omg i love this picture so much ! its blue ! and its kaito ! my favorite vocaloid character :X
today whole day msn,plurk,castle age,watch anime,read manga and some random videos audi a bit ~ dced kns ! due to i don't know what bug thingy, who cares :D helped shuhao on his blog ^^ finally its finish
i just found out my class guys like to go facebook's daily horoscope and i always tot only girls do that :X din know guys also do that hahaha ! kinda shocking somehow ;x ! but its alright ;D after all its getting common
nowadays keep raining !! im so sad ): ! though i love rain so much cause its a good timing to sleep~ but rain too much so sad ! cannot go jogging D: and somemore friday im going out to sentosa !! i pray hard it doesn't rain anymore ): if not the outing will be canceled D:
please don't rain on friday D: !
ahh lazy to blog le bye ! lol
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
totally so fed up.. i really don't know what to do or what to say so angry till i cannot fucking think properly URGGGHH !! this is so sickening ! recently i been getting angry so much till i cannot hear myself thinking anymore -.- ! its like almost everyday i get angry at least ONE FUCKING TIME =_= its like macham must have someone make me angry at least ONE FUCKING TIME per DAY then they happy
curse them la -.- ! i swear i can kill this kind of fucking people FOR GOOD or best they should go to the LOST ISLAND along with their FUCKTARD, BRAINLESS, ANNOYING,RETARDED,PATHETIC,SHITTY PEOPLE should all BEGONE FOR GOOD ! BEGONE DEMON BITCHES !!
URGGGHHH !! now im so fucking angry that i can't fucking sleep -.- ! and everytime i get FUCKED UP SMSES i'll flare like SHIT -.- GEEZ! i feel like i can fucking destroy everything i see in my way.. this totally makes me wanna break things then i'll feel happy
* sigh * my attitude towards life getting worst ~ i get so irritated or angry so easily this year =_=
oh great ! wonderful ! perfect ! tml got damn mr kang's work CB ! i think about it i more fucking angry ! its not like i want to work for you ! its because miss chew asked us to. if she din we won't fucking work for you ! who want to work for free !! no such thing as free lunch in this world ! CB !! pain in ass ! i wish you could also go to the LOST ISLAND too
URGGGHHH ! now i felt like i have the urge to kill someone =_= ! or punch or kick or even beat the day light of out HIM/HER @#@#@#@!! GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ! can't SLEEP ! now i keep KPKB on blog ! wa lan! KNN ! CCB ! jitao shoot all the flaring thing out and for goodness sake im not a fucking ah lian just because im talking like this ZZ
if not tml i'll end up destroying something in school =_= and i'll have to fucking pay for it ! like not long ago i almost i wanna beat the daylight out of that stupid naruto geek at the fucking library
the more i think of those people that make me angry the angrier i get =_= ! maybe one day i'll just snap =_= ! and whack the shit out of this kind of shitty people ! _|_ !
uhh... sua ! forget it ~ anyway its been a long long long long long x10? since i used so many hokkien vulgar =_= ! today i must be mad or something
* sigh ~ * i'll go chill myself by watching some videos...and playing castle age.. then maybe sleep abit.. then go school.. need reach school at 9am... i just hope tml everything will be fine ~ and nothing goes wrong with me don't flare ~ keep it chill relax ~ =_= why is it so hard to cool down.. easy say then done ~ i wonder why i'm able to flare till like that ~
maybe its my mother's genes.. since mom also like that ~ but im worst then her..somehow? okay it seems like im blaming for her it LOL ! actually not really its because of this kind of '' i like to make people angry then i happy" type of people made me angry ~ and its always the same few people doing it over and over just that they fucking don't realize it themself ! cos they are stupid or something curse you ~ hope next time your life also got someone like this make you angry and feels fucking happy and proud about it; i'll sure THANK THAT FELLA
i have no patience's for nonsense nowadays ~ so maybe cause of that i'll end up flaring ~ now my flare up bar is 80% still cooling down ~ i did feel maybe.. i take things too seriously ~ ( i still dare say why so seriously LOL) maybe not all ~ maybe at the anger side serious ... i think...
