My brother bought me a white face roboroski hamster on 22 dec 11
I notice she was slim and fat at the butt area LOL
I planned to feed her till she's fat :D I named her Hairy-Bi ! LOL !
epic name but I like it :D
Day 1 she was fine. active and stuff like that
Today day 2, Christmas eve. Played with her in the afternoon, well of cause i did feed her!
Put her back, wanted to play with her in the evening. but she was sleeping.
I thought i was normal, since its raining too. So I didn't want to disturb her, let her sleep.
10+ check again. wanted to play with her but she'll still roll up into a ball.
Went to check out if she's awake and YEAH ! SHE IS ! so I carried her out to play.
she's damn active ! I realize something.. How come she become thinner ?!
then I saw moving in the cage ಠ_ಠ...........................
I thought it was a cockroach or something...
I moved the sawdust to see what is it there... hoping it's not a freaking cockroach !
and I saw 3 babies there !! I didn't know my hammie was pregnant.
So I went to my brother's room to tell him, he was shock as well !
He took 3 pictures of them, sadly.. one of the babies died ): stillborn.. it was cold..
-sigh- ): ! hopefully the other 2 babies will grow up furry and cute like their mom :D !
Morning I'm going to meet Eunice to collect my wigs :D
Then pass some stuff and collect money from Yun .
Afternoon meeting Shan Hui for shopping and Gongcha Session ! :X
26 dec, make up session with synchronicity cosplay group at nick's house.
27 dec, going to absalom's house to play xbox kinect with all the cousins
28 dec, nth LOL :D
29 dec, outing with xin and yun + others(dunno how is coming along)
30 dec, celebrating xin's belated birthday
31 dec, meeting auditionsea fam house members :D
9 Jan'12 back to school ;_; FML
update on cosplay's cosplan ~ add in
Gray Fullblaster [Fairytail] -Edolas ver, Default set-
Spirit Albarn(Maka's Dad) [Soul Earter] -Default set-
Aono Tsukune [Rosario + Vampire] -Formal set-
That's all for now :D
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
So blooddyyy longgg since i last blog LOL
getting lazy to blog nowadays.
bought a lot of cosplay stuff.
decided to be other characters instead of the 1 before this post.
so not gonna be meiko again. dont fit to be her -.- tsk
Currently my cosplan(or to be correct next year what am i going to cosplay as atm)
Mephisto Pheles [Ao no exorcist] -default,kimono ver,hani hani sister ver-
Shima Renzou [Ao no exorcist] -default-
Kaito [Vocaloid] -Monochrome blue sky & Secret Police ver-
Meiko[Vocaloid] -Monochrome blue sky & Synchronicity ver-
Loke [Fairytail] -default, not spirit ver-
Laxus [Fairytail] -Younger ver-
now i got super motivation to slim down after looking at my big list of characters plus cosplay team mates ! must slim moahhh !! NYHAHAHAHAHA
i feel like cosplaying amaimon =3= but im like hmmm he's not easy to cosplay ):
ahhhhhhhhhhh ! nvm slim moah then say HAHAHAHAHAHA !!
getting lazy to blog nowadays.
bought a lot of cosplay stuff.
decided to be other characters instead of the 1 before this post.
so not gonna be meiko again. dont fit to be her -.- tsk
Currently my cosplan(or to be correct next year what am i going to cosplay as atm)
Mephisto Pheles [Ao no exorcist] -default,kimono ver,hani hani sister ver-
Shima Renzou [Ao no exorcist] -default-
Kaito [Vocaloid] -Monochrome blue sky & Secret Police ver-
Meiko[Vocaloid] -Monochrome blue sky & Synchronicity ver-
Loke [Fairytail] -default, not spirit ver-
Laxus [Fairytail] -Younger ver-
now i got super motivation to slim down after looking at my big list of characters plus cosplay team mates ! must slim moahhh !! NYHAHAHAHAHA
i feel like cosplaying amaimon =3= but im like hmmm he's not easy to cosplay ):
ahhhhhhhhhhh ! nvm slim moah then say HAHAHAHAHAHA !!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
its been 2 weeks since i last blogged @@
went to afa'11 with xin,wen hui and lauren :D !
*happy* took a pic with mephisto ! hur hur hur !
ahhh next year i also wanna cosplay ): !
look sho sexyyyyyyy ~
just signed up as a helper at sgcafe forum's vocaloid magnet cosplay
shall see how they cosplay :P !
-sigh- i'm still fat ):
but i dont care !! shall lose weight ! mwhahahaha
I'm so picky ): i dunno who to cosplay for afa'12
actually we plan to cosplay as a group theme ~
but sadly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lauren wants to be a witch from l4d2
Samantha wants to be akazukin chacha/alice
Xin no idea what she want to be ?_? awhile luffy, awhile oga tatsumi ~
Wenhui, same problem like me ~ cannot decide on 1
Vanessa, i dunno.. she said she wanna be shirayuki mizore ~
oh well up to her ~~
so end of the day its a cross-over anime cosplay o3o'''
Currently this are the few characters i wanna cosplay~ (but dunno who to pick)
Shima Renzou (Ao no exorcist)
Okumura Yukio (Ao no exorcist) [HEH ! easy for me ! i got specs just nice LOL]
Mephisto Pheles(Ao no exorcist) [i doubt my face can fit his look~ but i feel like trying]
Okita Sougo (Gintama) [Don't know want to do his gakuen ver. or his normal set]
Orihara Izaya (Durarara)
Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara)
Edolas ver. Gray (Fairytail)
i don't dare to pick female chars ):
cause i'm not pretty ;_; sob ~!! maybe when i gain a bit more confident ~
then i shall cosplay as Vocaloid's
Megurine Luka
Hatsune Miku
K ! cannot think of others -_-''
and goddammit ! need to buy wig !
sad leh ! is in chinese -.- and my chinese failed horribly..
nvm shall ask my mom/cousin to get for me ;x ! then i pay HAHAHAHA !!
need to buy at least 4/5 short hair wig.
1 brown [Okita Sougo]
1 black [Yukio,Izaya & Gray]
1 pink[Shima]
1 blonde [Shizuo]
1 Mephisto wig ( dunno should i get it or not -_- ~)
need to ask karyan's mom to make school uniform LOLOLOLOL
epicccccccccc ~_~' whatever ~
need to learn how to put make up/ contact lens
16 days more to holiday !
then time to slim down ! dec holiday = 1 day 1 meal or 2 = eat lesser ;x !
went to afa'11 with xin,wen hui and lauren :D !
*happy* took a pic with mephisto ! hur hur hur !
ahhh next year i also wanna cosplay ): !
look sho sexyyyyyyy ~
just signed up as a helper at sgcafe forum's vocaloid magnet cosplay
shall see how they cosplay :P !
-sigh- i'm still fat ):
but i dont care !! shall lose weight ! mwhahahaha
I'm so picky ): i dunno who to cosplay for afa'12
actually we plan to cosplay as a group theme ~
but sadly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lauren wants to be a witch from l4d2
Samantha wants to be akazukin chacha/alice
Xin no idea what she want to be ?_? awhile luffy, awhile oga tatsumi ~
Wenhui, same problem like me ~ cannot decide on 1
Vanessa, i dunno.. she said she wanna be shirayuki mizore ~
oh well up to her ~~
so end of the day its a cross-over anime cosplay o3o'''
Currently this are the few characters i wanna cosplay~ (but dunno who to pick)
Shima Renzou (Ao no exorcist)
Okumura Yukio (Ao no exorcist) [HEH ! easy for me ! i got specs just nice LOL]
Mephisto Pheles(Ao no exorcist) [i doubt my face can fit his look~ but i feel like trying]
Okita Sougo (Gintama) [Don't know want to do his gakuen ver. or his normal set]
Orihara Izaya (Durarara)
Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara)
Edolas ver. Gray (Fairytail)
i don't dare to pick female chars ):
cause i'm not pretty ;_; sob ~!! maybe when i gain a bit more confident ~
then i shall cosplay as Vocaloid's
Megurine Luka
Hatsune Miku
K ! cannot think of others -_-''
and goddammit ! need to buy wig !
sad leh ! is in chinese -.- and my chinese failed horribly..
nvm shall ask my mom/cousin to get for me ;x ! then i pay HAHAHAHA !!
need to buy at least 4/5 short hair wig.
1 brown [Okita Sougo]
1 black [Yukio,Izaya & Gray]
1 pink[Shima]
1 blonde [Shizuo]
1 Mephisto wig ( dunno should i get it or not -_- ~)
need to ask karyan's mom to make school uniform LOLOLOLOL
epicccccccccc ~_~' whatever ~
need to learn how to put make up/ contact lens
16 days more to holiday !
then time to slim down ! dec holiday = 1 day 1 meal or 2 = eat lesser ;x !
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
WOAHHHH ! okay still pixiv/zerochan/dA/fanfic/manga maddness LOL
So farrr the only thing new is ~ my hair color :) right now its purple.
been studying with my classmates.
maths is really killing me ):
yesterday, we went to changi airport to study.
it was fun and epic :D
Kar yan, Clapperton, Ricky, Teck lee, Ah boon, Stanly and Marcus.
Sadly mei yun didn't join us, because she was sick.
Today study group part 2
just Ricky, Teck lee, Ah boon and me.
evening Absalom came over to help a little :)
so tiredddd !!
i hope tml i can do the maths test ): !
scared and worried ): ! FMLLLLL
i enjoy higher nitec so much more :D !
alright time to sleep ! tata
So farrr the only thing new is ~ my hair color :) right now its purple.
been studying with my classmates.
maths is really killing me ):
yesterday, we went to changi airport to study.
it was fun and epic :D
Kar yan, Clapperton, Ricky, Teck lee, Ah boon, Stanly and Marcus.
Sadly mei yun didn't join us, because she was sick.
Today study group part 2
just Ricky, Teck lee, Ah boon and me.
evening Absalom came over to help a little :)
so tiredddd !!
i hope tml i can do the maths test ): !
scared and worried ): ! FMLLLLL
i enjoy higher nitec so much more :D !
alright time to sleep ! tata
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Today was a pretty interesting day :)
morning ac lesson, 8am to 10am.
helped clapperton and ricky on his electrical pneumatic parts
after that, clapperton and i went to the gym :D
damn tired =w='' went back to class to meet yun and karyan.
since their lesson starts at 10 to 12.
round 2 of helping, helped marcus.
had lunch at bedok point popeye's.
the counter at the popeye's... the way she serve us... its like as if we owe her money...
damn irritating... tsk
bought some takoyaki and shared it with yun.
i'm in love with this bubble shop call 'gong cha'
i love the honey milk tea with herbal jelly !!
its awesome !! shall buy it again next time x) !
well this is the first time karyan join us out after school !
it was pretty fun :D
on the way home, met ting's brother wei zhong on bus 101.
chit chatted a little~
reached home :) now i'm going to bathhhhhhhh
then sleep. so gonna skip dinner. too damn tired =="
tatatatatatatatata taaaaaaaaaaa
morning ac lesson, 8am to 10am.
helped clapperton and ricky on his electrical pneumatic parts
after that, clapperton and i went to the gym :D
damn tired =w='' went back to class to meet yun and karyan.
since their lesson starts at 10 to 12.
round 2 of helping, helped marcus.
had lunch at bedok point popeye's.
the counter at the popeye's... the way she serve us... its like as if we owe her money...
damn irritating... tsk
bought some takoyaki and shared it with yun.
i'm in love with this bubble shop call 'gong cha'
i love the honey milk tea with herbal jelly !!
its awesome !! shall buy it again next time x) !
well this is the first time karyan join us out after school !
it was pretty fun :D
on the way home, met ting's brother wei zhong on bus 101.
chit chatted a little~
reached home :) now i'm going to bathhhhhhhh
then sleep. so gonna skip dinner. too damn tired =="
tatatatatatatatata taaaaaaaaaaa
Monday, 17 October 2011
woahhh ! have not updated for almost 2 weeks :D
my birthday this year = awesome !
so many presents from unexpected people !
i really love it :) ! thank you !
i seriously enjoy my higher nitec years !
though i don't really like some of my subjects in this course
i love my current classmates :D they are awesome !
compare to nitec years, this is 1 of the best :D !
so many awesome things happened after the computer fan maddness event !
hopefully things get better !
as for daily life, nothing changed ;D
still going to
all the anime "ask" tumblr
to add something new
i dont blog/post things there. i just go there to find yaoi doujinshi/fanfiction LOL
so happy ! downloaded 2 mephisto/shirou doujinshi
currently looking for amaimon/mephisto doujinshi ):
fml i wish i could japan !!
last month, 23 sept's comic fare !!
this month, 23 oct SPARK6 comic fare !!
KKWWAHHHHH !! i wish i could go there ;_; !!! i want buy MefiAma doujinshi !!
SADDDDDDDDDDDD but it's okay, next time i shall gooooo !!
Mei yun asked if i wanna do laser surgery for my eyes.
i was like uhhhhh i don't know.. maybe ~
see first HEHHEHEHEEHE !!
my birthday this year = awesome !
so many presents from unexpected people !
i really love it :) ! thank you !
i seriously enjoy my higher nitec years !
though i don't really like some of my subjects in this course
i love my current classmates :D they are awesome !
compare to nitec years, this is 1 of the best :D !
so many awesome things happened after the computer fan maddness event !
hopefully things get better !
as for daily life, nothing changed ;D
still going to
all the anime "ask" tumblr
to add something new
i dont blog/post things there. i just go there to find yaoi doujinshi/fanfiction LOL
so happy ! downloaded 2 mephisto/shirou doujinshi
currently looking for amaimon/mephisto doujinshi ):
fml i wish i could japan !!
last month, 23 sept's comic fare !!
this month, 23 oct SPARK6 comic fare !!
KKWWAHHHHH !! i wish i could go there ;_; !!! i want buy MefiAma doujinshi !!
SADDDDDDDDDDDD but it's okay, next time i shall gooooo !!
Mei yun asked if i wanna do laser surgery for my eyes.
i was like uhhhhh i don't know.. maybe ~
see first HEHHEHEHEEHE !!
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
its been awhile since i blog.
fml ! this semester -.-... kinda suck.. maths..
etc etc etc etc etc etc
no luck at all.
for like the whole year.
first shitty problem, my com fking died on me
then my air con fking noisy. died on me
then now my new computer giving me problem
i dunno wtf is wrong with it.
i din even use the com. since morning
i just came home on the fking com and the computer's fan was like MAX or something
damn loud and irritating. like as if its overheated.
i check all over the net . they say its dirt.
its not even hot or anything -.- and i dunno why is it so loud
fking sueyyyyyyyy to the core.
so irritated la. -.-
not just irritating FUCKING IRRITATED
URGGGHHHH !! so fking bad mood to the core
xialan today rain then late for maths class
why things cannot go my way -.-
i don't ask for much, why so unfair zzz
sometimes i just want everyone to leave me alone.
so that i can use the com in peace.
now my com is also not giving me the peace i want
fml ! this semester -.-... kinda suck.. maths..
etc etc etc etc etc etc
no luck at all.
for like the whole year.
first shitty problem, my com fking died on me
then my air con fking noisy. died on me
then now my new computer giving me problem
i dunno wtf is wrong with it.
i din even use the com. since morning
i just came home on the fking com and the computer's fan was like MAX or something
damn loud and irritating. like as if its overheated.
i check all over the net . they say its dirt.
its not even hot or anything -.- and i dunno why is it so loud
fking sueyyyyyyyy to the core.
so irritated la. -.-
not just irritating FUCKING IRRITATED
URGGGHHHH !! so fking bad mood to the core
xialan today rain then late for maths class
why things cannot go my way -.-
i don't ask for much, why so unfair zzz
sometimes i just want everyone to leave me alone.
so that i can use the com in peace.
now my com is also not giving me the peace i want
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

