Thursday, 29 April 2010

i got 4 pictures of mei hui's birthday pt ;D ! this is an update !
i refuse to type any shitty post about my days
days that i never blog ! i was too lazy ! who cares !!
now take a look ;D this is our pri-sch friends pic
left to right ~ shannon,me,mei hui and wei ting

this picture was unglam it made us all look damn fuggy fat
and also blur ~ plus flash ROFL ! eye pain
AND YES ! wei ting and i KISS mei hui's face LOL !!
we are not lesbians ! but we like it :D cause we are good friends

shannon refuse to take a picture with us ):

thats all folk !

i kena insomnia leh ! everytime 830-10pm i'll feel damn sleepy
after 10pm i feel damn hyper ! walao ! what the fuck lor

somemore tml i going suhai buloh or whatever
some nature park ~ my class and 3 more others going
so sian ! need to reach school by 830 SHARP ! 9am the bus come
sian also la ! after the school trip still got class D: wa lao !

i have not played audi for awhile already == i wanna play
i have the URGE to level my ERZA == anyway my erza de ring break le
stupid bryan. -.- ! whatever ~

now audition exp 2x leh sian !
somemore sat i going out == dad's birthday(early birthday)
kimberley damn MAFAN ! i wish she can don't come ! then it'll be easily for me
and my parents to celebrate ! since we always celebrate together
since the bloody day my brother go sweden !
stupid kimberley !!! why must you come back ! ANNOYING LEH YOU URGHH !

Thursday, 22 April 2010

so here goes my remix squeeze in blog post

last friday
i din go sch too lazy end up watching tv rotting at home

sat & sun playing audi
in the afternoon i went out with cousins dad sides

was a tiring day but its alright
at least i did go to school.
then in the afternoon some crazy bull dog bitch teacher barked at me
for not tying my hair; so what bitch. so many other girls din tie too
why only catch me? and also i din give her my real name
nor ic even class; i lied saying i only know my form teacher's surname
who care about giving any data to some dog like bitch teacher.

tueday online test
score terrible ~ din wanna talk about it
afternoon class run away with mei yun
went to buy mei hui and natalie's birthday

booya ! i cutted my hair ! into a unique style only i have
so far i only see it myself LOL ! i din skip class or anything
i went there 100% LOL !

today ! alot of things happen.
in sch today the same dog teacher say HEY YOU BOY
WHY HAIR SO LONG ! i was like wtf? im a girl u blind bitch
then i just zao ~ run away HAHAHAHAHA retard bitch

i find that roy is a bit uhh... girly?
he got some cuts and he was like ow-ing like a girl somehow?

after school went home with xin.
well i din take bus 74 with her. cause went to mei hui bd
end of the day never cos wei ting ask me wait for her.
so i went home to bath and stuff like that

after that 8 she sms so i went to meet her LOL
shannon came along too ! :D not bad leh

and mei hui's birthday party was like OMG
i saw my coursemate/schoolmate LOL !! we both totally STUN
and like staring at each other for 10 secs LOL

seriously singapore is too damn small ;x
but its awesome ;D too awesome LOl

it was crazily fun okay ! we even smash cake at mei hui's face
before the party end we had water fun too LOL! slashing water at each other
totally maddness LOL worth going ;D

sent shannon home first. so ting and i did some chit chat
and her mom called so off she go and off i go ;D

just reach home not long ago ;D going to bath now !
and also im damn lazy tml i don't feel like going to sch MWHAHAHA
don't give a shit about it ;x !! HAHAHAHAHAHA k bye ;x

i'll upload some pictures maybe?
if mei hui uploaded them at facebook ;X ! lol k bye ;x

Thursday, 15 April 2010


today i went to school :D i regret going cause electrical class do nothing -_-'
so rot ~ then mei yun and i went to the library ~ wei xin never come to school D:
got bored and return to class LOL !!

for afternoon class nothing much too ~
open, reassemble double stage machine parts ~
not long later do finish; my group for pm2 project take a FAMILY PICTURE

