Thursday, 31 March 2011

Had lunch with wei ting at hougang mall.
found 10 bucks with wei ting. shared and bought a lot of tidbits
bought honey pork ribs too :B ! omg the forbidden food ! taste so good ): but painful LOL
next week tightening T___T i'm scared !

today i saw a hairband with a fringe wig on it LOL ! look damn epic i feel like buying it
maybe i should buy it ! then take a picture with it LOLOLOLOL

fucking big pimple ): still here FML
WTF IS THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS? some kind of sick joke ):

and im broke for the week ): FML

k today short post maybe will have more later? lol see how bye

shitty pimple -.- ~ maybe cause i got so pissed off that my face grew a fucking big pimple
got so pissed off at forum ~ tsk !!!

Vaan lvl 100 ! weeeeeeee :D !
a bit lazy to play story 013. completed story 012. now playing story 000
1) Chasm of the Rotting Land (Cavern of Earth,save some moogle) -done-
2) Curses and Hopes of Yore (Cavern of Earth too, fight Shantotto here) -done-
3) Land of the Stolen Crown (Marsh Caves, fight Gabranth here) -done-
4) South Lufenian Gateway (North of Crescent Lake, fight Fedal.Chaos) SOON !

i was having a hard time at land of the stolen crown ==
all the npc are frigging powerful & scary zzz
cannot imagine south lufenian gateway ! fighting fedal chaos D:

unlocked Prishe & Gamalesh or whatever this dude's name LOl
i still haven play report 01 ~ 07 ~ report 08 & 09 done LOL did it just to unlock this 2 characters

So hungry ~ i been trying not to eat ~ just to slim down :\
i skipped lunch =w= and now in the middle of the night im hungry ): !
why am i always so hungry T_________T !

I can't sleep ): so sleepy ! ~ school reopening in 1 week + time
im gonna keep long fringe ~ like a ghost ~ LMAO
braces tightening coming soon in 8 days D: !
maybe i should eat texas chicken before going for tightening LMAO !

whatever ! lazy to continue blogging D:

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Today went out with wei xin & kath leen to watch big momma ;D
after the movie played dissidia 012 with xin LOL :X

currently rotting ~ damn bored and sleepy
period sucks ~ makes me tired and sleepy ): backache too =w="

maybe going to bed soon ~ very sleepy ~
sunday samzy & xin coming over to watch horror movie :D
1 week 5days of holiday left ): ! oh well =w= !

Zandy is such an attention seeker -.-
littler fucker... keep lying saying she have gotten over her ex bf
and now she's like posting shits on how she miss him.
not just that... she even wants to be a prostitute -.-
whatever ! she wants to jump off a building or whatever i dont care anymore

not worth being angry/sad at a friend that degrade herself as low as a germ -.-
tsk ! why i even have such a pathetic primary school friend -.-'

Monday, 28 March 2011


26 mom's birthday :D ate a lot of meat at her birthday party LOL :X

27 play dissidia 012 almost the whole day

Today same thing played dissidia 012 :D
Vaan lvl 75 now :X LOL !
i think something wrong with my body =..= i dunno why my period is late this month :\
last month 25 came this month like 28 already still not here D: wtf?
hopefully it comes soon :\ ~ its not like im stress or anything O_O or am i? stress over dissidia

currently downloading bram's kingdom hearts UI i wonder how it look like
Tml going out with wei xin & kathleen to watch Big Momma : Like father like son

Friday, 25 March 2011

continue on wed afternoon ~ previous post i did it in the morning
i went out with wei xin to her driving centre played a bit of dissidia 012 with her
but her batt flat ): sad ! walked in the rain @@' came home sick
din even on the computer on that day . wanted to~ but got scolded
so end up playing dissidia 012 HEHEHEHEHEH!