aahhh i can't sleep. currently i been living in a .... part-time~
otaku/hikikomori/vampire lifestyle.
waking up when the sun sets and sleeping when the sun raise.
been going out in the middle of the night with ting.
doing my usual stuff and nothing new/change so far
just completed watching yondemasu yo azazel san
found the manga version of it. sadly it was only in chinese...
plus my chinese is so... goddammit poor -.-
quite happy that my jap improve :D but... -sigh- long way to go !
still crazy over ao no exorcist.
been reading fanfictions at
now i'm like open up to more different ao no exorcist pairing.
felt that my english somewhat improve ~
i feel like writing a fanfic of my own ~ but i doubt i can ==''
my english is still as poor as everrrrrr ~
i hope my parents agree on going to thailand with my brother.
so that i can have my home alone time !
having the house to myself = best thing ever.
i refuse to go thailand with them -.-
yes as much as i want to go out of singapore~ i just refuse to go there !
its not like i hate the country... i just have no interest in it....
there is nothing that spark my interest...
if you asked me where i want to go.. i would pick somewhere with four seasons !
i want to see snow..... well... if no snow... that's okay ~
at least go somewhere interesting !! like hong kong disney land ! somewhere fun !!
if not.. don't even think of me joining you ! =.= !!
i rather stay at home and have the whole house to myself for the week !
that would be PERFECT ! i can invite some friends to stay over too.
but noooooooo ~
you just have to reject the trip and stay at home blah blah blah
people always say they envy others having family time with them.. etc etc..
yeah its nice once awhile but i still prefer being alone in my room with no 1 disturbing me.
yes i enjoy spending time with my friends and so on.
but i need my own time to be alone~ doing my own things ==''
hope they will change their mind -..- ! tsk
back to reading fanfic ~ tata
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
remix up again o3o~~
last sat ~ cousin bbq. quite fun ;)
sun, rotting
mon, meet up with xin and jin ping. played pool in the afternoon and then movie ~
haunters = pretty interesting korean movie ;D
yesterday, jogging with ting and sharon
today, bought subways for the family for dinner. since mom not cooking.
now looking at fanarts at zerochan,pivix and devaint LOL
i enjoy going to :D so many awesome fanfic there
i can't wait for Exxal to update her " forget me not " fanfic O: !
its one of the best amaimon x shiemi fanfic :D
i also can't wait for HoodieStrings to update her " a game " as well
ahhhhh !!
i still can't find Yondemasu Yo Azazel-san manga...
most of the manga website only has 2 chapter... when it already has 6 books..
currently left... *(haven finish reading/watching)
gintama(anime stop at ep 6,manga at 95)
no.6 (manga chap 6, anime haven watch)
beelzebub(watched half way stop at 12+ since 2-5 months ago)
yondemasu yo azazel san (anime haven watch,manga chap 2... can't find more ...)
fairytail (watched half way stop at 80+ since 2-4 months ago)
one piece (lost count at anime... 390++ there..)
at this rate i doubt my holidays = enough time to finish LOL
i keep reading fanfics and looking at fanarts rofl !
oh well shall continue gintama for now ~bye
last sat ~ cousin bbq. quite fun ;)
sun, rotting
mon, meet up with xin and jin ping. played pool in the afternoon and then movie ~
haunters = pretty interesting korean movie ;D
yesterday, jogging with ting and sharon
today, bought subways for the family for dinner. since mom not cooking.
now looking at fanarts at zerochan,pivix and devaint LOL
i enjoy going to :D so many awesome fanfic there
i can't wait for Exxal to update her " forget me not " fanfic O: !
its one of the best amaimon x shiemi fanfic :D
i also can't wait for HoodieStrings to update her " a game " as well
ahhhhh !!
i still can't find Yondemasu Yo Azazel-san manga...
most of the manga website only has 2 chapter... when it already has 6 books..
currently left... *(haven finish reading/watching)
gintama(anime stop at ep 6,manga at 95)
no.6 (manga chap 6, anime haven watch)
beelzebub(watched half way stop at 12+ since 2-5 months ago)
yondemasu yo azazel san (anime haven watch,manga chap 2... can't find more ...)
fairytail (watched half way stop at 80+ since 2-4 months ago)
one piece (lost count at anime... 390++ there..)
at this rate i doubt my holidays = enough time to finish LOL
i keep reading fanfics and looking at fanarts rofl !
oh well shall continue gintama for now ~bye
Saturday, 10 September 2011
today helped mom changed all the bed sheet. for some reason my bro's bed is fking heavy ==
after that went to remove the temporary thin metal line and tighten back the top braces @@""
its not that painful but its freaking sore/aching now ._.''
i have been stalking and all the manga site for updates~
i'm really bored ): tml bbq with mom sides cousin and sunday going to dad's side for a visit.
i'm really really really bored =_= and im broke LOL no pocket money for the holidays
gyyaahhhh ! someone give me money please D: ! LOL
currently addicted music :
Happy Synthesizer - Luka & Gumi
Gesshoku Grand Guignol - Ali Projects
Mirai no Eve - Ali Projects
Airplanes - Hayley Williams Version
She's a lady - Forever The Sickest Kids
Inner Universe - Origa
Unhappy Refrain - Hatsune Miku
Pandora Hearts - Pandora Hearts OST
I Want You(Scanty & Kneesock's Theme) - Panty & Stocking OST
i been listening to it over and over on youtube playlist LOL !
k back to reading gintama o3o ! tata
after that went to remove the temporary thin metal line and tighten back the top braces @@""
its not that painful but its freaking sore/aching now ._.''
i have been stalking and all the manga site for updates~
i'm really bored ): tml bbq with mom sides cousin and sunday going to dad's side for a visit.
i'm really really really bored =_= and im broke LOL no pocket money for the holidays
gyyaahhhh ! someone give me money please D: ! LOL
currently addicted music :
Happy Synthesizer - Luka & Gumi
Gesshoku Grand Guignol - Ali Projects
Mirai no Eve - Ali Projects
Airplanes - Hayley Williams Version
She's a lady - Forever The Sickest Kids
Inner Universe - Origa
Unhappy Refrain - Hatsune Miku
Pandora Hearts - Pandora Hearts OST
I Want You(Scanty & Kneesock's Theme) - Panty & Stocking OST
i been listening to it over and over on youtube playlist LOL !
k back to reading gintama o3o ! tata
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
last night went to meet yun in the mid of the night lol
nothing much happen
today went to extract 2 teeth ~ it was scary =w=
hearing my own teeth having those crack sounds
wei ting and samzy accompanied me ;D
had lunch together :D shall take a pic tml of my missing teeth tml LOOLLL
friday going back to put my metal line back
feels weird without my 2 top premolar ._.
its odd.. keep bleeding =w="" from 3.30pm + till now ._.
the extraction was fast ! like magic +_+ 5mins and its done LOL
oh well that's all for today :D shall go to bed now so sleepy x_x
nothing much happen
today went to extract 2 teeth ~ it was scary =w=
hearing my own teeth having those crack sounds
wei ting and samzy accompanied me ;D
had lunch together :D shall take a pic tml of my missing teeth tml LOOLLL
friday going back to put my metal line back
feels weird without my 2 top premolar ._.
its odd.. keep bleeding =w="" from 3.30pm + till now ._.
the extraction was fast ! like magic +_+ 5mins and its done LOL
oh well that's all for today :D shall go to bed now so sleepy x_x
Monday, 5 September 2011

woah its been awhile since i blog ! okay remix again lmao !
last week ~~~~
last week of school
teacher's day
cut hair
dyed hair
otaku mode
downloaded more pictures of amaimon and mephisto
drew amaimon on tegaki and uploaded on deviantart and pixiv
spend more time with ting
this week is my first week of holiday ~ but for some reason its kinda boring
i dunno why ;_;"" boreddddddddd
wed going to extract 2 teeth =w=''' kinda scared ~
made a pixiv and zerochan account :D
k bored LOL
dunno why the fuck am i so bored !
its only the first week of holidays and it felt like i been having a year of holidays now -_-
something is wrong with me !!
k bored ~ someone entertain me !
sometimes i was like uhhhhhhhh i want someone to go out with me
ting is busy ;_; xin is also busy ~ yun super busy ~ clapperton working ~
don't want go out with sharon ~ yik xian at malaysia ~ sec school classmate almost all busy~
Sigh ~ drop dead bored