(standing one from left to right )
Mei Yun, Me, Joey,Marcus and Cheng Rong

(sitting one from left to right)
Eddy And Zi Rui

HAHAHAHA eddy and zirui look like father and mother
then the rest of us are like their kids LOL !!
i tied my hair and it looks like i having short hair in the picture D:

damn funny ! its been a long time since i have this kind of photo fun
the last time i had photo fun with classmates was in sec sch days
i really miss sec sch days ): way more fun then now !! more camwhoring LOL :X

after class end at 4.30 ~ so i went home reached my house bus-stop at 530
it was raining heavily so i called homed to ask dad come to fetch me from bus-stop
since i din bring my umbrella lol ! forgot ): ! dad was busy D;
so mum came down to find me :D ! this totally reminds me of my pri sch days
everytime mum come fetch me when its raining hahaha !

time really flyyyyyyy !

im going to sleep already ~ i think i got insomnia -_-'
i can't sleep !! today i din sleep till i go to school today~ i don't know why ~~
so damn tired x_x' i fall asleep in the bus !! good thing i din drool HAHAHA !!
the rain was too wonderful! it made me sleep :X ! k la cya all BYE

* waiting for someone to sms ;eeks !! *
don't care this golden silent hill fella already ;eeks ! ignored me LOL! nvm

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

lol that hq thing is not an eraser its a white chocolate ! :D
cheng rong give it to me :D hq means head quarters
head quarter chocolate LOL and yeah that picture i draw it :X
the chocolate taste weird LOL really !!

my drawing down skill already );
first day of term 2 ( actually 2nd day cos 1st day i din go sch )
i reach the interchange damn alot of people okay !!
so bloody annoying -_-' from the area to wait for 31 all the way till out of the
interchange lor DAMN LONG ! i waited for 4 bus 31 to go then i can get up

i reach sch at 9.45 i tot i was late -_-' luck i wasnt LOL !!
mr foo was late HAHAHHAHAH ! during theory class i got this chocolate :D
and i was like drawing and drawing ~ listen abit draw ~
sms abit class mini test?? do finish i go find wei xin ;D

wei xin pass me book 8 of saiyuki ~ and i went home
i can't be bothered about afternoon class -_-' cause mei yun din come
so i was too lazy ~ i went home bath ~ take a nap
then woke up around 7 started audi-ing

i felt weird as a friend of mine suddenly invited me to her wedding.
for 1 moment my heart just stopped. i really don't know anymore.
i don't know what i want.. i really suddenly lost all interest.. in everything.

i guess im crazy -_- its 1.49am already and im not tired
like what the hell?? im suppose to go to bed now?
tml got mircostation lesson ): i don't wanna be late T_T !! fierce teacher !

but im not sleepy -_-' omg?

Monday, 12 April 2010

yosh ! i din go school today at all ): overslept !!! i woke up at 2pm T_T
i was like OH SHIT ! my class starts at 11 lor ..
then i 7am sleep.. suppose to wake up at 9.30am !!
actually i woke up already :X! and then hor.... ~~~~~~~~
i set 5 min more :X ! so i can rest ~ and then and then and then ~~~~~

so i end up sleeping till 2pm -_-' yeah.. great... LOL
and yeah.. tml im so doomed ~ i swear mr foo gonna nag at me ):

today kinda suck ~
my msn a bit crazy or something???? its like all my contacts are OFFLINE
for unknown reason -_-' maybe bugged?? or something?
absolom msned me and i ask him '' you set offline ah? ''
he replied '' no ah? im online'' WHAT THE HELL!?! my msn mad already !