k la ~ i don't kpkb le ~ needa chill and cool down ~ relax im going to watch anime now bye ~
Monday, 29 March 2010
that was weiting & i LOL ! can't see us cos too dark :X yesterday went out with mei hui & wei ting for dinner ;D i din eat cos i have already eaten dinner ^^ so just accompany them it was a last min call~ so i just went down LOL ~ after that we went to a playground near mei hui's house there was 2 dogs, a brown and black one.. dunno whose some aunty & uncle's dog.
they have dog fetish i think LOL see the dog wanna touch and play with them already LOL we went back at 9+ cause mei hui have to work tml thats why. if not we actually wanted to go kbox; guess not maybe next time lol end up singing and walking home with them hahaha
today kinda suck ~ keep raining and raining as much as i like rain.. too much rain is terrible .. by right im suppose to go jogging with wei xin,end up not going due to rain ~ and also her leg was hurt due to training on friday ~ sad
tml will suck more. need to go back to school. not miss chew's work but mr kang NOOB SHIT WORK.. NO PAY SOMEMORE want us to work for him KNS ! hope you go bald faster -.- ! or best quit school you're so damn old and the way you do things and scratch your head macham like MONKEY=_= ! i think MONKEYS are WAY CUTER THEN YOU
URGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this rain is driving me crazy as well !! and that stupid retarded brainless good for nothing SHAWN =_= everyday ask me to help him tag tag tag tag tag tag TAG YOUR LANJIAO LAH everyday TAG zzz want marry OWNSELF TAG LA why need my help ??? HUH?! my audition character marry also never ask you help me tag last time ask you help me tag 30mins cos i want to bath you KPKB SO MUCH... then i help you i say awhile only cos i busy you KPKB .. KNN LAH -.- no one ask you to fking chiong a fking ring to the MAX
want to marry complain so much. why play till so xinku? i also want chiong ring... but cannot -.- ! i never kpkb so much. help you.. also tio kp.. never help also tio kp.. cb wtf you want -.- so fed up ... next time i die also don't want help you HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL FOR GOOD! YOU SON OF A BITCH totally disgusted with you and your family ! and its so EMBARRASSING TO SAY IM RELATED TO YOU =_= ! you should go to hell with maybel too ! BEGONE DEMONS D: ! FAGGOTS ! URGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Yesterday went out ;D mom's birthday ^^ lunch was great ! japanese buffet ;D ! its great its a order all you wan meal ! its really great ! ;D dinner was terrible =_= some chinese buffet and have time limit also ! cannot eat peacefully !
i bought 2 pair of earings, watch and a hair band with a hat on LOL look kinda cute ;D ! aunty theresa lend me her wigs LOL ! look funny ;x maybe tml or so i'll wear the wig and take a pic ;D ! LOLOLOLOL
reached home at 9,10+ LOL ! then audi abit then offline le LOL nowadays i been auding more then usual cause bored :D !
today nothing much :| ! just audi abit then offline now msning ;D currently im kinda addicted to this video ! anime munters ;D its a fan made video by go-devil-dante ;D look awesome
Song : I can't Decided (lyrics below) by : Scissor Sister
It's not easy having yourself a good time Greasing up those bets and betters Watching out they don't four-letter Fuck and kiss you both at the same time Smells-like something I've forgotten Curled up died and now it's rotten
I'm not a gangster tonight Don't want to be a bad guy I'm just a loner baby And now you're gotten in my way
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why My heart feels dead inside It's cold and hard and petrified Lock the doors and close the blinds We're going for a ride
It's a bitch convincing people to like you If I stop now call me a quitter If lies were cats you'd be a litter Pleasing everyone isn't like you Dancing jigs until I'm crippled Slug ten drinks I won't get pickled
I've got to hand it to you You've played by all the same rules It takes the truth to fool me And now you've made me angry
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why My heart feels dead inside It's cold and hard and petrified Lock the doors and close the blinds We're going for a ride
Oh I could throw you in the lake Or feed you poisoned birthday cake I wont deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone Oh I could bury you alive But you might crawl out with a knife And kill me when I'm sleeping That's why
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why My heart feels dead inside It's cold and hard and petrified Lock the doors and close the blinds We're going for a ride
k la lazy le bye ;x
Thursday, 25 March 2010
its been awhile since i do some post ;] kinda lazy currently having a great and boring holiday LOL tml i'll be going out with mom,sylvia,aunty theresa,kimberley and her baby
tml will be mom's birthday ^^ !