SO DAMN BOREDDDDDD ;_____________; FML

i feel like dying due to borednesssssssss
maybe i should download auditionsea back o3o"

eeekkksss ! k nvm now i shall entertain myself by learning more jap words BYE
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Yesterday went out with Wei ting and Sharon.
did some light jogging~after that went to sharon's house to slack :D
was kinda bored ~ so i din go home immediately ~
followed ting to her house downstairs ~
chit chatted with her till 3am + in the morning
woke up at 12nn+
check pixiv/facebook/mangafox/mangareader/ask(s) tumblrs and etc
now im bored ): nothing to do ~ oh maybe i shall take a nap o3o ! tata
did some light jogging~after that went to sharon's house to slack :D
was kinda bored ~ so i din go home immediately ~
followed ting to her house downstairs ~
chit chatted with her till 3am + in the morning
woke up at 12nn+
check pixiv/facebook/mangafox/mangareader/ask(s) tumblrs and etc
now im bored ): nothing to do ~ oh maybe i shall take a nap o3o ! tata
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Lolllll its been a super busy/tiring/etc weekkkkkkk
so i'll just cut it short
starting with
study group
more exam
went to sharon's birthday
met her brother who happens to be xin's taekwondo friend
computer died
bought new computer
not used to new computer system
holidays coming
1 week of school left
teacher's day
slimming down
-Random part-
so tired ! i want to cut my hair ~ lololol
but thinking about it ~ i want long hair too tsk !
7 sept coming closer ;_; im scared ~ need to extract 2 teeth ;_;
boohoooo ~
today just bought all the teacher's day present LOL
ahhhhhhh ~
currently im crazy over
Amaimon x Shiemi
Kagura x Okita Sougo
LOLOLOLOL dunno why :D i enjoy looking at all the couple pictures at pixiv
why is it so hard to find a nice mephisto pheles picture D: !
;___________________________; !
my nails are getting longer ~ too lazy to cut =w=''
addicted to the song call Unhappy Refrain by Hatsune miku :D
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
k that's all lazy to blog tata
so i'll just cut it short
starting with
study group
more exam
went to sharon's birthday
met her brother who happens to be xin's taekwondo friend
computer died
bought new computer
not used to new computer system
holidays coming
1 week of school left
teacher's day
slimming down
-Random part-
so tired ! i want to cut my hair ~ lololol
but thinking about it ~ i want long hair too tsk !
7 sept coming closer ;_; im scared ~ need to extract 2 teeth ;_;
boohoooo ~
today just bought all the teacher's day present LOL
ahhhhhhh ~
currently im crazy over
Amaimon x Shiemi
Kagura x Okita Sougo
LOLOLOLOL dunno why :D i enjoy looking at all the couple pictures at pixiv
why is it so hard to find a nice mephisto pheles picture D: !
;___________________________; !
my nails are getting longer ~ too lazy to cut =w=''
addicted to the song call Unhappy Refrain by Hatsune miku :D
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
k that's all lazy to blog tata
Thursday, 11 August 2011
though the idea is not mine ~ its from narutolover6219 at deviantart
not as good as the orginal fanart ~ but still ~ whatever LOL
been kinda tired this few days ):
tml braces tightening -.- fml ~
mwhahahaha so happy !
finally i get to draw whatever i want and post it on devaintart
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
still sad that amaimon died in the anime ):
been stalking and the past few days LOL
i enjoy looking at all the fanarts ! x)
k that's all bye
though the idea is not mine ~ its from narutolover6219 at deviantart

not as good as the orginal fanart ~ but still ~ whatever LOL
been kinda tired this few days ):
tml braces tightening -.- fml ~
mwhahahaha so happy !
finally i get to draw whatever i want and post it on devaintart
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !
still sad that amaimon died in the anime ):
been stalking and the past few days LOL
i enjoy looking at all the fanarts ! x)
k that's all bye
Monday, 8 August 2011
Sun :
kor bought a scanner and a 16 gb memory stick for me :D -happy-
time flies real fast yesterday @@"
Today :
Half day schoooll~~~ redo my solid work test ;_;'
cause my file is corrupted... -cries-
reach home at 12 + o3o"
took a nap at 1+ ~ woke up at 6+
had dinner~ after dinner~ check pixiv's amaimon art HEHEHEHE
watched ep 17 ;_;""
sad.... T__T sob ~ amaimon died ;_;'' ....
thank goodness in the manga he didn't die ! -happy-
but its really sad to see him die ;_;"
i like Tetsuya Kakihara's voice~ sadly i wont hear his voice in ao no exorcist anymore ;_;
shall continue with fairytail ~ since he is natsu over there @@"
why does all the interesting characters have to die D: ~
that's all for today ~ shall continue stalking LOL
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Fri :
another person drew this too LOL
After milling lesson, yun and i went to csquare for lunch~
i bought 2 nose stud for mom and 3 pair of ear studs(purple,green,blue)
yun bought 1 pair of ear stud and some stuff .
Currently wearing the purple and green ear studs :)
my left ear had a blue star stud(the 'sole' survivor ear stud LOL) ~
so i just put in a purple stud in ~ the right side green~purple~green ~ :D
yay ! all 5 of my ear piercing is filled :D !
its been a long time since i wear so many ear studs
the blue pair of ear stud~ i shall keep it till 1 of them is lost/etc then i will replace it LOL
yun have not wear ear studs for years
and her ear piercing hole is kinda small ~ she said it hurts when she put it in ~
so we went to 77th street to buy some rubbing alcohol or something whatever its called ~
i went home alone since yun have to go boonlay to meet her sister~
reached home around 4pm + took a nap all the way till evening ~
kinda angry at mom's cooking.. the bee hoon she cooked.... has garlic -_-'
i refuse to eat it ~_~' so i skip dinner ~
on my com ~ and O-M-G ! i discover this website call !
its a japanese webside filled with anime drawings ! best part was like.....
so many アマイモン (amaimon) & メフィスト・フェレス (mephisto pheles) drawings !
yay for my improvement of jap and boo for my chinese =3="
i realize some chinese words... i dont even know how to read them ...
but if it's the same word... i know what it is read as in jap and not chinese -_-'
fml ~ oh well who cares ! i m starting to be able to read basic jap words !
which is good enough :D HAHAHAHAHA !!
downloaded a lot of amaimon's pictures ! hehehehehe !!
slept at 6am + @@
was too 'busy' looking at all of amaimon's fanart
till i din notice the time =_='
damn brother of mine... on his damn music.. so damn early in the morning
-_- i wish he could stop that.. so that i can sleep peacefully !!
today i did the same thing again in the afternoon:X
i went to to see amaimon,shiemi and mephisto
LOLOLOLOLOLOL downloaded another few more pictures of them
i'm so gonna get a pixiv account when i get a scanner :X !
dinner time~ went down to the coffee shop with mom for dinner ~
had pork chop fried rice :X it taste goooddddd O: !
bought a can of peach tea too !
kor and rachelle too busy watching kungfu panda 2 in his room =='
so we had to buy dinner for them ~_~"
played donkey and old maid with mom,kor & rachelle
epic game :D rachelle/kor/mom's reaction = priceless LOLOLOLOLOL !
i just love looking at people's epic/funny priceless reaction :D
no idea why ROFL
tml going to tampines courts with dad and kor @@"
so gonna make kor buy me a scanner so that i can scan all my drawings !
then post it at devainart/pixiv :D WOOHOOO !
Currently i'm using Google Chrome LOL
I'm starting to like it :D
Sadly Mozilla FireFox's facebook maple game.. can't load -_-'
don't know why.. so i was force to use google chrome~
but it turn out pretty interesting ! just that all my favorite page is not here LOL
too lazy to tranfer them all here -__-' since i use mozilla firefox more ~
and its kinda odd for some reason @@"
i still don't like internet explorer -_-' blehh
i r addicted to facebook maplestory LOL
i quit playing pserver for now ~ give up both side of my hgm
1 side private to friends only -_-
1 side kinda speechless at the things they do ~
worth it or not ~ i don't care :D
its a GOOD BYE to them ^^
back to otaku mode ^_^V
i love this picture ! so cute :D dino-amaimon LOL
another person drew this too LOL
can't wait for ao no exorcist ep 16 :D !
i wanna see amaimon's true form ~ sadly ep 15 was only a few sec ;_;
and the manga version doesn't have it ! rawr !
i like this drawing style too x)
by : はちべぇ
i also like this traditional drawing !
i like のぶのぶ☆夏's drawing style so much ! i wish i could draw like her !
i like the way she do all the shading D: so sexy...
till today.. i suck at colouring/shading for shadows... fml
the lady that drew this = proooo
my new msn picture :X LOL
it look like the original artist's drawing @@"
too lazy to upload all of them x) ! LOLOLOL
dunno why am i so crazy over this green hair dude
maybe because he has blue eyes HAHAHA!
i like mephisto too O: ! though his eyes is forest green
THENNNNNN i realize.. actually i like demon characters more than humans LMAO
cause in panty & stocking that anime ~
i like the demon sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks
so... over at ao no exorcist = demon brothers LMAO !
for female characters at ao no exorcist, i like shiemi,shura and musashi
out of the 3 of them, i love shiemi !
don't know why so many people hates her -_-'
even my own bro doesn't like her =="
but i think she's cute and helpful ~ but very clumsy for some reason LOL
ahhh who caresssss ! all i know is.. KAWAIIIIIIII ! LOL
my fav normal pairing amaimon x shiemi :X
not a big fan of rin x shiemi ._." or shiemi x yukio LOLOLOLOLOL
don't know whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
my fav pairing for yaoi amaimon x mephisto (drawn by はちべぇ too) !
and also i just discover more fanfics of ao no exorcist LOL
shall read them after this posting this ! EHHEHEHE !
k bye :X
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
i'm somewhat addicted to reading amaimon x mephisto fanfiction o3o"
i think it's awesome LOL ~ i read most of them on devaintart
i just like the way they make amaimon so innocent in all the fanfiction :D
A tired Amaimon, who was obviously still half asleep stressed every single letter of this word as he crawled up a bit. His hands went to Mephistos knees and he placed a chaste kiss on his elder brothers leg. Dazed eyes looked up at startled ones as he nuzzles the older demons leg; "Aniue...are you mad?"
He asked this with a frown on his face; Mephisto swallowed his pride and shook his head, "No. No I'm not," He said quickly, recieving the most innocent smile he'd ever seen on Amaimon's lips.
this part taken from ' A Game ' Chapter 2 by HoodieStrings
i totally imagine him doing that innocent smile~
SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !! i don't know why @_@"
dammit... ~ i dunno why my mind can't imagine stuff as good as this.. if its a storybook..
whenever i read a storybook... the 'imagination level' was pretty poor... and it made me bored... easily....
then... when i read fanfiction... the 'imagination level' went to HD LOLOLOL WTF
-sigh- this proof that.. i have no love for storybooks -_-"
;_; tml.. solidworks test... ~ i still happily reading fanfictions..
eekkkssssssssssssssss !
need to sleep soonnnn
i think it's awesome LOL ~ i read most of them on devaintart
i just like the way they make amaimon so innocent in all the fanfiction :D
A tired Amaimon, who was obviously still half asleep stressed every single letter of this word as he crawled up a bit. His hands went to Mephistos knees and he placed a chaste kiss on his elder brothers leg. Dazed eyes looked up at startled ones as he nuzzles the older demons leg; "Aniue...are you mad?"
He asked this with a frown on his face; Mephisto swallowed his pride and shook his head, "No. No I'm not," He said quickly, recieving the most innocent smile he'd ever seen on Amaimon's lips.
this part taken from ' A Game ' Chapter 2 by HoodieStrings
i totally imagine him doing that innocent smile~
SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !! i don't know why @_@"
dammit... ~ i dunno why my mind can't imagine stuff as good as this.. if its a storybook..
whenever i read a storybook... the 'imagination level' was pretty poor... and it made me bored... easily....
then... when i read fanfiction... the 'imagination level' went to HD LOLOLOL WTF
-sigh- this proof that.. i have no love for storybooks -_-"
;_; tml.. solidworks test... ~ i still happily reading fanfictions..
eekkkssssssssssssssss !
need to sleep soonnnn
Monday, 1 August 2011
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Another lazy day ;}
Wed : Din go to school.. was sick ~
J helped me patch my kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix :D
so happy x)) ! thank you !
Thur : Crazy over khbbsfm :D
school as usual
BVP class suck.. i don't like the way madam mariam teach...
its messy and confusing ): !
FML if she's gonna teach us till the end of the semester..
Friday :
Clapperton did something damn priceless during milling lesson
i told her ~ there is a piece of metal flake on your shirt.
then she was like OH ! * takes a small brush and brush it off *
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOl her face/reaction is totally priceless ! LOLOLOL
i'll never forget it :D
after school went out with Clapperton, Yun & Xin.
we watch 'twisted'(zhuang gui) LOL its an epic story but its nice.
after the movie, we had dinner and we kinda shop for some stuff
went home at 10++
Sat: did nothing~ rot at home
evening rachelle came over, played old maid with her :3
woke up at 12.45 when xin message me.
she came over at 1.10+
pass her khbbsfm
she went down to the salon and i ditched her LMAO
reached home ~ selena last minute call me to meet her
went to meet her at nex, helped her on drawing her cake :)
it was fun, it's the first time i draw on a cake :D
going out soon ~
Currently i'm crazy over Amaimon x Mephisto !