yesterday did nothing much ~ got angry at msn for no reason ~ i must be crazy
my mom said i look like grelle from kuroshitsuji LOL !
the only thing is his hair is red and eye greenish yellow LOL
i was like FML ! HELL NO but thinking about it yeah kinda LMAO
should go doing that SHINIGAMI DEATH line that he always said :X

today ~ woke up at 8.40am dunno why LOl started playing dissidia 012
yeah the previous dissidia day i set it on friday too :B my favorite day

went out with mei yun to hougang point then to compass point
had to eat lunch at hougang point ~ after that we travel to compass point
bought mom's birthday present :D tml is her birthday ^^
thanks mei yun for accompanying me :D
bought kuroshitsuji book 4 too :D ! i love that manga too ;x

came back home ~ headache ==" dunno why
and now kinda like stomachache @@" tchhhh ~

weeeee and today is actually the official day for dissidia 012 : final fantasy release :D
ROFL i downloaded it before it's been release @@' after all the internet is awesome :D
k lazy to blog ~ if there is any error here i wont edit it anymore ~ heck care ~
DISSIDIA 012 TIME ! bonus ending soon ): 12am end T___T !

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Change of hair parting and new specs LOL
my forehead is high ): FML =w='

K~ i was too lazy to blog ~
yesterday followed mom to the hospital to remove her stitches
Got my new specs too. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
the day before i downloaded dissidia 012 !! XD so happy !

so addictive ! been playing it like crazy
send xin her dissidia 012 ;D left my computer over night for it lol

currently playing all start bowling with jo lol
slept early woke up at 8am for it @____@'

oh well maybe more updates in the night or so LOL going to play dissida 012 :X tata

Sunday, 20 March 2011

FML in maple -..- nowadays some players are so rude... tsk
BEST DAY ! mom and dad bought me a pair of new specs ;D
and currently downloading dissidia 012 !!! :D can't wait for it !

woke up at 6am + today ==' din sleep all the way till now ~ damn tired
very tempted to join jin's server ~ when she offered me admin slot LOL -greedy-
but im not willing to leave the pserver ms =w=' ~ afterall her server just open :\
don't really liked anyone in there as well ~ so not worth LOL

maybe going to bed early == so damn sleepy ~ dying
i don't feel like going to fam house chalet tml ): a bit lazy ~

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Friday & Sat

Friday ~ slept at night woke up at 6am
got pissed off at ikaros and a certain someone
went online at maple host 5 rounds of hide and seek

7.50am left home ~ reached tampines interchange~ waited for yun
reached school did some paperwork saw joey and marcus ._."
after doing all the paper work from station 1 to 5
they are still there filling in station 1 item LOL ! wth?
hopefully the 2 of 'em are not in my future class =='
and hope yun will be in the same class as me D:

after doing all the shitty paperwork ~ went century square to eat 'too early lunch' LOL
not long later xin join along ;] chit chat went home ~ reached home at 5pm +?
rotted died~

maple ~ epicnesss.... login for 2-3mins
maintenance till not long ago ==' urgh whatever

im not willing to do something just to be something i want ...
its a ridiculous request... and i will never do it ==
must work hard for it... ~ maybe i wont get it either lol

im so jealous at vanny O: she can go crazy over her bf
i doubt i can =w=' ~ oh well ~ she loves him so much
they are made to be together. she's so pretty

k fml nothing to do =w=' ~

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Tue ~ Today was kinda lazy to blog but decided to

Tue : went to the hospital with mom & dad -nothing much-
Wed : more like early morning 10am sleep till 6pm + FML the char kuey teow
look so fucking turn off -.- made me angry ! went back to sleep till 12am +

Today slept at 7am + woke up at like 10am +
1pm + met xinxin & kath leen ;] ! wasted 10 dollars on capsule machine at compass point LOL
worth it and it's damn funny looking at xinxin's reaction, had lunch there
went to seng kang swimming complex
had a 'childish' fun with xinxin & kath leen LOL! we were like playing
'swimming catching' x_x xinxin & kath leen give up chasing me LOLOLOL
i was like 'hopping my way' instead of swimming rofl !
had dinner at hougang mall :D

for the whole day xinxin & i keep saying FML,FML,FML,FML,FML,FML !
from afternoon till the day we go home LOL dunno why ==' so addictive

Just reach home ~ washed my swimming costume and etc
now so sleepy ==' my eyes BURNS ! painful D:

tml going back to school to do shitty paper work ): FML
decided to join taekwondo for fun ~ just for cca points
when i go poly im so gonna quit that -..- ~ AND I WILL JOIN KENDO :D !

