i slept at 5.30am +
i was playing OMGpop games with Cory,Jo & Vanny
at first i thought.. maybe i dont wanna go ):
because i'm so lazy ! but end of the day i decided to go :D !
after all it's been a long time since the 3 of use went out ;)
woke up at 10.30am
get ready and stuff ~ etc etc
lie down on my bed ~ since there is like 10mins left to 11am
samzy called and told me it's raining ~
she called xin and i was like busy playing psp on my bed ~ din talk at all
she thought i hanged up LOL !
time changed ~ meet at 1130 at macdonalds
11.25 left home ~ slowly walk to the macs
had early lunch with samzy at macs ;D
sadly xin already had her brunch ~
made our way to the 88 bus stop and took a pic LOL
my fringe..... short ;_;"
regret 'DIY' cutting LOlOLOL !

took another few more on the bus LOL

ikr ? we look 'tardy' LOL

made our way to the otaku fest ;D
we saw a lot of vocaloid cosplayers LOL !
its like half of the cosplayers there are vocaloids
most of them are miku/len & rin LOL
among the cosplayers i saw a lot of "Matryoshka theme" vocaloids LOL
i saw grell and madam red + kuroshitsuji cosplayers :D
madam red look awesome +_+ !
there are other cosplayers too
some are lolitas LOL
most of the cosplayers are .... short ._.'
but it's a pretty cool event ;D
i din regret going ! ;3 !
i wanna cosplay ):
maybe we will cosplay for the dec holiday's otaku fest :X
see first HAHHHAHAHA
bought some cute caps ;D
my gray kitty cap looks like it wanna eat my brain @@

i look sleepy @@"

it's really very very very very very HOOOTTTTT out there ;_;
i can't believe those cosplayers can stand the heat
watching them wear so many layers of clothes
it's like a torture ! D:
-whispers- some of them have 'cracked faces'
as in... their make up/powder on the face cracked @@"
break time ~ before going to popeyes for snack/lunch
i took off my cap and lend it to xin :D
i can't take it @@" its hot and i'm sweating ):

-random shock face- LOL

after snack/lunch time
xin got to go ): she has to go for her driving lessions
so samzy and i head back home ;]
and here i'm blogging !
maybe i'll edit again tonight ;D if anything happens?
or not LOLOLOLOLOl ! bye :x
after blogging/read manga/watch anime/check facebook
i took a nap ;D ! woke up at 8.30 LOl !
so sleepy x_x' !
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