Madly in love with them :D

i also like Shiemi x Amaimon !
i like Shiemi's hair ): i wish i have nice hair like hers ! D:

I think Amaimon is so cute for some reason @@"~
yesterday i did a drawing of amaimon x mephisto hehehhehehe !
shall upload it when i get a scanner :3

k that's all ! tata :3
Wed : Din go to school.. was sick ~
J helped me patch my kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix :D
so happy x)) ! thank you !
Thur : Crazy over khbbsfm :D
school as usual
BVP class suck.. i don't like the way madam mariam teach...
its messy and confusing ): !
FML if she's gonna teach us till the end of the semester..
Friday :
Clapperton did something damn priceless during milling lesson
i told her ~ there is a piece of metal flake on your shirt.
then she was like OH ! * takes a small brush and brush it off *
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOl her face/reaction is totally priceless ! LOLOLOL
i'll never forget it :D
after school went out with Clapperton, Yun & Xin.
we watch 'twisted'(zhuang gui) LOL its an epic story but its nice.
after the movie, we had dinner and we kinda shop for some stuff
went home at 10++
Sat: did nothing~ rot at home
evening rachelle came over, played old maid with her :3
woke up at 12.45 when xin message me.
she came over at 1.10+
pass her khbbsfm
she went down to the salon and i ditched her LMAO
reached home ~ selena last minute call me to meet her
went to meet her at nex, helped her on drawing her cake :)
it was fun, it's the first time i draw on a cake :D
going out soon ~
Currently i'm crazy over Amaimon x Mephisto !

Madly in love with them :D

i also like Shiemi x Amaimon !
i like Shiemi's hair ): i wish i have nice hair like hers ! D:

I think Amaimon is so cute for some reason @@"~
yesterday i did a drawing of amaimon x mephisto hehehhehehe !
shall upload it when i get a scanner :3