And also i realize a lot of fucking attention seeker here and there
so irritating ~ some people .. totally FUCKING HARASSING and ANNOYING GEEZ FML
best part ! hell a lot of liars !

k time for me to send my irritating brother mom's picture =="
thats all for today ~ maybe shall update later? maybe not whatever !

Mood for the day :
Happy from 12nn to 8pm
PISSED OFF from 8pm ~ IDK

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Today ~ more like yesterday i din sleep ~ till 2pm +
12nn + went for lunch with my parents
1~2pm + helped mom on cooking since she can't use her right hand
after that went to bed till 11+ ~
saw wenhui and vanessa's sms on the new dgm at 5/6pm +

i was like ~ ahh? no surprise if that person become dgm, no big deal ~
after all she's somewhat famous for being slutty,attention seeker or
whatever so nothing shocking to me pffttt ~
went back to bed ~ woke up at 11+ mom woke me up x___x'

had super late dinner ~ tml going hospital with mom again
wed hopefully nothing ~ so i can sleep
thurs going swimming with kath leen
fri going back to school for paper work =.=
sat & sun ~ i dunno ~~ no idea yet LOL

currently my braces ~ aint so bad ? gotten used to the ulcer
can't feel the pain anymore ~ as for eating still have a little problem
not used to it yet =w= some part of my teeth still hurts zz
8 april going for tightening ==" dooms day LOL

Nowadays in Pserver kinda weird ._.
suddenly so many people confessing to me
i was like =="? valentine's day is over what's with all the LOVE
lol my answer forever the same ~ i prefer being alone ~ LOL

dislike a few people in game
can't trust some people ~
some people are just some bloody liars
so damn bloody gross ~
not just that ~ even some on my msn i can't trust too ==
can't tell if they are serious or not ~
so many lies flying here and there
whateverrrrrrrr ~

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Yesterday went to the hospital with mom
she went to the day surgery area to operate her trigger finger
reached there at 12nn + ~ 1.30 her surgery start ~ i went for lunch during that time
came back 30mins + later ~ played kingdom hearts birth by sleep while waiting for her
everything is done by 3pm + reached home at 4pm + went to bed till 12am + LOl !

This morning while brushing my teeth i was like ahhh so lazy to remove the wax on the braces ~
need to replace with new 1 everytime i brush ==' so i decided not to put any wax
and let the scratch my inner lips and mouth ~ now i have even more ulcer
i can't tell which is more pain ==' the teeth or the lips? i dunno ~~~
maybe both equally painful? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

my lips are kinda dry as well =='
need to buy chap stick ~ or lip balm ~ or lip gloss ~ or whatever its called

so sad ): an earthquake hit japan and the author of hello kitty and pokemon died ):
now i dunno who else died ~ sad D: !

recently xinxin is like some zombie~ she hardly have the mood to talk lol
maybe something bad happen or whatever i dunno :\
tml going to watch rango with her ;D !

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

yesterday went to play pool with mei hui,wei ting and hui's friend, it was fun

today fml =.= my teeth so fking painful ~
i close my mouth in a 'CHOMP' hard way =w=
FML ! now it's so painful zzzzzzzzzz

somehow things gotten worst :\
mom's finger got problem,friday going for operation
now her neck have some lump ==' hopefully is nothing bad :\

now rotting my way ~ my pain have like a gallery of ulcers ~ so painful

MmmMm, Skittles i can taste the rain of 'pain' ~ k stop asking LOL
that was random =w=' so bored ! k bye

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Today my braces was being a bitch ==' so painful zz~

First thing i did was put a damn big amount of salt on the ulcer

in the afternoon bought watermelon frost (chinese ulcer power thingy)
zi jie said it's good ~ but to me taste like shit ==' doesnt work ~ making it worst

in the evening ~ mom bought 1 tube of ulcer cream ~ doesn't work make it worst

night time ~ samzy intro to me Bonjela ulcer cream that 1 work like wonders ~
so nice :D 5min later i dont feel the pain anymore :D

had dinner at hougang point with yun~ ate some mee pok dry o_o'
so bloody hard to eat ==' pain like a bitch tsk
bought the bonjela ulcer cream there ;D

now rotting ~
yesterday so bloody pissed off during the night
so damn irritating ~ so many people keep annoying me tsk =.='
seriously zzzz speechless

FML ! 2 years 6months to go ! ==''! hopefully next week i'll feel better

Saturday, 5 March 2011

LOL alot of random faces

Samantha,Me & Wei xin :D
): their face got cut half, wei xin's braces days are over ~
now left samzy and me ! RAWWWRRRR !