i spend so much time playing castle age now :| cos nothing better to do LOL ! i even re-read naruto for the fun of it
so fast 1 week of my holiday going to end le D: 2 weeks more back to school le ): so sickening ! i don't wanna go back to school D: but no choice D: haiz
WAH SO FED UP =.= ! i came back from work at 6pm + you know why? actually suppose to come back at 3pm + cos 2pm + end din know mr kang the tard ask me stay back do his fuggy project !! WA LAN! SO FUCKING ANNOYING ! and totally SHITTY
his plan drawing like shit, i cannot tell what the fuck his drawing is.. and he keep on saying '' you get the point?? " NO I DON'T !! even miss chew also don't get your retarded POINT !
actually work finish already ! then this fucking kang pop in and ask us WORK FOR HIM ! what the fuck!? WORK FOR HIM NO PAY ONE still ask us come back on friday ! KNS ! COME BACK FRIDAY FRIDAY my mom's real birthday ! CB LA -.-'
SO FUGGY ANNYOYING !!#!$%$@%@%&$#&E$ !!
came home never bath or anything PAH ! SLEEP ALREADY =_='' so damn tired ! TSK D:
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Ahhh my holiday has started ;D so happy and i just started dieting :| by skipping lunch till my mom's birthday (26/march) then i start taking diet pills monday im going jogging with wei xin ;]] !
my jogging time slot/day monday,tueday,thurday and sunday ;D all around 6pm+ i think 1 week 4 times ;D !
dieting is hell :| ! can't eat :| though im hungry =_=' currently im waiting for dinner ~
recently its been raining so much that everytime it rains i feel like sleeping ! so tired ): i don't even know why x_x'
ahhh i don't know what to post either :| ! so boring die okay bye :X
Friday, 19 March 2010
im kinda pissed when i think about naruto this comic. why? cos my school library happens to have them. recently they have been putting more japanese mangas at the comics area so there was like naruto book 1 to 42 there ~ bleach, prince of tennis, fullmetal alchemist, magical teacher negima and many other anime related mangas there
AND THERE IS ALWAYS~ NOT ALWAYS IS EVERYTIME I GO TO THE LIBRARY ( i don't go there everyday ~ like once a week or so ~ ) THIS FAT MALAY GUY IS THERE ! ( im not racist nor i hate fat people, its just this fucking guy is getting on my nerve !) always at the naruto area ! READING NARUTO ! he's always there ! reading naruto over and over like reading it as a bible and even like chanting it there -.- GEEZ ! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!? OR WHAT !?
he is so FUCKED UP ! he sit at the DAMNED NARUTO area and refuse to move ! what the FUCK?! and he's like HOGGING ALL THE COMICS he's like fucking blocking everybody's way ! by '' PARKING " his ass there -.-
i just took book 27-35 and he give me this fucking stare ! in my mind i was like PUNCHING HIM ! KICKING HIM ! BITCH SLAPING HIM ! i just can't do it in real ): cos im in school ~ if i did that i would have been expel =_=' i don't wanna be expel ! if i get expel my parents are so gonna kill me ! somemore one more year to go ! this year. 2nd year already !
