kor's bed frame came at 1.30pm.. so tired..
after they fix everything ~ i went back to bed till evening
evening kor came over to eat dinner ~ pack his room and etc etc
pack my stuff, left home at 8.50pm
meet samzy at her house's opposite bus stop
we were busy talking in the bus.. till we kinda 'over stop' LOLOLOLOL
we totally missed the bus stop.... ;_;'
so we have to walk back 1 bus stop LOL
reached xin's house at 9pm+ shove our stuff there~
made our way to the mall ~
took this pic at serangoon shop & save mall
we were making our way to buy some 'nomnoms'
my hair is so wavey and curly and messy and and and and and and GHEY

this pic was taken in the attic ;]
xin's attic is big @@" But very dusty.

we watch 2 movies and the rest of the time ~ chit chatting LOL
the ground was hard @@'
not used to sleeping in the sleeping bag @@"
but it's fun :D
woke up at 11+
had our breakfast
dilly dally around ~ fix xin's psp problem
2pm+ made our way to nex for lunch
after that @@"... for some reason..
kath leen was there with her friend
i think she's stalking us..
because by right.. today we are suppose to go swimming with her
we kinda cancel it.. cause samzy was having her period.
after all this ~~~
reached home at 7pm+
wanted to sleep ): but my niece came over
watched some pontianak movie with my family ~
while playing old maid with rachelle ;D
rachelle is scared of the movie owo" LOL
oh well ~ too lazy to edit any english error..
or broken english.. too tired...
she just left and i'm going to bed x_x' so sleepy !
tml kor's shipment stuff will be coming at 9-10am ! FML
i wish i could sleep longer ): ! tsk !
k bye ! going to bed now !
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