aahhh i can't sleep. currently i been living in a .... part-time~
otaku/hikikomori/vampire lifestyle.
waking up when the sun sets and sleeping when the sun raise.
been going out in the middle of the night with ting.
doing my usual stuff and nothing new/change so far
just completed watching yondemasu yo azazel san
found the manga version of it. sadly it was only in chinese...
plus my chinese is so... goddammit poor -.-
quite happy that my jap improve :D but... -sigh- long way to go !
still crazy over ao no exorcist.
been reading fanfictions at fanfiction.net
now i'm like open up to more different ao no exorcist pairing.
felt that my english somewhat improve ~
i feel like writing a fanfic of my own ~ but i doubt i can ==''
my english is still as poor as everrrrrr ~
i hope my parents agree on going to thailand with my brother.
so that i can have my home alone time !
having the house to myself = best thing ever.
i refuse to go thailand with them -.-
yes as much as i want to go out of singapore~ i just refuse to go there !
its not like i hate the country... i just have no interest in it....
there is nothing that spark my interest...
if you asked me where i want to go.. i would pick somewhere with four seasons !
i want to see snow..... well... if no snow... that's okay ~
at least go somewhere interesting !! like hong kong disney land ! somewhere fun !!
if not.. don't even think of me joining you ! =.= !!
i rather stay at home and have the whole house to myself for the week !
that would be PERFECT ! i can invite some friends to stay over too.
but noooooooo ~
you just have to reject the trip and stay at home blah blah blah
people always say they envy others having family time with them.. etc etc..
yeah its nice once awhile but i still prefer being alone in my room with no 1 disturbing me.
yes i enjoy spending time with my friends and so on.
but i need my own time to be alone~ doing my own things ==''
hope they will change their mind -..- ! tsk
back to reading fanfic ~ tata
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