and he's always reading naruto ! i bet he can even remember every line or scene on that chapter or book ! GEEZ ! and when he get his fat ass off the naruto area he come to my table where mei yun and i sat there.. he was like
Malay Guy : you read finish already ah? Me : yeah this part ONLY * book 27-29 * Malay Guy : * take the books and stared at me *
WHAT THE FUCK!??! why must you fucking stare!? WHY WHY WHY WHY YOU SON OF A BITCH $%^&*(@ ! after he took the fucking books away ~ i think he read finish them he was like walking all around my table area ! not long later wei xin came and he is still there ! staring at us ! giving this aura saying " I WANT THOSE COMIC " even wei xin say he must be mad or retarded for reading naruto over and over -.-'
i swear i can beat the lights out of him, if we ain't in school ! i pray hard i don't see your fucking face near my house ! or i'll really beat the lights out of you -.- ! FUCK THAT !!
WOOHOO ! HOLIDAY ! :D im so happy now holiday :X today went to school just to work LOL then come home around 2pm +
so damn tired i don't know why ): just nice it was raining :D kinda happy and i fell asleep :X
ytd was kinda fun ;D ! went to settles cafe with my cousin Sylvia,Solomon,Absolom & Kenji ;D i tot solomon's girlfriend Yu Tian is coming D: so sad she din come ): ! T_T ! at facebook she say she was kinda paiseh cos always sylvia pay for us true its kinda paiseh ! but sylvia insisted it so ... just go lor
it was really fun :D ! keep laughing at every game we played;x but times flies real fast when you're really having fun :X sometime i did wish i could always stay young forever. having fun all day long ;X ! sadly we just can't. need to grow up already !
im so happy now that i just keep smiling ;D LOL ! cos its HOLIDAY TIME WEEEEEEEEEEEE ~ ! hehehehe ! cya all :D eating dinner now ;x byeeeeee
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
WOO HOO ! 2 more school days to holiday ^^ ! can't wait for holiday ! this few days test here and there ): kinda sian tml got stupid mr kang's stupid lesson -.- boring ~
after mr kang's lesson will be having pneumatic test after the test can go home le :D ! YAY ! so happy ! friday need to go mr tan's class -.- stupid mr tan if only he can cancel it i won't come to school already ! go school do school work 2-3hours then go home le +__+ ! can sleep longer D: !! sian stupid mr tan GO BALD LA
recently i been playing Rave-audition ( pserver audi ) and watching naruto shipuuden HAHAHA :D i rewatch the whole thing for fun cos kinda bored :| !AHAHAHAH nothing better to do !
currently im munching on some ice cream my mom bought LOL she was like complaining im getting fat ~ then still buy ice cream for me HAHAHA what the hell right?? HAHAHAHA i don't know whats wrong with her :X whooooo carreeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss :D LOL
the BEST THING EVER im gonna reborn my hair during the holidays :D around the last 4 days of holiday then reborn weeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D so happy :D this year is a terrible/great year LOL ! :X okay bye
Monday, 15 March 2010
Today kinda boring in class ~ i hate theory cos its GOD DAMN BORING in Mr Foo's GOD FORSAKEN CLASS ahhhh so boring ! PM2 lesson sucked as well ~ so far my team ~ is kinda falling apart i felt like im not doing much things. and marcus is like uhh? idk ~ come in keep saying CB CB CB so vulgar =_= somemore cheebai means vagina maybe he don't even know :| ! ahhh i don't care either !
wei xin pass me final fantasy dissidia (japanese version) it was fun ;D but abit troublesome cos most of the skill are not auto cannot chase nor rush =_= geeezz ! pvped with xinxin till i reach my house busstop LOL
you know everytime we alight from bus 31 and oppsite is like 72 72 hates us ): cos whenever xinxin and i going home together the bus will leave LOL ! damn evil la ! then if we go home alone the bus haven leave wth basket bus ! don't like use together -_- neh neh !