i audi abit ^^ then i really don't know who is online on msn -_-
due to this stupid offline bug -_____________- everyone is offline !!
kinda sickening~ urggh? i start up a private blog for fun to test out is it
able to break in if people set private ~ and the answer is NO lOL !
i tried all the funny and weird ideas from youtube none work ~
stupid videos waste my time LOL ! ( ok im the stupid one :X i go try )

and my air con died on me ~ 100% !
the stupid air con man say in chinese
'' oh you need to change the whole thing, cause its dead already cannot repair "
my mom asked '' how much?? " he reply '' about one thousand plus depend on what brand"

i dont have air con for a few days already
okay im going to bed soon -_-' tml p.e is at 8.30 am ): need to wake up at 6.30
Urgghhh so irritated -_-'' no air con since tueday already ): so sickening
i need air con ! its so bloody hot !! i cannot stand the heat at all
so sian.. sometime i feel like crying =_='' aircon T_T

serve that air con man right ! he went to the hospital !
cause of i don't know what happen, whatever la
he damn fucktard can ? anyhow repair. then scam us 80 bucks
call him he never pick up keep saying, OUH 5PM i will come repair
CB 5pm still not here KNN LA YOU ! curse you and your baldness =_=

so sickening !! in like 9hours time class is gonna start ):
i don't feel like going to school . T_T
school so far from home ): class end late too..
my classmates are mostly males. the only female classmate is
mei yun; my pri to sec to ite close friend ^^ !

but still sad la ): im scare of attachment !! i won't be in the same group with yun );
she's like group 1 and im like group 2 D: !! noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
i damn scare what if same group with my friday's project group
i sure cry T_T !! cos in the group i don't really talk to them
other then eddy ~ what if.. they don't want me le T_T
then i join the malay group OMFG ! NOOOOOO EVEN WORST
okay im not being racist -_-' ! just that i don't like them

i wish myself good luck ):
hope this year would be a GOOD year and i can go higher nitec

Friday, 9 April 2010

kinda sickening ~ its like holidays ending already ):
in 2 days time im going back to school. kinda sad.
but 7 weeks more of school then holiday again ! YAY ! :D

during my holidays almost everyday it rained
nice weather, but whenever it rains i just feel like sleeping.
and if i sleep tonight i can't sleep -_-' then i'll end up playing the com till morning
like maybe 7-8am in the morning then sleep D: aiyo !

so boring nowadays nothing much to do
audition also nothing to do ~ most of the novice campers leveled up already
all go to free, somemore free so boring !! have cc4 rooms but always no chance
what the hell?? i mean like come on ! your level is like 20++
and you're telling me you can't chance? worst thing
they see my lvl low they invite me to their room -.- cos they want to bully
what the fuck?? thats like damn bloody mean la @#$%^& !!

last but not least


Thursday, 8 April 2010

Toothless is Loved LOl ! he's so cute ! OMG * fangirl sequels *
i got that picture from searching at LOL

Wednesday was a tired day and yeah i know its thurday morning 3am plus+
i haven sleep ! can't sleep ! no air con D: faggot air con died on me
and the faggot air con man did not come ! he called and say he busy
KNS ! make me wait like an idiot D: ! so hard to sleep without air con T_T

im the ice girl D: ! i need coldness ~ =_='' and yeah.. continue with my wednesday story
i woke up late =_= reach amk late everything LATE URGGHHH !
and i was like bloody tired ~ its like calling a vampire to come out of her coffin,
walking in the damn bloody hot sun ! urgghhhhhh !! it burnnnssss !! HEAT D: !

urgghh too lazy to update ~ i got alot more to type -_-'
i have not been auding for awhile already ~ my skill getting shitty
okay not from the minute more like AFTER I ~
-brush teeth/toilet business
-On Computer
-Msn Check Mail
-Go see for new manga
-Facebook updates
-Castle Age (fb game)
-Go check for new ep of animes

MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! i shall play till im happy ;D !
next week back to school already D: ! DAMNED !

and im still waiting for the ite admin to REPLY my tag box
so retarded fella -.- macham got ite admin come stalk my blog
even if he/she is real i don't give a damn ITS MY BLOG GET THE FUCK OFF

