Friday, 31 October 2008


Today is so pissing -.- first thing i wake up at 5pm on computer
this [GM]Tenshi msn me ask me host his maple
and said that he cancel the dedicated thing -.-
what the fuck? people waiting for your sever to dedicated do can play all timing
and all you do if cancel and stuff like that? wow how selfish of you ~
better still you are making the problem more and more fucked up
so pek chek of your nonsense ~ I QUIT !! i don't want to be your faggot GM anymore
nor play your noob shit maple !! im tired i would rather wait for my kingdom hearts games
to come then play your shitty maple ! goddamn noob !! so du lan -.-
seriously if you say you're 22 and working now ~ I FUCKING DON'T BELIEVE ! cb kia -.-

For dinner quite happy :D ~
mom cooked chilli crab weeeeeeeee !
I love it x) now i shall continue rotting ~

- Any nice game to play? intro to me please x) - !

when i look at this picture i feel so happy LOL X:
Roxas & Sora Pictures, Images and Photos
Did some lame quiz to kill time

[ ] You drink a lot of tea.
[ ] You know what a brolly is.
[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. (I hate that damn show.)
[ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.
[ ] You use the word "bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell."
[x] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[ ] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[x] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[ ] Its football...not soccer.
Total: 2

[ ] You wear flip flops all year.
[ ] You call flipflops thongs not flip flops.
[ ] You love a backyard barbie.
[x] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[x] You love the beach.
[ ] Sometimes you swear without realizing. (Oh ho, yes.)
[ ] You're a sports fanatic.
[ ] You are tanned.
[ ] You're a bit of a bogan. (lololololno)
[ ] You have an australian something
Total: 2

[ ] The Sopranos is a great show.
[ ] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[ ] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[ ] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] You know Italian songs.
[x] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[ ] You speak some italian.
[ ] You are under 5'10''
[ ] You know what a italian horn is
[x] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world!
[ ] You talk with your hands.
Total: 2

[ ] You say member instead of Remember.
[ ] You speak spanish or some.
[x] You like tacos.
[ ] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr. (NEVER IN MY LIFE)
[ ] You are dark skinned.
[ ] You know what a Puta is. (Is it dirty?)
[ ] You talk fast occasionally.
[ ] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[ ] You know what platanos are.
Total: 1

[ ] You say villian as: Vee-lon.
[x] You get short tempered.
[ ] You know of somebody named natasha.
[ ] You get cold easily.
[x] Rain is fun for you.
[ ] You get into contests all the time.
[x] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
Total: 3

[ ] You think beer is the best.
[x] You have a bad temper.
[ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.
[ ] You have blue or green eyes.
[ ] You like the color green.
[ ] You have been to a st. pattys day party.
[ ] You have a family member from
[ ] You have hair everywhere.
[ ] You have/had freckles.
[ ] Your family get togethers always include drinking and singing.
Total: 1

African American
[ ] You say nigga/nukka casually
[ ] You have nappy hair. (What's that?)
[ ] You like rap.
[ ] You know how to shoot a gun
[ ] You think President George Walker Bush is racist. (I dunno... I just hate him)
[x] You like chicken.
[x] You like watermelon.
[ ] You can dance.
[ ] You can 'sing' gospel.
Total: 2

[ ] You have slanty/small eyes.(HELL NO)
[x] You like rice a lot.
[ ] You are good at math. (NO WAY *hate maths*)
[ ] You have played the piano.
[x] You have family from asia.
[x] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[x] Most people think you're chinese.(IM CHINESE LOL !)
[x] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[ ] You go to Baulko.(whats that?)
Total: 5

[x] You like bread.
[x] You think German Chocolate is good.
[ ] You Speak some German.
[ ] You know what Schnitzel is.
[ ] You it when stupid people call you a .(??? no idea what you're talking)
[x] You went to Pre-school.
[x] You're over 5'2.
Total: 4

[x] You like/play/played hockey.( love them !)
[ ] You love beer.
[x] You say eh.
[ ] You know what poutine is.
[ ] You speak some french.
[ ] You love Tim Horton's.
[ ] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[ ] You watch/watched degrassi.
Total: 1

[ ] You foriegners.
[ ] You non - Christians.
[x] You're lazy.
[ ] You are not cultured.
[ ] You abortion.
[ ] But love the penalty.
[ ] You don't read.
[ ] You shop at walmart.
[ ] You think this survey is rather biased.
Total: 1

[Im ASIAN weeeee (im asian anyway) * score 5 on that * ]
[ So proud to be an ASIAN ]

Today another day meeting Wei ting at her work place
bought some tokyo japanese curry at the 7/11 taste horrible
its like " indian curry + sweet " mix ~ sort of thing ~
quite scary feeling =.=" * don't know what to say ... *
i still like the hot type better then SWEET

Haha nothing much ~ did some msning ~ and played neopets -.-"
( I WAS BORED !!! since i not mapling cos server is OFFLINE)
while msning ~~~~
[GM]Tenshi is getting more n more of an ass ~
..want to make server dedicated or not he also cannot make up his mind
whats with him? totally like -.- ~ seriously nothing to say ~
i tot my rl brother is worst DIN KNOW hes WORST then HIM

[ Can say ああああああああああ !! AHHHHHHHHH ! ]
- Faggot day ~ what the fag did i type >_>" ?!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

i got so bored till i download bannstory
after downloading Bannedstory and made this siggy.
my maple character Mizore and my favourite kh bbs character ventus
its like so random LOL :X
:x poor roxas ~

(what i use)
BannedStory program & Adobe Photoshop 7.0
down load bannedstory at

cute hor LOL

Happy Birthday Wei Ting x)


Kingdom Hearts

Happy birthday wei ting x) !