so tired ): need to study ! i haven bath either !! mom nagging already sheezz i felt like if i study ~ singapore will snow red snow HAHAHAHA thats what i felt la LOL ! maybe tml will snow :X since im going to study
okay cya all ! im too lazy to edit if there is any error here =_= COS I DON'T CARE ALREADY ! SO TIRED ! BYE :X
Saturday, 13 March 2010
FRIDAY lol this aint sand ! that is saw dust from a wooden board ;x (that arm belongs to mei yun LOL ! ) i drew a bunny there ;x and say celyn was here HAHAH that was during work hours; cos i was bored ~ nothing better to do :X
friday project hours kinda suck -.- cos the teacher suck to core thats why ! after school went out with mei yun to century square to eat b4 heading home and b4 we left, wei xin rush from school to century square ;D so end up going home with her
evening wei xin came over to my house cos she was lazy to go for taekwondo training we were like watching random videos and stuff HAHAHA ! b4 that we were playing audi i made her do chance lvl 2 HAHAHA we were like randomly screaming OMG MISS ! WHY DID YOU MISS?!?!? LOL ! this is the first time wei xin ate dinner at my house :D i made her eat balachan LOL! and she likes it :X good thing
Saturday today woke up at 10am ++ kinda tired ;D played auditionsea 1 round and gotten bored. so i decided to go play private server audi ;D this server call Rave-Audi LOL kinda fun not bad but still season 1 kinda sad ):
the weirdest thing is like if you hold a dj board you see this picture my character is like doing a FLYING KICK ! * CRANE FLYING KICK HAIYA ~! * okay that was random ! but i swear this is even more random LOL
currently rotting at msn :\ plurking abit ~ msn abit ~ read manga abit ~ watch naruto abit ~ watch bleach abit ~ HAHAHAHA im so bored ): some one entertain me please ): ! im bored to the core stupid mio tv so boring ~ stupid movie not nice at all.
now days i kinda randomly login audi ~ then play 1,2 rounds or so then offline already LOL! cos its getting boring :| ! my poor ~Erza growing mushroom ~ only play abit then off le LOL gayness
ahhh lazy to update -_- ! i go bath le BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Thursday, 11 March 2010
im home ! just reached home ^^ (actually class ended at 3.20) then mei yun and i went out with wei xin after school :D we went to tampines tower 1! xinxin actually wanted to get a jacket shirt sadly her '' melon monster '' abit too big so it'll be very tight LOL
in the morning so fucked up =_= so tired and mr kang SUCKED his teaching sucked to the core. cb.. i totally flare at him -.- what kind of nonsense he doing? awhile teach this part then disapppear, then reappear say another part wrong then scold scold scold KAOPEH LA -.- _|_ mr kang, mr tay and mr tan all can go to hell -.- shitty teachers ! sheeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
getting tired ): year 2 kinda suck nw LOL ! tml need to go school early =_= ! cause got idk what event/theory lesson gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! k la i go bath le cya :X
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Today i din go to school, overslept... so i tot of helping my mom ^^ since she just came home from the hospital :D ! din know she keep walking around the house like no body business =_= ! she was like im not crippled ! i can do things myself
So end up at home reading mangas online, audi abit.. new patch kinda suck ~ damn buggy i don't know why =_= kinda gay ! for unknown reasons LOL
wei xin came over my house, i tot she would go home change clothes then come over i din know she was like from school come over here in school uniform LOL around 8pm + went down to buy ice cream with xinxin ;D 9pm she just left ^^ went home already haha
today actually my uncles & aunties are coming din know they suddenly say got something on o_o tml then come LOL weirdo !
tml im so doomed ! mr foo is going to #$%^&*$#%&# at me D: !!
Monday, 8 March 2010
i realize nowadays more and more people like yasser and many others keep doing this ~ i ask them a question they got it wrong.. and next thing you know they say ~ '' i test you only" WHAT THE HELL? fine test me ~ for all you want
This people should be on a LOST ISLAND they have no strategist~ but not really ~ sometimes.. maybe... or most of the bloody time !!! i don't know !