k that's all ! tata :3
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
today class was kinda tiring ~ dunno why..
i was really hungry -_-''
after class i went to hougang mall with yun to have macs for lunch
i wasn't able to finish my meal..
no idea why.. i just ate double mcspicy's bread.. as for the 2 slice of chicken
i gave it to mei yun. din eat any french fries at all
just finished the drink only -_-'
no appetite, don't know why.
had an awesome afternoon nap ^^ ! cause my bro din on any music ! -happy-
it was really peaceful !
in the evening my niece came over
so every tueday and saturday she'll come over.
and this is the first time i teach my niece homework.
it was kinda fun ^^
tml clapperton & yun ... both of them are not coming to class
aloneeeee ;_;' shall go to school myself ! eeks
that's all for today bye
i was really hungry -_-''
after class i went to hougang mall with yun to have macs for lunch
i wasn't able to finish my meal..
no idea why.. i just ate double mcspicy's bread.. as for the 2 slice of chicken
i gave it to mei yun. din eat any french fries at all
just finished the drink only -_-'
no appetite, don't know why.
had an awesome afternoon nap ^^ ! cause my bro din on any music ! -happy-
it was really peaceful !
in the evening my niece came over
so every tueday and saturday she'll come over.
and this is the first time i teach my niece homework.
it was kinda fun ^^
tml clapperton & yun ... both of them are not coming to class
aloneeeee ;_;' shall go to school myself ! eeks
that's all for today bye
Monday, 25 July 2011
tsk walan damn pek chek
on bus 31 some inconsiderate fucker bring in durain...
fucking smelly -.- nb ! then not to be racist
knn dunno which indian guy/girl put so much coconut oil on their body/hair
damn smelly la zz
so pek chek like hell -.-
then my computer table change into a smaller table.. wtf..
so uncomfortable zzz shorter and smaller zzz
yesterday damn du lan !
cb batteries nail filer zz drop then 1 part of the damn thing missing zzz tsk
so damn pissed off at every little single SHIT zz
don't feel like eating or anything zz
tsk !
then stupid internet zz want to download 1 stupid game also give me problem
the game only 1.6 gb zzz 70kb/sec zzz WTF
last night worst 12kb !??!
damn brother on his music so loud
i fucking hate chinese songs ! even though i'm a chinese
i seriously hate chinese songs to the core zzz
so irritated by it zz
i fucking don't care what the fuck i write now zz
english singlish whatever ! so pissed off zz
k bye going to bed -.- z
on bus 31 some inconsiderate fucker bring in durain...
fucking smelly -.- nb ! then not to be racist
knn dunno which indian guy/girl put so much coconut oil on their body/hair
damn smelly la zz
so pek chek like hell -.-
then my computer table change into a smaller table.. wtf..
so uncomfortable zzz shorter and smaller zzz
yesterday damn du lan !
cb batteries nail filer zz drop then 1 part of the damn thing missing zzz tsk
so damn pissed off at every little single SHIT zz
don't feel like eating or anything zz
tsk !
then stupid internet zz want to download 1 stupid game also give me problem
the game only 1.6 gb zzz 70kb/sec zzz WTF
last night worst 12kb !??!
damn brother on his music so loud
i fucking hate chinese songs ! even though i'm a chinese
i seriously hate chinese songs to the core zzz
so irritated by it zz
i fucking don't care what the fuck i write now zz
english singlish whatever ! so pissed off zz
k bye going to bed -.- z
Sunday, 24 July 2011
sometimes i wonder, why am i trying so hard on slimming down/diet/etc
am i doing it for someone else? or am i doing it for my own good?
i have no idea.. there are times that i wonder, what do i really want?
do i have a fix goal? do i enjoy what i have now?
i really don't know.
even my own brother said i don't really show much effort or whatever if i want something.
well true.. i refuse to keep bugging/asking of something if you said NO.
to me, NO means NO. no point trying so hard to keep bugging/asking for it.
its just ANNOYING, i don't like it... whatever i don't like.. i won't do it on others
and i guess he don't understand the point of it.
what is the point of doing that? i really don't know.
yeah there are stuff i really want -_-'
but if you give me NO for an answer, i'll try my best not to bring up the subject.
then i'll start saving money to buy it or something ~ -sigh-
i enjoy the accompany of my family and friends,sometimes i do enjoy being alone.
but sometimes i feel down for no reason
and i'll always read yaoi manga or something to cheer myself up.
i enjoy reading romance manga and sometimes i'm kinda jealous of the female character.
i did wish i have a life like them or something.
-sigh- i have no confident in myself, cause ~
i'm scared that i can fall in love and fall out of love in a very short period of time.
since i always get bored easily -_-''
everyday i rant so much on my blog ~
growing up is hard and troublesome ಠ_ಠ ..
parent's expectation is another problem. -sigh-
sometimes i wish i could stop doubting myself ~
but that seems almost impossible.
-sigh- tml back to school ~ time flies...
about 1 month ++ more to holidays !
3 sept !! faster come ): ! i'm dying... -_-"
never mind ~ i shall continue watching Panty & Stocking
am i doing it for someone else? or am i doing it for my own good?
i have no idea.. there are times that i wonder, what do i really want?
do i have a fix goal? do i enjoy what i have now?
i really don't know.
even my own brother said i don't really show much effort or whatever if i want something.
well true.. i refuse to keep bugging/asking of something if you said NO.
to me, NO means NO. no point trying so hard to keep bugging/asking for it.
its just ANNOYING, i don't like it... whatever i don't like.. i won't do it on others
and i guess he don't understand the point of it.
what is the point of doing that? i really don't know.
yeah there are stuff i really want -_-'
but if you give me NO for an answer, i'll try my best not to bring up the subject.
then i'll start saving money to buy it or something ~ -sigh-
i enjoy the accompany of my family and friends,sometimes i do enjoy being alone.
but sometimes i feel down for no reason
and i'll always read yaoi manga or something to cheer myself up.
i enjoy reading romance manga and sometimes i'm kinda jealous of the female character.
i did wish i have a life like them or something.
-sigh- i have no confident in myself, cause ~
i'm scared that i can fall in love and fall out of love in a very short period of time.
since i always get bored easily -_-''
everyday i rant so much on my blog ~
growing up is hard and troublesome ಠ_ಠ ..
parent's expectation is another problem. -sigh-
sometimes i wish i could stop doubting myself ~
but that seems almost impossible.
-sigh- tml back to school ~ time flies...
about 1 month ++ more to holidays !
3 sept !! faster come ): ! i'm dying... -_-"
never mind ~ i shall continue watching Panty & Stocking
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Was too lazy to edit the previous blog post ~ so i shall do another post ~
woke up at 2pm + skip lunch ~ read manga ~ check mails and etc ~
6.30+ meet wei xin ~ made our way to rucui's birthday party :D
pass her present ~ had our dinner at subways ~
no appetite -_-' wasn't hungry at all ~
no idea where to go ~ since there wasn't any nice movies ~_~"
so we decided to ' last minute ' pick karaoke LOL
we went to K-party at nex
karaoke for 2 hours ~ sad thing was xin's dad wont let her stay any longer ~
so we just had to go home
just reach home :D going to bath soon ^^
overall i kinda enjoy my day :D
last night, more like early morning ~
i saw this drawing of cloud & sephiroth in a cartoon network drawing style
and the artist comment on her drawing saying ' Panty & Stocking anime style '
i was like ehhhh?? i din know there is such anime call panty & stocking
so i went to 'research' LOLOLOLOLOLOL ! found out that it really exist !!
it's an anime drawn in north american style LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
i kinda like stocking ROFL ! she's cute :D
and im addicted to the anime and their songs LOL
i like panty & stocking's changing theme song ' fly away '
so as scanty & kneesocks's changing theme song ' i want you '
somewhat addictive for now ROFL
i'm still reading final fantasy 7 yaoi fanfiction : prisoner of war
cloud is such a cute uke LOL :X
chap 2 ! 43 chap to go ! RAWR
that's all ~ k bye LOL
woke up at 2pm + skip lunch ~ read manga ~ check mails and etc ~
6.30+ meet wei xin ~ made our way to rucui's birthday party :D
pass her present ~ had our dinner at subways ~
no appetite -_-' wasn't hungry at all ~
no idea where to go ~ since there wasn't any nice movies ~_~"
so we decided to ' last minute ' pick karaoke LOL
we went to K-party at nex
karaoke for 2 hours ~ sad thing was xin's dad wont let her stay any longer ~
so we just had to go home
just reach home :D going to bath soon ^^
overall i kinda enjoy my day :D
last night, more like early morning ~
i saw this drawing of cloud & sephiroth in a cartoon network drawing style
and the artist comment on her drawing saying ' Panty & Stocking anime style '
i was like ehhhh?? i din know there is such anime call panty & stocking
so i went to 'research' LOLOLOLOLOLOL ! found out that it really exist !!
it's an anime drawn in north american style LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
i kinda like stocking ROFL ! she's cute :D
and im addicted to the anime and their songs LOL
i like panty & stocking's changing theme song ' fly away '
so as scanty & kneesocks's changing theme song ' i want you '
somewhat addictive for now ROFL
i'm still reading final fantasy 7 yaoi fanfiction : prisoner of war
cloud is such a cute uke LOL :X
chap 2 ! 43 chap to go ! RAWR
that's all ~ k bye LOL
another lazy blog lol
i was kinda lazy ~ that's why ~ din blog ~
its 12am now and yeah ~ tonight i'll edit this blog ~ since its saturday now lol
going for rucui's birthday party later ~ o3o'' need to buy some present LOL
currently ~ this is my first time reading yaoi fanfiction !
it was pretty good and damn detailed ! like wow
sepethiroth x cloud ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
ahhhh now i finally understand why some people prefer fiction anime/game books LOL
sadly fiction books of kingdom hearts doesn't exist in singapore -_-' only japan
i did wish they could translate it ): ~
class end at 10.30 today ~
went to class for 1h 30min LOLOLOL! milling was fun ! i kinda enjoy it :D
after class~ made my way to hougang mall with yun :D
i bought kuroshitsuji book 5 today weeeeeeeee and i still haven buy otomen book 3 -_-'
because the paper quality was bad... ew....
i wonder when is kingdom hearts 2 book 3 coming out -_-'
its been like 1 year plus and when is kingdom hearts 358/2 days manga coming out !
asked kor ~ to download kuroshitsuji ova 3 : the making of kuroshitsuji II
it wasn't that nice -__-'' i tot it will be interesting or something
turn out kinda boring ~ only parts with grell are funny LOLOLOL
i took fullmetal alchemist episode 49 to 64 from him
so as ao no exorcist episode 13 & 14 !
well ~ since he downloaded it o3o" ~ its a 'soon bian' job LOLOL
k lazy to blog~ and lazy to edit any english error ! BYE
i was kinda lazy ~ that's why ~ din blog ~
its 12am now and yeah ~ tonight i'll edit this blog ~ since its saturday now lol
going for rucui's birthday party later ~ o3o'' need to buy some present LOL
currently ~ this is my first time reading yaoi fanfiction !
it was pretty good and damn detailed ! like wow
sepethiroth x cloud ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
ahhhh now i finally understand why some people prefer fiction anime/game books LOL
sadly fiction books of kingdom hearts doesn't exist in singapore -_-' only japan
i did wish they could translate it ): ~
class end at 10.30 today ~
went to class for 1h 30min LOLOLOL! milling was fun ! i kinda enjoy it :D
after class~ made my way to hougang mall with yun :D
i bought kuroshitsuji book 5 today weeeeeeeee and i still haven buy otomen book 3 -_-'
because the paper quality was bad... ew....
i wonder when is kingdom hearts 2 book 3 coming out -_-'
its been like 1 year plus and when is kingdom hearts 358/2 days manga coming out !
asked kor ~ to download kuroshitsuji ova 3 : the making of kuroshitsuji II
it wasn't that nice -__-'' i tot it will be interesting or something
turn out kinda boring ~ only parts with grell are funny LOLOLOL
i took fullmetal alchemist episode 49 to 64 from him
so as ao no exorcist episode 13 & 14 !
well ~ since he downloaded it o3o" ~ its a 'soon bian' job LOLOL
k lazy to blog~ and lazy to edit any english error ! BYE
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
lol i din blog for like days?
too lazy/tired/moody/gay LOLOLOLOL
today, mdm mariam pick me as a captain ball leader for our class(girls only)
and the captain ball match will start after our next holiday
which is around october ~
some kind of inter-class match ~ then inter-school
for some i dunno what ' eden trophy ' thingy ~
as for the guys they will have foot ball or something
-sigh- engineering class.. so little... girls -_-".....~
i have low stamina ~ need to train -_-"
during my holiday ~ must train... ~ LOL
actually the past few days been reading random shoujo mangas
i enjoy hapi mari the most :D it epic and funny
i want a life like that ): ! it's awesome LOL
k that's all lazy to blog -_-' bye
my mom go buy the fbt for clapperton no tag 1 zz cb
see already pissed off zz how to pass to her zz -_-' FUCK
this world is getting fucking 'pissful' zzz -.-
too lazy/tired/moody/gay LOLOLOLOL
today, mdm mariam pick me as a captain ball leader for our class(girls only)
and the captain ball match will start after our next holiday
which is around october ~
some kind of inter-class match ~ then inter-school
for some i dunno what ' eden trophy ' thingy ~
as for the guys they will have foot ball or something
-sigh- engineering class.. so little... girls -_-".....~
i have low stamina ~ need to train -_-"
during my holiday ~ must train... ~ LOL
actually the past few days been reading random shoujo mangas
i enjoy hapi mari the most :D it epic and funny
i want a life like that ): ! it's awesome LOL
k that's all lazy to blog -_-' bye
my mom go buy the fbt for clapperton no tag 1 zz cb
see already pissed off zz how to pass to her zz -_-' FUCK
this world is getting fucking 'pissful' zzz -.-
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Very tired...this few days, kinda annoyed whenever i come online at msn
totally no mood at all -_-' ~ yesterday as well ~
because after seeing 2 people on my msn, i dont feel like talking to anyone -_-'
just speechless ~_~" urgh ~
well partly because my bro is using the computer that's why ~
i'm still not used to the sun -_-''
so bright.... urgh ~ i want more holidays !
i prefer evening/night classes ~
sadly evening/night classes are only for part time students ~
i wish its always cloudy/rainy whenever i go to school..
i feel like a vampire now -_-'
since there is nothing much to do ~
i'm going to bed early ~ tml there is milling lesson ~
i have not drawn anything at Tegaki E ~
was too lazy -_-' the last drawing was hatsune miku's last night good night picture ~
ahhhhhh !!! so bored ): i wish something interesting happens !
something that can shock/surprise me or whatever~
sadly that ain't gonna happen ~
sometimes i kinda envy some of my friends that are married ._.
they get to be with someone they really love, enjoy life together ~
i want that kind of life too ! sadly that is not gonna happen ~
nowadays there are more and more unfaithful guys. tsk -_-'
-sigh- suey si ren ~ sian
totally no mood at all -_-' ~ yesterday as well ~
because after seeing 2 people on my msn, i dont feel like talking to anyone -_-'
just speechless ~_~" urgh ~
well partly because my bro is using the computer that's why ~
i'm still not used to the sun -_-''
so bright.... urgh ~ i want more holidays !
i prefer evening/night classes ~
sadly evening/night classes are only for part time students ~
i wish its always cloudy/rainy whenever i go to school..
i feel like a vampire now -_-'
since there is nothing much to do ~
i'm going to bed early ~ tml there is milling lesson ~
i have not drawn anything at Tegaki E ~
was too lazy -_-' the last drawing was hatsune miku's last night good night picture ~
ahhhhhh !!! so bored ): i wish something interesting happens !
something that can shock/surprise me or whatever~
sadly that ain't gonna happen ~
sometimes i kinda envy some of my friends that are married ._.
they get to be with someone they really love, enjoy life together ~
i want that kind of life too ! sadly that is not gonna happen ~
nowadays there are more and more unfaithful guys. tsk -_-'
-sigh- suey si ren ~ sian
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Yesterday so bright ! as in ~ its been awhile since i go out during the morning ~ with the sun urghhhh ~~~ !!
so tired -_-" din go to school today..
overslept...too sleepy ~
was bored ~
currently watching korean maple trailers
i find that the korean trailers are damn cool ! currently they are having MapleStory : Legend !
with 3 new jobs, Cannon Shooter, Mercedes and Demon Slayer
ahhh i wanna try all this jobs ):
damn maplesea... it's only big bang patch now..
too lazy to download real maple and too lazy to level up and etc etc
i wanna try battle mage ~ mechanic and other jobs !!
hopefully some pserver comes out with it :X
or it's already out ~ just that i did not check it out LOLOLOLOL
ahhh tml back to school ! so tiring ): ! sad ~~~
i want more holidays ;______;
so tired -_-" din go to school today..
overslept...too sleepy ~
was bored ~
currently watching korean maple trailers
i find that the korean trailers are damn cool ! currently they are having MapleStory : Legend !
with 3 new jobs, Cannon Shooter, Mercedes and Demon Slayer
ahhh i wanna try all this jobs ):
damn maplesea... it's only big bang patch now..
too lazy to download real maple and too lazy to level up and etc etc
i wanna try battle mage ~ mechanic and other jobs !!
hopefully some pserver comes out with it :X
or it's already out ~ just that i did not check it out LOLOLOLOL
ahhh tml back to school ! so tiring ): ! sad ~~~
i want more holidays ;______;
Saturday, 9 July 2011
yesterday was too tired to blog ~
went to tighten my braces and xin come along
she went to do cleaning and filling for her teeth
my dentist told me i have 3 option because my teeth is already straight
and i have 3 months to decide on it
1. extract 2 teeth on the top ( because no space ~ still a bit out )
2. file down and tighten
3. leave it like this ~
i asked mom and dad ~
both of them said ~ up to me
so... i decided to extract 2 teeth HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
i shall feel the pain of it ~ i don't care -_-
at most dont talk to anyone HAHAHAHA
after that we had macs for lunch
went home at 5+
night time was boring...
today another day ~
don't feel like talking to anyone ~
headache -_-''
today rachelle came over ~
damn her.. she put her saliva on my blanket... gross..
i have to wash my blacket ...
knn cb la zz -_- tonight sleep without any blanket -_-
so fucking bad mood -.-
cb zzzz
-SIGHHHH- ! monday back to school zz
NB zzzzzzzzzz -_-''
sua mai blog liao zz knn
went to tighten my braces and xin come along
she went to do cleaning and filling for her teeth
my dentist told me i have 3 option because my teeth is already straight
and i have 3 months to decide on it
1. extract 2 teeth on the top ( because no space ~ still a bit out )
2. file down and tighten
3. leave it like this ~
i asked mom and dad ~
both of them said ~ up to me
so... i decided to extract 2 teeth HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
i shall feel the pain of it ~ i don't care -_-
at most dont talk to anyone HAHAHAHA
after that we had macs for lunch
went home at 5+
night time was boring...
today another day ~
don't feel like talking to anyone ~
headache -_-''
today rachelle came over ~
damn her.. she put her saliva on my blanket... gross..
i have to wash my blacket ...
knn cb la zz -_- tonight sleep without any blanket -_-
so fucking bad mood -.-
cb zzzz
-SIGHHHH- ! monday back to school zz
NB zzzzzzzzzz -_-''
sua mai blog liao zz knn
Thursday, 7 July 2011
i dunno why today is such a boring day ~
yesterday night i found out a new vocaloid named ' utatane piko '
his voice provider's nick name is call piko too
but the voice provider sounds awesome when he sings
he can sing both male/female tones
but i dont understand why his vocaloid sounds... weird?
like a very lazy emo tone. ~ weird...
tml braces tightening -_-' ! tsk
need to wake up at 2pm
sigh ~ monday back to school -_-' ~
yesterday night i found out a new vocaloid named ' utatane piko '
his voice provider's nick name is call piko too
but the voice provider sounds awesome when he sings
he can sing both male/female tones
but i dont understand why his vocaloid sounds... weird?
like a very lazy emo tone. ~ weird...
tml braces tightening -_-' ! tsk
need to wake up at 2pm
sigh ~ monday back to school -_-' ~
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
din go out with wei ting. too busy..
evening i went to have a straight perm ~ cut my fringe.. o3o"
it turn out to look kinda like kuroshitsuji's Madam red

the only dif is.. my hair is dyed brown o3o and my hair is longer LOLOLOL
o3o" awkward ~ but awesome LOL
that's all for today !
back to reading gintama ~ ;D
din go for badminton today ~
yun sms and say she's not feeling well ~ -sad-
i realize when my bro use my com ~
he will use the page that is my restore page....
or any page that i left there.. ;_;'
and everything i have to 'back' or ~ dig my mozilla firefox's library ~
): !!
went out for midnight supper with wei ting LOL
took some pictures on her itouch ;D

lol i'm still not used to my hair @@'
i look nerdy LOLOLOLOL
how i wish i have my long hair back ):
long straight hair = sexy :D LOl
evening i went to have a straight perm ~ cut my fringe.. o3o"
it turn out to look kinda like kuroshitsuji's Madam red

