Sunday, 6 March 2011

Today my braces was being a bitch ==' so painful zz~

First thing i did was put a damn big amount of salt on the ulcer

in the afternoon bought watermelon frost (chinese ulcer power thingy)
zi jie said it's good ~ but to me taste like shit ==' doesnt work ~ making it worst

in the evening ~ mom bought 1 tube of ulcer cream ~ doesn't work make it worst

night time ~ samzy intro to me Bonjela ulcer cream that 1 work like wonders ~
so nice :D 5min later i dont feel the pain anymore :D

had dinner at hougang point with yun~ ate some mee pok dry o_o'
so bloody hard to eat ==' pain like a bitch tsk
bought the bonjela ulcer cream there ;D

now rotting ~
yesterday so bloody pissed off during the night
so damn irritating ~ so many people keep annoying me tsk =.='
seriously zzzz speechless

FML ! 2 years 6months to go ! ==''! hopefully next week i'll feel better

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