AND I ALSO HATE PEOPLE THAT TYPE XD :3 XP X3 all this kind of thing. greater example '' iie lurb euu " TWITS ARE GROSS if you're cute and stuff like that still okay. you're old already and not cute at all. act cute buey cute er xin die -.- all this kind of people should also go to the LOST ISLAND that would be WONDERFUL ! Gone for GOOD
lately i have been kinda irritated by alot of people for unknown reason :| ! they like make me angry then they happy i think? geezzzzzzz and stupid shawn keep asking me help him do his Lp on audi
the more i do his lp the more i want a ring for myself -.-' very tempting but still resistible ~ somehow ~ maybe im losing myself to my desire ~~~~~~ thats bad x_x i feel like chionging a ring for myself ~ but.. no time ^^" and also not a very good idea :D ! somehow ~ * resisting !! *
Must not lose to desire ~~~ geeez cannot sleep damn bloody neighbor of my keep singing and singing karaoke like some stupid asshole so bloody annoying ~ not say they sing like some angel if they do i don't mind at all =_=' ! SHEEZZZZZ !
yosh ! today school kinda suck ~ tired =_= overslept ! (more like i forgot to on my alarm clock HAHAHAHA!! cos i tot today is sunday :X) i went for break LOL ! instead of going to pm2 class :X !
i also go for theory at 1-3pm and afternoon's pm2 lesson nothing much actually. talk talk draw abit for joey (more like touch up) then go home meet wei xin and go home together :D ! we were like playing final fantasy dissidia she was using The Emperor and i was using Cloud Of Darkness LOL
i was trying to do ' Lashie back ' or something her skill cannot do lor !! awhile can awhile cannot LMAO ! stupid character =3='' make no sense can't wait for the japanese 1 ;D ! xinxin is gonna get it from her senior :D (hope she get the cheat code as well :X cos TOO LAZY TO RETRAIN T_T )
we keep playing and playing till over stop X_X ! geez ! but it was fun :D!! its always fun when we do that after school :X it made my day better :D ! we somehow did the '' ragamiwadoodooda'' (that is actually chaos judgment LOL then my & xinxin's character stuck LOL) the ultimate summon !! ragamiwadoodooda ! ROFL !! damn random :X
good news is like my mom discharge from hospital already ^^ ! happy die me :D ! bad news is she'll be at home for 14 days ! MC 14 days ! Noooooooo! and i have to do all the house work already damn =_= ! LAZY DIE ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!
tml going for pe ^^"" lazy ~ but have to cos mei yun ask me to LOL okay bye im going for dinner/bath/other soon :D BYEEEEEEEE
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Somehow this year is really a bad year for me -.-'' yeah.. my mom went to the hospital again.. geez
today i went out with shuhao for dinner. then went to visit mom at tan tock sheng hospital. kinda tired.. just reached home not long ago. dad bought me mushroom and egg roti prata ;D ! kinda happy :X
i just did ~GHOST's story mode till 52% and cannot make it anymore cause not enough people to help. novice people not so friendly.. freedom people refuse to help beat up 4k -.- so forget it... next time then do.
kinda pissed off -_-' somehow i feel irritated by someone today.. with all this kind of offensive joke -.-' i cannot take offensive joke at all. i find it ridiculous and mean.. FUCKING MEAN thats what i MEAN =_=' ahhh so what if im no life. none of your business -_- im an OTAKU anyway. and most OTAKU(S) are NO LIFE PEOPLE =_= ! wikipeidia OTAKU it u don't know what is it.
sheezzzzzz -.- bye all im going bath now i think ... bye...