the only dif is.. my hair is dyed brown o3o and my hair is longer LOLOLOL
o3o" awkward ~ but awesome LOL
that's all for today !
back to reading gintama ~ ;D
din go for badminton today ~
yun sms and say she's not feeling well ~ -sad-
i realize when my bro use my com ~
he will use the page that is my restore page....
or any page that i left there.. ;_;'
and everything i have to 'back' or ~ dig my mozilla firefox's library ~
): !!
went out for midnight supper with wei ting LOL
took some pictures on her itouch ;D

lol i'm still not used to my hair @@'
i look nerdy LOLOLOLOL
how i wish i have my long hair back ):
long straight hair = sexy :D LOl

sunday my bro moved in ~
then ~ i was too lazy to blog -_-;
because i was bored/lazy/tired
so i kinda re-watch one piece
from the part where chopper join the crew ~
currently reading gintama and watching one piece LOL
-_- i dunno why am i so bored ~
i'll edit my blog later ~ since its 12am ++ now
going out later in the afternoon ~ maybe i'll edit this post ~ maybe not ~
see first ~ tata
then ~ i was too lazy to blog -_-;
because i was bored/lazy/tired
so i kinda re-watch one piece
from the part where chopper join the crew ~
currently reading gintama and watching one piece LOL
-_- i dunno why am i so bored ~
i'll edit my blog later ~ since its 12am ++ now
going out later in the afternoon ~ maybe i'll edit this post ~ maybe not ~
see first ~ tata
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Yesterday was a tiring day
kor's bed frame came at 1.30pm.. so tired..
after they fix everything ~ i went back to bed till evening
evening kor came over to eat dinner ~ pack his room and etc etc
pack my stuff, left home at 8.50pm
meet samzy at her house's opposite bus stop
we were busy talking in the bus.. till we kinda 'over stop' LOLOLOLOL
we totally missed the bus stop.... ;_;'
so we have to walk back 1 bus stop LOL
reached xin's house at 9pm+ shove our stuff there~
made our way to the mall ~
took this pic at serangoon shop & save mall
we were making our way to buy some 'nomnoms'
my hair is so wavey and curly and messy and and and and and and GHEY

this pic was taken in the attic ;]
xin's attic is big @@" But very dusty.

we watch 2 movies and the rest of the time ~ chit chatting LOL
the ground was hard @@'
not used to sleeping in the sleeping bag @@"
but it's fun :D
woke up at 11+
had our breakfast
dilly dally around ~ fix xin's psp problem
2pm+ made our way to nex for lunch
after that @@"... for some reason..
kath leen was there with her friend
i think she's stalking us..
because by right.. today we are suppose to go swimming with her
we kinda cancel it.. cause samzy was having her period.
after all this ~~~
reached home at 7pm+
wanted to sleep ): but my niece came over
watched some pontianak movie with my family ~
while playing old maid with rachelle ;D
rachelle is scared of the movie owo" LOL
oh well ~ too lazy to edit any english error..
or broken english.. too tired...
she just left and i'm going to bed x_x' so sleepy !
tml kor's shipment stuff will be coming at 9-10am ! FML
i wish i could sleep longer ): ! tsk !
k bye ! going to bed now !
kor's bed frame came at 1.30pm.. so tired..
after they fix everything ~ i went back to bed till evening
evening kor came over to eat dinner ~ pack his room and etc etc
pack my stuff, left home at 8.50pm
meet samzy at her house's opposite bus stop
we were busy talking in the bus.. till we kinda 'over stop' LOLOLOLOL
we totally missed the bus stop.... ;_;'
so we have to walk back 1 bus stop LOL
reached xin's house at 9pm+ shove our stuff there~
made our way to the mall ~
took this pic at serangoon shop & save mall
we were making our way to buy some 'nomnoms'
my hair is so wavey and curly and messy and and and and and and GHEY

this pic was taken in the attic ;]
xin's attic is big @@" But very dusty.

we watch 2 movies and the rest of the time ~ chit chatting LOL
the ground was hard @@'
not used to sleeping in the sleeping bag @@"
but it's fun :D
woke up at 11+
had our breakfast
dilly dally around ~ fix xin's psp problem
2pm+ made our way to nex for lunch
after that @@"... for some reason..
kath leen was there with her friend
i think she's stalking us..
because by right.. today we are suppose to go swimming with her
we kinda cancel it.. cause samzy was having her period.
after all this ~~~
reached home at 7pm+
wanted to sleep ): but my niece came over
watched some pontianak movie with my family ~
while playing old maid with rachelle ;D
rachelle is scared of the movie owo" LOL
oh well ~ too lazy to edit any english error..
or broken english.. too tired...
she just left and i'm going to bed x_x' so sleepy !
tml kor's shipment stuff will be coming at 9-10am ! FML
i wish i could sleep longer ): ! tsk !
k bye ! going to bed now !
Thursday, 30 June 2011
yesterday yun and i must be mad
we played badminton in the rain.
it was kinda fun
and today.. headache,flu etc etc ~
-_-'' giddy.
not feeling so well
tml going to xin's house to stay over :)
with samzy ^^
need to start packing for tml.
need to rush for tml too !
tml kor's bed frame and etc coming
after that going for badminton.
after badminton ~ rush home, bath ~~
then rush to xin's house x-x'
oh well lazy to blog bye
we played badminton in the rain.
it was kinda fun
and today.. headache,flu etc etc ~
-_-'' giddy.
not feeling so well
tml going to xin's house to stay over :)
with samzy ^^
need to start packing for tml.
need to rush for tml too !
tml kor's bed frame and etc coming
after that going for badminton.
after badminton ~ rush home, bath ~~
then rush to xin's house x-x'
oh well lazy to blog bye
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
i was kinda lazy yesterday..
din blog o3o'
played badminton with yun ^^
bought a cup of milk tea and the aunty gave me another half cup free LOL
lucky ;D
today was kinda tiring @@"
helped kor moving his stuff in
he have a lot books -_-' and they are heavy !!
we went up and down 4 times -_-'
i did wish my house have a lift o3o"
so that i dont have to claim 4th story everyday -_-"
i took his hydraulic book LOL :X
he say he's gonna give me more when his shipment items comes ;D
he is moving in this sunday or so ~ he said ~
helped dad on setting up the new television
i'm still not used to the new tv @@' its kinda big
currently drawing at tegaki ;D
(-cough- more like drawing on commments LOL)
din blog o3o'
played badminton with yun ^^
bought a cup of milk tea and the aunty gave me another half cup free LOL
lucky ;D
today was kinda tiring @@"
helped kor moving his stuff in
he have a lot books -_-' and they are heavy !!
we went up and down 4 times -_-'
i did wish my house have a lift o3o"
so that i dont have to claim 4th story everyday -_-"
i took his hydraulic book LOL :X
he say he's gonna give me more when his shipment items comes ;D
he is moving in this sunday or so ~ he said ~
helped dad on setting up the new television
i'm still not used to the new tv @@' its kinda big
currently drawing at tegaki ;D
(-cough- more like drawing on commments LOL)
Sunday, 26 June 2011
somewhat fun day? lol
my family played donkey cards and old maid cards with my niece lol
it was epic, looking at my niece laughing and getting excited over the games
downloaded auditionsea back
season 4 nothing much different.
they have touhou's bad apple that song !! x))
sadly no 1 was online -_- din play at all
after that i was bored again.
i get bored easily...
so bored, someone entertain me pls -_-"
tml my bro's television and wardrobe is coming ~
so hot -_-'
so bored
so lazy
so tired
so hungry
currently reading gintama ~ oh well
tata ~
my family played donkey cards and old maid cards with my niece lol
it was epic, looking at my niece laughing and getting excited over the games
downloaded auditionsea back
season 4 nothing much different.
they have touhou's bad apple that song !! x))
sadly no 1 was online -_- din play at all
after that i was bored again.
i get bored easily...
so bored, someone entertain me pls -_-"
tml my bro's television and wardrobe is coming ~
so hot -_-'
so bored
so lazy
so tired
so hungry
currently reading gintama ~ oh well
tata ~
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Last night or to be correct this morning
i slept at 5.30am +
i was playing OMGpop games with Cory,Jo & Vanny
at first i thought.. maybe i dont wanna go ):
because i'm so lazy ! but end of the day i decided to go :D !
after all it's been a long time since the 3 of use went out ;)
woke up at 10.30am
get ready and stuff ~ etc etc
lie down on my bed ~ since there is like 10mins left to 11am
samzy called and told me it's raining ~
she called xin and i was like busy playing psp on my bed ~ din talk at all
she thought i hanged up LOL !
time changed ~ meet at 1130 at macdonalds
11.25 left home ~ slowly walk to the macs
had early lunch with samzy at macs ;D
sadly xin already had her brunch ~
made our way to the 88 bus stop and took a pic LOL
my fringe..... short ;_;"
regret 'DIY' cutting LOlOLOL !

took another few more on the bus LOL

ikr ? we look 'tardy' LOL

made our way to the otaku fest ;D
we saw a lot of vocaloid cosplayers LOL !
its like half of the cosplayers there are vocaloids
most of them are miku/len & rin LOL
among the cosplayers i saw a lot of "Matryoshka theme" vocaloids LOL
i saw grell and madam red + kuroshitsuji cosplayers :D
madam red look awesome +_+ !
there are other cosplayers too
some are lolitas LOL
most of the cosplayers are .... short ._.'
but it's a pretty cool event ;D
i din regret going ! ;3 !
i wanna cosplay ):
maybe we will cosplay for the dec holiday's otaku fest :X
see first HAHHHAHAHA
bought some cute caps ;D
my gray kitty cap looks like it wanna eat my brain @@

i look sleepy @@"

it's really very very very very very HOOOTTTTT out there ;_;
i can't believe those cosplayers can stand the heat
watching them wear so many layers of clothes
it's like a torture ! D:
-whispers- some of them have 'cracked faces'
as in... their make up/powder on the face cracked @@"
break time ~ before going to popeyes for snack/lunch
i took off my cap and lend it to xin :D
i can't take it @@" its hot and i'm sweating ):

-random shock face- LOL

after snack/lunch time
xin got to go ): she has to go for her driving lessions
so samzy and i head back home ;]
and here i'm blogging !
maybe i'll edit again tonight ;D if anything happens?
or not LOLOLOLOLOl ! bye :x
after blogging/read manga/watch anime/check facebook
i took a nap ;D ! woke up at 8.30 LOl !
so sleepy x_x' !
i slept at 5.30am +
i was playing OMGpop games with Cory,Jo & Vanny
at first i thought.. maybe i dont wanna go ):
because i'm so lazy ! but end of the day i decided to go :D !
after all it's been a long time since the 3 of use went out ;)
woke up at 10.30am
get ready and stuff ~ etc etc
lie down on my bed ~ since there is like 10mins left to 11am
samzy called and told me it's raining ~
she called xin and i was like busy playing psp on my bed ~ din talk at all
she thought i hanged up LOL !
time changed ~ meet at 1130 at macdonalds
11.25 left home ~ slowly walk to the macs
had early lunch with samzy at macs ;D
sadly xin already had her brunch ~
made our way to the 88 bus stop and took a pic LOL
my fringe..... short ;_;"
regret 'DIY' cutting LOlOLOL !

took another few more on the bus LOL

ikr ? we look 'tardy' LOL

made our way to the otaku fest ;D
we saw a lot of vocaloid cosplayers LOL !
its like half of the cosplayers there are vocaloids
most of them are miku/len & rin LOL
among the cosplayers i saw a lot of "Matryoshka theme" vocaloids LOL
i saw grell and madam red + kuroshitsuji cosplayers :D
madam red look awesome +_+ !
there are other cosplayers too
some are lolitas LOL
most of the cosplayers are .... short ._.'
but it's a pretty cool event ;D
i din regret going ! ;3 !
i wanna cosplay ):
maybe we will cosplay for the dec holiday's otaku fest :X
see first HAHHHAHAHA
bought some cute caps ;D
my gray kitty cap looks like it wanna eat my brain @@

i look sleepy @@"

it's really very very very very very HOOOTTTTT out there ;_;
i can't believe those cosplayers can stand the heat
watching them wear so many layers of clothes
it's like a torture ! D:
-whispers- some of them have 'cracked faces'
as in... their make up/powder on the face cracked @@"
break time ~ before going to popeyes for snack/lunch
i took off my cap and lend it to xin :D
i can't take it @@" its hot and i'm sweating ):