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Today went out with xinxin to watch How to Train Your Dragons ;D
i give it at 10/10 ! its a great movie !! i love it so much ;X

i woke up kinda late today, so i left home at 12.30
i got on the damn bus at 1250 -_- for some unknown reason the bus damn slow
i smsed xinxin and told her the bus 74 reaching her house bus stop in 3 stops time
and she missed it LOL !! i was hoping we can take the same bus :X
its like the bus move to the next stop after her house bus stop
then she just reach the bus stop LMAO ! damn epic fail ;x

i reached amk hub first so i bought the tickets for 3.15pm show
we had lunch together :D after lunch there was like 1hour + more
before the movie starts. so xinxin and i decided to go to the arcade to play
LOL ! its been damn long since we went to the arcade :X !
we played some old game ( the 1 with 3 colour buttons only)

after that we top up somemore money to play house of the dead 4
kinda sucky ~ cause keep dying :X sad !

after the movie we just went home straight and started
msning,plurk,audi and the usual stuff HAHAHAHA

natalie invited me to her 18th birthday on 25 April
at east coast bleach chalet; its a sunday, not staying over ); got school !!
her actual birthday was on 28 ;X cos 28 is a school day so forward it

april got alot of birthdays O: !

solomon,absolom,mei yun,mei hui, yihui, natalie
syamnim, ivan and many more lol ! april babies :X

Monday, 5 April 2010

today i played audi more then any other days of few rounds ;D
my skill somewhat up and down LOL ! up in lvl 10 and 11 down at lots of miss

my air con died yesterday night x_x no idea why totally no cold air
its like all fan air that kind LOL ! so i din sleep still 6am ~
waited for mom and dad to go work then i sleep in their room LOL
so shiok :X ! air con is love :X !! i cannot sleep without air con
cos im the ice lady LOL ! jkjkjkjk that was random

woke up at 2pm+ mist msn me and say got fam channel
so i went online to help till 6pm lol ! tired okay ~ very long never do that already

i heard jelly and fate left fam house. and fate changed ign
now no one really knows where he is or where he gone to ~
not sure what happened.. haiz ~

currently now playing castle age ( as always LOL)
msning meow lol ;x meow making domo kun toy ! damn cool la
if i was making i make like 1/4 i give up already LOL ! too lazy !
can't wait for tml ! tml going out with xinxin ;D
we are gonna watch how to train your dragon; hurhurhur !

Sunday, 4 April 2010

okay today maybe will have a long post i think?
lets start with friday ;D

friday morning went out with shuhao for breakfast, at macs
1.45pm i was kinda late D: meeting audi fam house members for outing
fate,jelly,clara and mist ~ we went to sentosa :D
not bad outing just abit weird haha, about 4pm + we went to ben&jerry icecream shop
the ice cream taste good ;D i like it hahaha

around evening -reflection came ^^ we went to the arcade awhile
not sure what happened ): jelly kinda angry then she just go home
dinner we had steamboat. not bad ;D taste good LOL it was fun

nite time playing with light sticks ROFL and cam whored rofl
sadly i din take any picture with my handphone cos most of the pic
are taken by mist and reflection :X we catch the last train home :D
kinda lucky HAHAHA imagine we miss it D: doommmm ! no need go home le

reached home about 12++ msn,plurk and facebook abit off to bed

sunday :D ! morning went out awhile
came home at 3pm ++ damn shitty ! forgot bring hp
evening went to meet absolom then go bugis junction
we kinda got lost HAHAHAHA ! cos the place was big lor

had dinner with solo,faith(solo's gf),absolom,kenji + his parents
uncle william and sylvia :D ! alot of people LOL
after that we went to watch Clash of the Titans :D !
3D ok watch till damn dizzy ! but it was nice ;D

the movie was like 9.35 about 2hours +
solo treat lor the cab fare LOL 30 bucks :X
we send faith home first . then we go back since we all live quite near to each other
reached home at 12+ damn tired ! come home msn and stuff then toh le LOL

today audi abit then rotted ^^
really damn boring leh ! i woke up at 3pm ++ i think D:
then nothing to do already ! rot till 5+ then go for dinner ;D
went down to meet mom and dad for dinner ~ currently back to rotting stat

next week my last week of holiday already ): ! sad
who wanna watch how to train your dragon D: !! i haven watch T_T sad