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Friday was a great day ;D after school work 1hour + then go out awhile with mei yun; she need to pray or something at the temper its damn bloodyHOT ( i cannot stand the heat -.-) and i was like melting while waiting for her outside the temper (well you see im a free thinker and i feel weird going in there )
the temper was at bugis; before going back we went to buy newzealand icecream the ice cream cost 3 bucks ( it was beside the sex shop O_O ! weird right ) damn scary/funny the uncle was like scaring the shit out of yun and i LOL we were like * AHHH OMG OMG OMG OMG !! * cos the ice cream look like dropping he throw the ice cream lor ! flying ice cream anytime can hit us LOL damn creepy
beside the ice cream shop ~ you know la ~ the SEX SHOP got this tiko lao uncle peeking inside from the outside omg please =.=' so er xin die ! everyone is like staring at him, he don't even bother WEIRDO !
reached home at like 6pm + LOL tired die
today (sat) went out with yihui,shuhao and chenghan :D 12nn i went to fetch sh, reached tpy mrt at 1230 ++ LOL he DAMN SHY, he stand farrrrrrr awayyyy frommm ME i don't know why, not like i will eat him alive O_O ! he's really shy. not just that he keep walking behind me T_T" feel like im being stalked. i don't like people walking behind me =_=' feel awkward !!!
we went to watch being human :D at 1.40pm after the movie we went to lan play audi for 2hours + then go home ;]] ! reach home bath and watch random videos on youtube LOL other then that plurk audi abit and stuff HAHAHA !
then mei hui called and ask me want go facesure or something at some hotel 3 days 2 nights for about 300 ++ dollar -.- wtf so fucking expensive !! then wei ting was like bugging me too, my goodness you all think i so rich ah its so expensive !! and im not working either ! + im not free during my holidays please be considerate -.- and think of about me; don't just think about yourself. i have any other things to do. and also TOO EX ! ... and besides wei ting is getting more and more self centered already.. i don't know what to say..
kinda irritated by her , ever since we enter ite last year... she kinda changed. not for the better. for the worst somehow.. she's not the same girl that i used to know anymore.. even though she's my best friend. i don't know how to help anymore.... is there a cure for it? i really don't know anymore.. the only people that can cure her is herself. no others.
too lazy to update already ): im as hyper as i used to be in sec sch almost everyday update LOL ! LAZYYY DIEEE MEEE :D BYE !
Friday, 5 March 2010
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so tired like hell ! i don't know why x_x ! getting old ~ kekekeke 81 already this year tsk tsk oldddd dieeee meeeeeeeeeeee so happy now days 4pm ++ can go home already :D if not around 5pm ): tired !! tml need to work T_T i don't want to work if don't work = no money , no money = cannot buy a cash LOL too lazy ! don't want to go to school too ): ! tml got theory ~ sian die
and also my mom crazy ! she bought a new juice blender ~ she keep blending and blending and blending all the fruits in the house.. she say '' woah kinda fun ! * continue blending * " OMG ! she made me drink all the weird juices she blend x_x now i got this feeling soon or later i'll have diarrhea =_='' !!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bird la i so tired keep yawning like a mad woman today ~ lazy to type le BYE
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
im getting old -_-' and im tired ~ now ! i feel like sleeping but when im going to sleep ~ i'll be awake ~ like hyper up -_-''
so happy ;D ! today wed tml thur; then fri then SAT woohoo going out to watch a movie ^^, can't wait for it ;D !
today in school damn bo liao ~ i think mr foo eat wrong med LOL recently he's been releasing us early ~ its like when we do finish our stuff we can just go home ;D ! so happy like mad ! woohoo !
recently i have been smsing more then i used to, don't ask why.
i got damn alot of random stuff to say ~ today i tolded mei yun about the postman joke that i tell xinxin she totally give me the =_= face and say lame i was like '' OH HOR ! YOU SAY MY LAOBU LAME ! she told me !! " mei yun was like '' EHH KNS LEH YOU!! i never say her LAME " ROFL !! her reaction damn epic fail ! :X
on the way home i was on the same bus as cheng kang LOL i tot he don't live at hougang already ~ kinda shocking he alight at the same stop with me he's taller then me ): LAST TIME IN PRI SCHOOL HE WAS HALF HEAD SHORTER !