Went to jurong east swimming complex with samzy and wei xin
it was fun ;> but braces not fun LOL ~
had kfc for lunch ~ having damn fuggy big problem with eating~ took a long time to finish the food ~ =='

currently pain level ~~ 4/10,separators more painful ): ~~~~
bottom teeth still pain ==' ate some painkillers ~ but still pain ~

i dont even feel hungry ~ so sleepy and bored =='
k lazy to blog tata

Friday, 4 March 2011

OMG I SAW TIDUSxCLOUDxLEON ! -fan girl squeal- JK
i look faggy HAHAHAHAHA

Wei ting accompanied me to the dentist ;D
it took about 10~20mins for the dentist to the braces on for me
when she took out the separators i was like 'WEEEE FREEDOM' !
then when she put the braces im like ' NOOO HELLLLLLL!'

At first i sounded weird =w='
cause i dunno how to talk with the braces on ~
after sometime i got used to it ;D
went to wei ting's work place to collect her pay $$$$
ate takoyaki =w= and alot of food stuck on my braces ): like ewww

reached home at 7pm + bathed ~ ate dinner
another set of food stuck ==' ~ went to brush again LOL

Yesterday went out with wei xin to watch ' the great great world '
awesome movie :D ! chit chat with her and rushed home =w=' LOL

now i'm so sleepy and in pain =w='
tml going swimming with samantha and wei xin O:
weeeeeeee ouch LOL ! going to bed soon ~


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Changed my desktop picture to this LOL :X
i kinda like this picture damn awesome :D

Photobucket Vanitas : HA HA HA HA HA HA !
i'll never forget vanitas's japanese laugh on youtube
sounds so weird compare to the english version ~ but still awesome :D

tired to sleep early =.=' but can't end up coming back online LOL
i have insomnia ~ or ... i'm just a freak ;D whatever ~

so damn bloody bored ): nothing to do ~
why all my pri-school friends so weird , 2.30pm = early? wtf? its like already in the afternoon !
geeezzz why so weird ~ i also dunno ? karaoke canceled ~

tml ~ staying at home to rot ~ then wait for mom to come back cook samba chicken wing~
then slack ~ munch munch ~ friday braces =w=''

went to watch shinchan movie on the funshion program
damn epic movie ;D maybe i shall download more of them to watch LOL

k i'm damn fking bored =w=' ! shall find something to do now ! -poof-

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

okay im almost, completely kinda used to the separators lol
not complaining about the pain anymore ^^ happily munching on chocolates LOL

3 days more to braces ~ and yeah im torturing myself ~
after i put my braces im going out with wei ting then sat going to the swimming pool with samzy and wei xin LOL

Omg FML why yuna's english voice actress so fking robotic like aqua's -.-
the way she shout bahamut totally... speechless... ~ and why some people like aqua's eng voice actress =.=
so fucking robotic and gross ew ~ tskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

english voice actor/actress suck D: ! i wish the game could be like in japanese
but english sub/game play ): that would be the PERFECT GAME EVERRRRR !

oh well =.=' ! even laguna's english voice actor suck ): fml
nvm 25 march 2011 ! dissidia 012 coming out ! hopefully it reaches the net by mid april or so!
can't wait for it ;D !! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

i dunno why so fucking bored :\
and for some reason im still angry at some people =.='
some people are meant to be togetherrrrrrr !

maybe i should keep my webcam for good -..-" webcam = evil
but i need the webcam if not my brother want to talk to mom and dad~ tsk

omg why everytime i hear roxas/ventus's theme song ~ so sad ):
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy D: -dies-

k im going to find some shit to do =.=
i'm kinda bored ~ read all sort of random manga till bored

tata ~