woke up at 7.40am ~ check my timetable FML !! 8am class !!
so i sms mei yun and asked her to tell the teacher i will be late
reached there and FML part 2 !
half the class do turning half do milling ==
so like the 2nd half do turning ): which is like register number 20~40
and im like 25..... ~ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !
FML part 3 !
mr salim keep on asking me what is this what is that
because i was from mechanical technology before this =='
so i kinda know how to use the machine
damn you marcus !!!! WHYYYYY ! mr salim never call him T__T
he is from the same course as me/same class too !!! unfairness !!!
after class went to eat kfc with mei yun
reached home bathed ~ wei ting called and ask me to follow her to the polyclinic
cause her eye is kinda red D; like blood clot in her eye
good thing it wasn't anything bad ;]
after that we went to eat pizza for dinner !! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
its been a long time since i had pizza !! :3
after that we went to take random picture
actually there is 3 but wei ting deleted 1 of them LOL cause she said its ugly
LOL toilet picture :B ! was using the full body mirror ;x
LOL i know i look weird ! just comb another hair style
Nerd wannabe LOL centre parting is gayyyyy
this was taking quite some time ago
wei ting forgot to send it to me ROFL
this was at the movie~ the green hornet that movie
we watch it 3d LOL :X !

Took a pic with mom :D

before going home i went to buy this fringe hair band LOL
look like my real fringe right?? LOL !
currently rotting ;} tml going out with wei ting maybe? or kath leen
going swimming LOL
k lazy to blog :P BYEEEEE

i look weird without specs LOL
ok its confirm ! tml going out with wei ting for swimming
cause kath leen got to work tml ~ so can't
k tata !
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