
but it was okay. since its been a long time.
since we all go out together to have fun and stuff like that.
my brother is kinda troublesome. keep calling in the morning
to change time/place to go. kinda tired on that day.

*whispers* i still haven buy my psp modify memory stick
(read the post before this one for more detail)

i keep saying " ok im gonna buy it today ! "
end of the day also never buy !! ALAMAK !!
maybe later after school im going to buy.. NO WAIT
im going mei yun's house after school. so i'll be buying it on tue
AH DAMN !! ): so sorry my dear psp. you needa wait for meeeeeeeeee
AHEMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!! back to topic.

alot of crazy stuff happened too much to be listed here.

and yeah, i have resume back to private server maple.
currently playing c's ms. im a donor there.
i did a gm app. sadly no more picking of gms.
due to im late for 1 week LOL cause the week before
they already pick a gm ): !! needa wait for the next time.

during the holiday i also played audi. but rarely.
i spend more time at c's ms. once a mapler always a mapler.

well in 6 hours time im going back to school.
this will be my final term of the year.
and i'll be going higher nitec. hopefully after that go poly.
im getting scare somehow. -sigh-

time pass so fast and my holidays always feel so short.
i'll study for another 6 week then holiday again for 2 weeks.
then study 6 week again then holiday 2 weeks..
after that final year exam.. tsk ~_~

currently i can't sleep at all i dont even know why.not sleepy
kinda worry for my dad. he's been sick for a week already.
i hope he get well soon :| ! im scared if anything happens to him
im really scare.....

whenever i think about the time he went to the hospital 2 years ago.
i'm really scare of losing my dad.. not just him.. my mom as well.
2 years ago.. so many things happened.. its like so sudden..
it makes me scare. really scare...sometimes i even cried.
there are even times i wish someone could help me...
but i really don't know who to go
-sigh- can somebody save me? i don't even know
i am beyond help.. or not ~