It is 220am now !
i woke up at 7am ytd ~ and watch craps on youtube again
till 2pm ~ fell asleep till 10pm LOL x) ~ currently waiting
for selena's computer ~ to change into windows or something else ~
so that we can play audi season 2 :D ! all the korean songs are back x)
ytd i went back maplesea and today meow aiai told me
she change guild code pass le and the pass was like so cute !
"i got 8 eyes woots LOL" so long LOL ! sadly ~ she gtg at 1030
cause she got school tmr D: ! she called me O: so we did some chit chat
she told me there is at least 20 level 200 in cass le T_T sian
(i still 161 -.- ! nnoooooooooooooooooooooooo)
not long later she say she needa sleep so we hang up O:
and i decided to go deviant art and see some fan art
at first i typed cloud (from final fantasy VII)
well what i saw was like ~ sephiroth and cloud together *O*
they don't match together !! well somewhat? lols
and i saw this animated picture which is kinda interesting :D
(poor sora) kairi is such a fag ~ if she continue doing tat sora will die D:

This one was like awesome ~ (who cares about riku LOL)
if i was riku i would answer SORA ~!! and not tat gay mickey ~

well now im still looking at picture at devaint art LOL x)
i come across this picture of the little merman quite interesting
sora and riku :D chibi drawing ! so cute !

well ~ sora and riku is not really my favorite pairing in kh D:
my favorite is Sora and Roxas :D + Roxas and Axel + Ventus and Roxas
Okay enough of yaoi stuff LOL X:
recently i was like thinking should i get a tablet first ? or a webcam ?!
if i have a tablet i can draw on photoshop/ms paint !
if i got a webcam i can talk to wei ting/meow aiai/others on it D:
what to do ~ i don't even know !! * ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG*
Tablet ~
i wanna do a
-Yaoi meme ~ from devaint art
-Tsubasa meme ~ from devaint art
-Drawings ~ Fanart ~ etc :D
webcam ~
- chitchat with ppl
- uhhh?!
~ hais ~ okay la i go sleep le ~ lazy to type somemore ~ nights !
i woke up at 7am ytd ~ and watch craps on youtube again
till 2pm ~ fell asleep till 10pm LOL x) ~ currently waiting
for selena's computer ~ to change into windows or something else ~
so that we can play audi season 2 :D ! all the korean songs are back x)
ytd i went back maplesea and today meow aiai told me
she change guild code pass le and the pass was like so cute !
"i got 8 eyes woots LOL" so long LOL ! sadly ~ she gtg at 1030
cause she got school tmr D: ! she called me O: so we did some chit chat
she told me there is at least 20 level 200 in cass le T_T sian
(i still 161 -.- ! nnoooooooooooooooooooooooo)
not long later she say she needa sleep so we hang up O:
and i decided to go deviant art and see some fan art
at first i typed cloud (from final fantasy VII)
well what i saw was like ~ sephiroth and cloud together *O*
they don't match together !! well somewhat? lols
and i saw this animated picture which is kinda interesting :D
(poor sora) kairi is such a fag ~ if she continue doing tat sora will die D:

This one was like awesome ~ (who cares about riku LOL)
if i was riku i would answer SORA ~!! and not tat gay mickey ~

well now im still looking at picture at devaint art LOL x)
i come across this picture of the little merman quite interesting
sora and riku :D chibi drawing ! so cute !

well ~ sora and riku is not really my favorite pairing in kh D:
my favorite is Sora and Roxas :D + Roxas and Axel + Ventus and Roxas
Okay enough of yaoi stuff LOL X:
recently i was like thinking should i get a tablet first ? or a webcam ?!
if i have a tablet i can draw on photoshop/ms paint !
if i got a webcam i can talk to wei ting/meow aiai/others on it D:
what to do ~ i don't even know !! * ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG*
Tablet ~
i wanna do a
-Yaoi meme ~ from devaint art
-Tsubasa meme ~ from devaint art
-Drawings ~ Fanart ~ etc :D
webcam ~
- chitchat with ppl
- uhhh?!
~ hais ~ okay la i go sleep le ~ lazy to type somemore ~ nights !
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