Well time fly so fast ~
seems like yesterday i was 12 ,today im 16 ~ tmr im 21

Today was a totally boring day
spend my time reading love monster(some hentai manga)
and watching some mmv(music maple video) stories

Not long later i came across a kingdom heart video
its so different, it was kingdom hearts birth by sleep (coming soon 2009)
this is the video i saw

No more sora and gang anymore
its like new people such as ventus, terra and aqua
something like sora , riku and kairi
the weirdest thing was like VENTUS ! for short they call him Ven
OH MY GOD ! he look like roxas !! so kawaii !!
Ventus (left) Roxas ( right)
the first time i saw him was at the kingdom hearts 2
special ending LOL ! i tot he was roxas
look so much alike !! the saddest thing in the video
he was killed by Xehanort frozen to death ):
stupid baldie ._. you suck ~ besides in kingdom hearts 2
you look more better with hair ._."

why does all the best friend of the main character like that
Terra(ventus's best friend) succumbs to darkness in order to gain power
why terra so stupid like riku -.-
i just don't understand or can say never will ~
sad to say kingdom hearts birth by sleep is a psp game~

after all this i went to on my ps2 and started playing
kingdom hearts 2 ~ oh my god i miss roxas so much
seeing him makes me happy (don't know why)
after the chapter when roxas disappear and sora take over
abit sad ~ my beloved roxas gone >: level 20 LOL ~!
so crappy ~ love sora also ~ train till lvl 99 max
weeeeee ! * so proud of sora *

okay la i go back play my game le tata x)

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

lols today was a totally crazy day x)
just reach home to blog awhile then off to bed x)
woke up at 3pm + and started watching anime
after SO SO SO ~ long i decided to watch
code geass ~ guess what
i watch wrong season =.= i go watch season 2 instead of 1
LOL code geass R2 -.-

around 6+ i made my way to the bus stop
to go compass point to meet my best friend (:
i miss the goddamn bus -.- so suey...

more suey thing i remember wrongly
wei ting end work at 11pm today !!
i tot it was 8pm leh ! wo de tian !!
and i go there so early ! so crappy !!
i waited from like 7+ to 11+ just for her

while waiting ~
i went to action city to look around
for a nice birthday present for her :D
sadly action city stuff nothing nice at all ):
so i decided to make my way to Mini Toons
and bought her a cute bear :X
(cannot reveal what bear ! she haven open LOL)
and her birthday is 29 oct coming soon !!
her sweet 16 ! yay can watch nc-16 with me LOL ! :X

i gave her the present when her work ends
hope she likes it x)
*pray hard* lols

the best thing was like after her work
we went to 7/11 to buy food to eat lols
i bought spaghetti and she bought some
cp wanton soup. quite funny
cos we can't open the thing x_x too hot hahaha !
don't know why so funny also LOL
(we must be mad xP)

we were like making fun of this lady
who say " faster run last train le !" (in chinese)
i said aiya later you run down just nice last train gone already
LOL ! wei ting say im so mean
hahahahaha well today is really the best day
out of the many days i been rotting hahahaha

okay la going to sleep already cannot take it x_X nites !

Monday, 27 October 2008

haha ... back to blog one more time

Its been awhile since i blog..
i just come back for the fun of it
i totally forgotten my password
quite silly of me hahaha !

ever since holiday started i was totally rotting at home
my classmates/friends are looking for a job
as for me , im lazy and still rotting my ass off
rot till read so many kind of manga till sian
no new anime/manga either so boring

currently being a Game Master of TenshiMS
well the server is so empty... damn boring also
quite sucky since [GM]NeRo is such a fcked up
son of a bitch, he should not name himself nero
cause.. Nero(Devil may Cry 4 )
is such a HANDSOME young man
and sad to say... YOU AINT HANDSOME !!

he wanted my ss of my character
for some video he making and i said
" i don't have any ss of my character"
" what for i want to take pics of my character for nth?"
and he said
" mai gei gei leh "
i reply :
" really bo la , besides take solo pic like so vain"
the cb reply :
" eh don't so fcked up leh sure got one lor u"
what kind of shit is that? i already say NO,NO means NO
don't you understand ENGLISH!? bastard =.=

i kinda miss school somehow
its been like almost 3 weeks + since school ended
now days nothing much to do
only going out with my best friend wei ting
or chit chat of my maple sea friend dinasti

Time pass so fast~ don't you think so?
what kind of ALIENS am i gonna meet next year?
well.. will there be gangsters? or some fake ah beng/lians?
haiz i totally don't know D: and also
one thing i don't understand till today~
why some people are so thick skin!?
they are well... UGLY or maybe not so nice looking
yet they keep saying their BEAUTIFUL
WHY!? i really don't understand ...
maybe i'll never understand it for life
who knows?
oh dear ! what to buy for my beloved best friend
on her sweet 16 birthday coming soon
oh dear ~ this is bad ! no idea what to buy !
This is so