-random shock face- LOL

after snack/lunch time
xin got to go ): she has to go for her driving lessions
so samzy and i head back home ;]
and here i'm blogging !
maybe i'll edit again tonight ;D if anything happens?
or not LOLOLOLOLOl ! bye :x
after blogging/read manga/watch anime/check facebook
i took a nap ;D ! woke up at 8.30 LOl !
so sleepy x_x' !
Friday, 24 June 2011

Ventus is so cute !! i saw this on devainart ;D
Today another odd mood day
great in the afternoon, bad in the evening.
during the afternoon i was nuts or something
i went to watch kuroshitsuji
im starting to like the gay shinigami.
i think grell is cool LOL :D
evening urgh. dont want to talk about it =_=
mom cooked porridge again -.-
i went to join tegaki E ;D
my profile
;_; the ventus i drew is kinda.. ugly ;_;'
i'm gonna get a tablet soon ;_;
so that i can draw more x))
that's all for today bye
Thursday, 23 June 2011
i feel so irritated today -.-'
i hate it when my niece keep kicking me -.-
like wtf is her problem.
and i dunno what is fucking wrong with her.
i dunno what made her nuts or something
she keep throwing her puzzles all over the house -.-
i did wish she could stop jumping on my bed
and stop poking my butt -.-'
it's just fucking annoying zzz
sometimes i like kids and sometimes i don't..
its no wonder young married singaporeans doesn't want kids anymore.
because they can be a PAIN IN THE ASS at times zzz..
for some reason i'm starting to hate cheaters/2 timers -.-
at first i thought. hey maybe they their reasons to cheat.
end of the day it's just a lame reason. like.
oh she force me to/i don't know i love you both/i feel bad for her
sometimes i wonder is it so hard to say NO?
i always thought that if i ever had a boyfriend
i don't mind if he has another gf or something.
but then i realize, it's just fucking irritating
if it happens to be someone you know/close friend.
now i kinda pity marcus's 2 gf -.-
fml -.-'
this few days its been great/irritating
there are times i wonder why people born on the year of the sheep are so annoying?
what's with their 'over reaction' kind of shit
they so emotional over small stuff.
i did wish they could STFU
they claim that they are not attention seekers
but they ARE without realizing it at all -.-
fucking lame zz
i hate it when my niece keep kicking me -.-
like wtf is her problem.
and i dunno what is fucking wrong with her.
i dunno what made her nuts or something
she keep throwing her puzzles all over the house -.-
i did wish she could stop jumping on my bed
and stop poking my butt -.-'
it's just fucking annoying zzz
sometimes i like kids and sometimes i don't..
its no wonder young married singaporeans doesn't want kids anymore.
because they can be a PAIN IN THE ASS at times zzz..
for some reason i'm starting to hate cheaters/2 timers -.-
at first i thought. hey maybe they their reasons to cheat.
end of the day it's just a lame reason. like.
oh she force me to/i don't know i love you both/i feel bad for her
sometimes i wonder is it so hard to say NO?
i always thought that if i ever had a boyfriend
i don't mind if he has another gf or something.
but then i realize, it's just fucking irritating
if it happens to be someone you know/close friend.
now i kinda pity marcus's 2 gf -.-
fml -.-'
this few days its been great/irritating
there are times i wonder why people born on the year of the sheep are so annoying?
what's with their 'over reaction' kind of shit
they so emotional over small stuff.
i did wish they could STFU
they claim that they are not attention seekers
but they ARE without realizing it at all -.-
fucking lame zz
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Today my bro and niece came over again.
spend some time with them ;} night time ~ Camwhoring LOL
it started out like this
rachelle's random faces LOL


Then my bro join in ;D
-whispers- unfair right? he has nature straight teeth T_T ! and i have to wear braces
if i want to have straight teeth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SADDDD

Last 3 Rachelle camwhoring LOL :X

LOLOLOLOL ! it was fun ;D
my bro send me a ringtone of rachelle saying ' Gugu,Rachelle call' LOL
it's kinda cute, so i decided to make it as my ring tone +_+ !
that's all for today ;D ! tata :3
spend some time with them ;} night time ~ Camwhoring LOL
it started out like this
rachelle's random faces LOL


Then my bro join in ;D
-whispers- unfair right? he has nature straight teeth T_T ! and i have to wear braces
if i want to have straight teeth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SADDDD

Last 3 Rachelle camwhoring LOL :X

LOLOLOLOL ! it was fun ;D
my bro send me a ringtone of rachelle saying ' Gugu,Rachelle call' LOL
it's kinda cute, so i decided to make it as my ring tone +_+ !
that's all for today ;D ! tata :3
Monday, 20 June 2011
Yesterday, too tired to blog
father's day was quite interesting this year.
kor drive us to novena, vienna restaurant .
damn a lot of people... but it was pretty interesting.
today followed dad,kor and rachelle to giant supermarket
rachelle.. is 1 hell of a devil.. keep running here and there like a monkey -_-'
i feel so tired chasing after her
kor bought some stuff there.
after all this maddness, had an 'annoying' nap.
at 4.50~6.10, rachelle is so noisy T_T"
played badminton with mei yun ):
i have bad night version... ;_;" FML
and also today i just started my slimming pills.
it's quite different from the pill i had before.
the previous pill made me feel excited and made my heart beats real fast.
this pill doesn't, no idea why
but i dont feel hungry at all. x_x'
oh well ! currently doing some light excises ^^
hopefully i'll lose all the unwanted weight +_+"
k lazy to type ~ bye
father's day was quite interesting this year.
kor drive us to novena, vienna restaurant .
damn a lot of people... but it was pretty interesting.
today followed dad,kor and rachelle to giant supermarket
rachelle.. is 1 hell of a devil.. keep running here and there like a monkey -_-'
i feel so tired chasing after her
kor bought some stuff there.
after all this maddness, had an 'annoying' nap.
at 4.50~6.10, rachelle is so noisy T_T"
played badminton with mei yun ):
i have bad night version... ;_;" FML
and also today i just started my slimming pills.
it's quite different from the pill i had before.
the previous pill made me feel excited and made my heart beats real fast.
this pill doesn't, no idea why
but i dont feel hungry at all. x_x'
oh well ! currently doing some light excises ^^
hopefully i'll lose all the unwanted weight +_+"
k lazy to type ~ bye
Friday, 17 June 2011
It's been a week since i did a post
last sunday.... BIG SHOCK of my life!
my brother suddenly divorce o_o'
and he said he's moving back into the house
another shock was like, he became an otaku LOL
yesterday java test. its ghey ~
2 mistake ;_;' FML
TODAY ! last day of school ! WOOHOO
after school mei yun accompanied me to the doctor
bought some slimming pills w/o letting my parents know
52 bucks +_+" and also i bought father's day gift :D
in the evening kor came over.
i did some nail art on my niece's finger nail :D
it's kinda cool ! ;D
kor said wanna upgrade my computer's ram when he moves in O:
kewl. +_+" ! this way my computer will be faster ~ weeeee !
k nothing else to blog LOL
mon,wed & fri, badminton session with mei yun ;D
hopefully i'll slim down +_+" !
i gained 1kg again ==' FML
last sunday.... BIG SHOCK of my life!
my brother suddenly divorce o_o'
and he said he's moving back into the house
another shock was like, he became an otaku LOL
yesterday java test. its ghey ~
2 mistake ;_;' FML
TODAY ! last day of school ! WOOHOO
after school mei yun accompanied me to the doctor
bought some slimming pills w/o letting my parents know
52 bucks +_+" and also i bought father's day gift :D
in the evening kor came over.
i did some nail art on my niece's finger nail :D
it's kinda cool ! ;D
kor said wanna upgrade my computer's ram when he moves in O:
kewl. +_+" ! this way my computer will be faster ~ weeeee !
k nothing else to blog LOL
mon,wed & fri, badminton session with mei yun ;D
hopefully i'll slim down +_+" !
i gained 1kg again ==' FML
Friday, 10 June 2011
Was too lazy to blog yesterday ;_;
my back hurts ;_;'
after solidwork test ~ rotted for 3hours at the library with Kar yan & Mei yun
during that period i msn-ed with jo and cory
after bvp lesson went to buy KOI bubble tea with yun :D !
bought 2 large cup for mom and myself :3 !
Today i din go to school ~ backache.. tired..
overslept ~
3.30 braces tightening appointment @@"
painful ): changed bottom teeth metal lining ~
i regret putting light green ): ! its ugly !
dark purple + light green = fail D: !!
should have chose a darker green T_T !!
currently rotting =w=" !
nvm shall find something to do !
my back hurts ;_;'
after solidwork test ~ rotted for 3hours at the library with Kar yan & Mei yun
during that period i msn-ed with jo and cory
after bvp lesson went to buy KOI bubble tea with yun :D !
bought 2 large cup for mom and myself :3 !
Today i din go to school ~ backache.. tired..
overslept ~
3.30 braces tightening appointment @@"
painful ): changed bottom teeth metal lining ~
i regret putting light green ): ! its ugly !
dark purple + light green = fail D: !!
should have chose a darker green T_T !!
currently rotting =w=" !
nvm shall find something to do !
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Here's my camp pictures :D !
din blog yesterday ~ was too lazy
today napfa test i got top 146 for 2.4km run
over all was tiring ~ currently leg cramp.. fml
okay camp pic time !
i look ugly lol

i hate this chain game~ its stupid

more dumber night games

at the hostel eating ~ LOL

the hand i drew had black nails LOL it has a dollar $ sign on it :B
and my dream was
Manga Art/Best female commander at navy
din blog yesterday ~ was too lazy
today napfa test i got top 146 for 2.4km run
over all was tiring ~ currently leg cramp.. fml
okay camp pic time !
i look ugly lol

i hate this chain game~ its stupid

more dumber night games

at the hostel eating ~ LOL

the hand i drew had black nails LOL it has a dollar $ sign on it :B
and my dream was
Manga Art/Best female commander at navy

