Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Kingdom Hearts

Happy birthday wei ting x) !

Well time fly so fast ~
seems like yesterday i was 12 ,today im 16 ~ tmr im 21

Today was a totally boring day
spend my time reading love monster(some hentai manga)
and watching some mmv(music maple video) stories

Not long later i came across a kingdom heart video
its so different, it was kingdom hearts birth by sleep (coming soon 2009)
this is the video i saw

No more sora and gang anymore
its like new people such as ventus, terra and aqua
something like sora , riku and kairi
the weirdest thing was like VENTUS ! for short they call him Ven
OH MY GOD ! he look like roxas !! so kawaii !!
Ventus (left) Roxas ( right)
the first time i saw him was at the kingdom hearts 2
special ending LOL ! i tot he was roxas
look so much alike !! the saddest thing in the video
he was killed by Xehanort frozen to death ):
stupid baldie ._. you suck ~ besides in kingdom hearts 2
you look more better with hair ._."

why does all the best friend of the main character like that
Terra(ventus's best friend) succumbs to darkness in order to gain power
why terra so stupid like riku -.-
i just don't understand or can say never will ~
sad to say kingdom hearts birth by sleep is a psp game~

after all this i went to on my ps2 and started playing
kingdom hearts 2 ~ oh my god i miss roxas so much
seeing him makes me happy (don't know why)
after the chapter when roxas disappear and sora take over
abit sad ~ my beloved roxas gone >: level 20 LOL ~!
so crappy ~ love sora also ~ train till lvl 99 max
weeeeee ! * so proud of sora *

okay la i go back play my game le tata x)

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