damn kns ~ !!!! who cares :D ! okay i reach home at like 5pm + till now i still haven bath ! HAHAHAHAH !! okay i go bath le BYE :X
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Wah i really very very very TIRED; but i really can't sleep seriously this is getting worst -..- maybe awhile more i go sleep already i'll force myself to bloody sleep ~ if not at this rate i'll just Knock Out
Ahhhh my eyes hurts! IT BURNS ~~~ i keep rubbing ~ FUGGYYYYYYY ! DAMN SHAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ): School Sucked ~ IT Drains the Life Essence out of Students. Life draining place on earth ~ Drain till you're half dead then let you go home Damn Shitty leh !! T_T' * continues to complain *
worst to worst got siao zhar bo lesson Tml ): wa lao ! very sian and sick leh ! KNS ): i hate it i want go back secondary life T_T so much fun and slacky there ITE SUCK; DAMN GAY and DAMN LONG HOURS. either TOO LATE or TOO EARLY release... 1 bloody period of the day is almost 4 HOURS ! not like secondary life 1 period is 35mins T_T ! 2 periods only 1hour 10mins. SO MUCH BETTER better still ! in my secondary school days its like 2pm end class everyday ! then it'll take me 20mins to reach home D: ! ite is like 1hour ++ to reach HOME somemore need change BUS ! from 31 to tampines interchange to 72 to HOME EEEEEYYEERRRRRRRRRRRRR ! SIAN DIE LEH !!
I think i got insomnia already~ i feel damn fucking tired; but i can't fucking SLEEP I keep rolling around my bed, turn here and there.. guess what? IT GETS WORST ! AND I FEEL MORE AWAKE ! WHAT THE FUCK?
when i on the bloody light i feel damn BLOODY TIRED and SLEEPY and when i turn off the BLOODY LIGHT~ i feel so AWAKE ! (for your information im not a vampire ! don't get it wrong ! ) whats wrong with me??? am i so desperate for holidays?? till my body can't even sleep ? ~ march holiday ~ 18 days more ! which is 2 weeks 4 days to go ! i can't wait for it ! * HYPER UP *
oh shit ! hyper up at the wrong timing -.- ~ in 5 hours time i need to wake up.. going to school first thing in the morning P.E ~ then NAPFA ! WOW CONGRATULATION YOU WON :D ! ( that was random i swear )
8am to 9.30am P.E IN A BLOODY HOT MORNING SUN ! they are trying to kill ME so badly ! and yeah .. i hate sunshines ! i just don't know why ~ ( i anti heat ~ and super light beam) the pe. teacher sucked. mr rashi? or something arshi? dashi?? mashii? sarsi? sushi ?? sashimi !? shishi ! weewee ~ PEEPEE ~ I DON'T KNOW !! HE DOESN'T EVEN TALK TO US !
Geez ! now i feel so awake ! and hyper up o_o i can't sleep ! my eyes were like '' ughhh ! im so tired ~ catch some sleep dude ! " my body : "No can do sir ! aint tired ! *hyper up moment* " my mind : " FUCK THAT ! I WANT TO SLEEP ! " why can't i just sleep -.-? is it so hard to just SLEEP ??
great ! i can't sleep ! BASKET ! wtf is wrong with me -.- SHEEZ ! and also i don't want to go to school T_T ! school is boring ! i hate theory lessons ! its so boring !! phase test coming soon not just that ~ online tests as well !! all coming already ! year 2 rocks ! and it kinda suck as well ^^ ! cos everytime late go home ): i don't want to go home late !! i want to go home early ! so that i can bloody REST
ARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !@#%@^$%!^@#!!! now i don't feel like going to school ~ i want to stay at home and SLEEP and i also want to watch anime, read mangas and slack around the house
AHhh ! forget it ! i go try catch some sleep -_- i left less then 5hours anyway hope tml i don't run half way and fall asleep HAHAHAHA !
( hope mr foo is not going to nag at me and mei yun tml :| !) we are SO DOOMED ! ~ that 1 think im sure of D: ~!
one day when im BLOODY FREE i will make a profile for my audition character cause its been bloody long since i made 1 ~ maybe 3months already ~ or 4? nono i think 5 months ! i remove that section at nov 2009 LOL ! okay bye ;x nites