Monday, 15 December 2008

Heh heh heh heh heh ~
today is the day i'm going to wei ting's house for stay over, mei hui coming too.
i'll be going after dinner like around 7,8 pm + ;D ~ aiyo 3 days more to result !
so kan chiong D: , worst to worst i don't know what time ! mr tang say "watch news"
this is abit hopeless for me ~ i hate newsssssss... better still mei hui don't even know
when to collect her results , HIONG LEH

woke up at 6am + de, not long later it started raining and i felt sleepy...
so i went to bed like around 9,10 + and now i just woke up ;D
feeling great and cold ;D + lazy for today ~

hmmmm.. i'm going to pack my stuff for the stay over ;D
later got movie maraton at wei ting's house :)) can't wait for it x)
before i go pack my stuff i play pet society first ! hahahha :P
i know its a childish game ~ but i just love it hehehehehe !
CYA ALL TML ! i'll be back home by afternoon or so ;D

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