Monday, 6 June 2011
lololollolol i got my camp pictures
damn ugly ): ! some of my pictures mah eye is tiny LOL like -_- this LOL
shall upload it tml ! since im damn tired now =_='
today is a realllyyyy tiringggg dayyyyy !
i din go for morning class because i went for last week monday's exam
reached school at 12.30
class ended at 3pm
went to boonlay with mei yun to fill in some paper work.
reached there at 5pm ++ bought some nomnoms LOL
waited at the boonlay PAP community area from 6 to 7 x_x'
after finishing the paperwork ~ had late dinner with yun at Mos burger :D
it taste good LOL !
reached home at 10pm+
tml need to call the dentist to change my braces appointment to friday zz
Wednesday nafpa test -.- tsk ! bad timing ! FML
just bath currently msning Vanny ;] !
going to bed soon. stupid jazel ~ LOL JK
i bet she's asleep now or something. have not talk to her since last night
i guess she's busy with her boyfriend or something else ~ i dunno -.-
T__T i want holiday... NOW ! so unfair ): vanny and others have their holidays
2 and a half weeks more to go !! 18 june ;_; !! still farrrr awaaaayyyyy ! FML LOL
-whines- !
k that's all for today !
i need to save money for diet pills :X LOL
getting fat -.- ! i hate school ;_;" whenever school starts i'll eat lunch ~
and i get fat ): school holidays i dont offen take lunch ~
urgh !
k bye
damn ugly ): ! some of my pictures mah eye is tiny LOL like -_- this LOL
shall upload it tml ! since im damn tired now =_='
today is a realllyyyy tiringggg dayyyyy !
i din go for morning class because i went for last week monday's exam
reached school at 12.30
class ended at 3pm
went to boonlay with mei yun to fill in some paper work.
reached there at 5pm ++ bought some nomnoms LOL
waited at the boonlay PAP community area from 6 to 7 x_x'
after finishing the paperwork ~ had late dinner with yun at Mos burger :D
it taste good LOL !
reached home at 10pm+
tml need to call the dentist to change my braces appointment to friday zz
Wednesday nafpa test -.- tsk ! bad timing ! FML
just bath currently msning Vanny ;] !
going to bed soon. stupid jazel ~ LOL JK
i bet she's asleep now or something. have not talk to her since last night
i guess she's busy with her boyfriend or something else ~ i dunno -.-
T__T i want holiday... NOW ! so unfair ): vanny and others have their holidays
2 and a half weeks more to go !! 18 june ;_; !! still farrrr awaaaayyyyy ! FML LOL
-whines- !
k that's all for today !
i need to save money for diet pills :X LOL
getting fat -.- ! i hate school ;_;" whenever school starts i'll eat lunch ~
and i get fat ): school holidays i dont offen take lunch ~
urgh !
k bye
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Today suck. woke up at 6am waited for my bro's call zzz
since he asked me to pick mom's lv bag...
waited like an idiot from 6 to 12++ ~
11+ he called asked me to wait downstair.
collected the bag. went back up ~ put the lv bag there and went down to buy lunch ~
had macs for lunch with dad.
took a nap.
5pm + bro came over
had a family dinner ~
fml ~
ouch... stomachache.. fml -.-
-sigh- zz
since he asked me to pick mom's lv bag...
waited like an idiot from 6 to 12++ ~
11+ he called asked me to wait downstair.
collected the bag. went back up ~ put the lv bag there and went down to buy lunch ~
had macs for lunch with dad.
took a nap.
5pm + bro came over
had a family dinner ~
fml ~
ouch... stomachache.. fml -.-
-sigh- zz
Saturday, 4 June 2011
oh gawd ~
i'm so sleepy and tired~ every since i return from camp
and for some reason i feel kinda angry/jealous at something/someone
i must be nuts -.-'
need to sleep soon ~ tml i need to wake up at 6am zzz
damn brother zz why must you pick such zzz time
too lazy to blog..
been reading manga for the almost the whole day
played jin's server for awhile. resigned
after all shawn wants to be a head gm.
so i shall give him the chance
thats all for today.. bye
1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x
zzz today hit 10x -.-" tsk. -sigh- Bad day
i'm so sleepy and tired~ every since i return from camp
and for some reason i feel kinda angry/jealous at something/someone
i must be nuts -.-'
need to sleep soon ~ tml i need to wake up at 6am zzz
damn brother zz why must you pick such zzz time
too lazy to blog..
been reading manga for the almost the whole day
played jin's server for awhile. resigned
after all shawn wants to be a head gm.
so i shall give him the chance
thats all for today.. bye
1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x
zzz today hit 10x -.-" tsk. -sigh- Bad day
Friday, 3 June 2011
YOSHH ! im home ! the camp suck.. all the games are damn fking childish
i hate the camp trainers that are in charge of us -.-'
fucking bitches. wtf is wrong with Sophia and Vanessa
stupid old lady vanessa.. such a hypocrite..
in front of everyone. she just indirectly insults others
in front of you, so ' NICE ' and ' CARING '
fucking lame zz
damn you sophfia zz no body wants to talk to you. even the class guys
i did wish you could stop being a desperate bitch and stfu host your damn events
you're only making us lose -.- with you harassing everyone zz
fucking bitch..
the game i hated the most was raft building and maze poker.
damn raft building pierce of crap ! like hello most of us can swim
and they expect us to wear safety jacket.. wtf ! i can't swim well with that
im like choking because of it zzz most of us thinks this is ridiculous -.-
maze poker... fucking lame as well.
i dunno why the trainers are so biased.
we din do anything. restart over n over n over FML
the only fun time is after all the trainers sleep ;D
we ordered midnight delivery meal ;x
joke around and etc
marcus is an odd ball.
sometimes clapperton,yun and i ~ we felt like we are his mom or something x_x'
the hostel is nice. sadly the bed smells bad zz
damn gross...
overall the camp suck :D ! i only like the time w/o all the trainers lOL
mei yun,clapperton and i left early.
after we woke up, brush teeth and etc
we went home. left the camp at 7.30
my neck hurts -.- the pillow is like.. damn flat...
but i love the air con ! its so cold and nice !
i wish my air con was like that ):
yun and i went to macs for breakfast before going home
reached home at 9+ ~
msn with jo,cory,jazel and some others.
slept at 10 ~ woke up at 6pm for dinner.
had dinner with my parents.
very moody....~
i still feel sleepy ~_~' should i sleep more? then wake up in the morning?
like 3-4am LOL !
after all sunday damn kor coming -.-
needa wake up early to collect mom's LV alma bag zzz
troublesome brother zzz tsk !
thats all for today ~ i shall read all my updated manga first :X before sleeping !
i hate the camp trainers that are in charge of us -.-'
fucking bitches. wtf is wrong with Sophia and Vanessa
stupid old lady vanessa.. such a hypocrite..
in front of everyone. she just indirectly insults others
in front of you, so ' NICE ' and ' CARING '
fucking lame zz
damn you sophfia zz no body wants to talk to you. even the class guys
i did wish you could stop being a desperate bitch and stfu host your damn events
you're only making us lose -.- with you harassing everyone zz
fucking bitch..
the game i hated the most was raft building and maze poker.
damn raft building pierce of crap ! like hello most of us can swim
and they expect us to wear safety jacket.. wtf ! i can't swim well with that
im like choking because of it zzz most of us thinks this is ridiculous -.-
maze poker... fucking lame as well.
i dunno why the trainers are so biased.
we din do anything. restart over n over n over FML
the only fun time is after all the trainers sleep ;D
we ordered midnight delivery meal ;x
joke around and etc
marcus is an odd ball.
sometimes clapperton,yun and i ~ we felt like we are his mom or something x_x'
the hostel is nice. sadly the bed smells bad zz
damn gross...
overall the camp suck :D ! i only like the time w/o all the trainers lOL
mei yun,clapperton and i left early.
after we woke up, brush teeth and etc
we went home. left the camp at 7.30
my neck hurts -.- the pillow is like.. damn flat...
but i love the air con ! its so cold and nice !
i wish my air con was like that ):
yun and i went to macs for breakfast before going home
reached home at 9+ ~
msn with jo,cory,jazel and some others.
slept at 10 ~ woke up at 6pm for dinner.
had dinner with my parents.
very moody....~
i still feel sleepy ~_~' should i sleep more? then wake up in the morning?
like 3-4am LOL !
after all sunday damn kor coming -.-
needa wake up early to collect mom's LV alma bag zzz
troublesome brother zzz tsk !
thats all for today ~ i shall read all my updated manga first :X before sleeping !
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
i'm having a very bad headache at the moment...
i can't think of anything -.-'
in the afternoon i talk to cory and told him sharon still love him
after all it's not good for him to like me.
i'm still packing for my camp..
i wont be online tml till maybe friday night.
im going to sleep soon.
hopefully by tml this headache will go away...
tml i need to change my dental appointment to 10 june.
since 8 june have napfa test... no time braces.. fml -.-''
i can't think of anything -.-'
in the afternoon i talk to cory and told him sharon still love him
after all it's not good for him to like me.
i'm still packing for my camp..
i wont be online tml till maybe friday night.
im going to sleep soon.
hopefully by tml this headache will go away...
tml i need to change my dental appointment to 10 june.
since 8 june have napfa test... no time braces.. fml -.-''
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Today time pass real fast O_O:
doing solidwork cad-p class ~ i was like happily msning/doing project
next thing i know 8.30am ~ 11.30 pass so fast !
after school went to buy KOI bubble tea :D
omg it taste so good ! lucky the newly open shop dont have a lot of people :3 !
compare to ang mo kio. waiting for 20mins is nothing :D
bought 1 for yun 1 for my parents and myself :3
bought a new ear piece.. i dont like it T_T'
i want my old ear piece.. sadly its dead -.-" FML
tml solidwork again ! thur and fri camp ): ! fml
doing solidwork cad-p class ~ i was like happily msning/doing project
next thing i know 8.30am ~ 11.30 pass so fast !
after school went to buy KOI bubble tea :D
omg it taste so good ! lucky the newly open shop dont have a lot of people :3 !
compare to ang mo kio. waiting for 20mins is nothing :D
bought 1 for yun 1 for my parents and myself :3
bought a new ear piece.. i dont like it T_T'
i want my old ear piece.. sadly its dead -.-" FML
tml solidwork again ! thur and fri camp ): ! fml
Monday, 30 May 2011
Engineering meteorology wasn't so hard
i did i wish i could study more ):
i wasn't sure at some part....
today was somewhat a great and low day
finally i'm able to catch up on CNC lesson ~
after class went out with mei yun
we went to hougang mall to eat ice cream, honey chicken and tempura
its was nice ;D din eat dinner at all. wasn't angry when i reach home ._.'
i feel so moody today
dunno why ): ~ -sigh- im feeling so low... maybe due to sugar level
or maybe due to camp is coming...
thursday camp ): fml ~ -sigh-
going to bed soon.. ~tata
i did i wish i could study more ):
i wasn't sure at some part....
today was somewhat a great and low day
finally i'm able to catch up on CNC lesson ~
after class went out with mei yun
we went to hougang mall to eat ice cream, honey chicken and tempura
its was nice ;D din eat dinner at all. wasn't angry when i reach home ._.'
i feel so moody today
dunno why ): ~ -sigh- im feeling so low... maybe due to sugar level
or maybe due to camp is coming...
thursday camp ): fml ~ -sigh-
going to bed soon.. ~tata
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Today went to grandma's birthday
nothing special... no birthday cake .. i dunno why..
weirdest thing ever...
reached home at 3pm ++
been watching random videos for the whole day ;D
and fml tml exam tsk !
nothing special... no birthday cake .. i dunno why..
weirdest thing ever...
reached home at 3pm ++
been watching random videos for the whole day ;D
and fml tml exam tsk !
Saturday, 28 May 2011
aww man, my vernier test been push forward zzz
so like monday i'm gonna have my test ~
Thursday and Friday Camp....
-sigh- i hope it would be a fun camp
since we are gonna sleep in hostels ~
today is such a boring day :\
i wish i have more sleeping time.
later 2am need to wake mom up.
dad working OT today,
so will be late and mom wanna spend time with him.
and then... i'm already sleepy ~ gosh!
why am i sleepy at the wrong timing !
-sigh- 2 hour ++ more ! D: ROAR !!
k back to msn ! :3
so like monday i'm gonna have my test ~
Thursday and Friday Camp....
-sigh- i hope it would be a fun camp
since we are gonna sleep in hostels ~
today is such a boring day :\
i wish i have more sleeping time.
later 2am need to wake mom up.
dad working OT today,
so will be late and mom wanna spend time with him.
and then... i'm already sleepy ~ gosh!
why am i sleepy at the wrong timing !
-sigh- 2 hour ++ more ! D: ROAR !!
k back to msn ! :3
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Today after Solidwork Cad-p class.
there was a school trip to the singapore air force at paya lebar
damn bloody hot !! and boring =='
i was like ahhhhh dying ! so hot D: -whines-
nothing special there. ~
currently my arm hurts from playing badminton with clapperton,yun and marcus
too long never play ~ LOLOLOLOLOL
going for dinner and maybe going to bed soon.
yesterday slept at 3am ++ damn tired =='
woke up at 6 x_X' !
k bye
there was a school trip to the singapore air force at paya lebar
damn bloody hot !! and boring =='
i was like ahhhhh dying ! so hot D: -whines-
nothing special there. ~
currently my arm hurts from playing badminton with clapperton,yun and marcus
too long never play ~ LOLOLOLOLOL
going for dinner and maybe going to bed soon.
yesterday slept at 3am ++ damn tired =='
woke up at 6 x_X' !
k bye
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
now i really believe that.. actually whatever i do is a waste
i always thought i did my best. i guess not.
things i hope for.... never happens and things i don't hope for.... happens
-sigh- im really useless :\
sometimes the things i fight for is just killing myself =_='
sometimes i felt that keeping myself there = being used..
i don't understand why let someone you talk about/hate work under you.
i dunno if you're a hypocrite or being a troll
i can't even tell if you're lying or telling the truth.
or you're just making fun of me or something.
maybe even watching me suffer = fun. i dunno
i feel so angry :\ -sigh-
oh well i asked for it :D
zi juo zi shou ~ ^^. fml
i'm going to be trololol party with amist. with a new character
i always thought i did my best. i guess not.
things i hope for.... never happens and things i don't hope for.... happens
-sigh- im really useless :\
sometimes the things i fight for is just killing myself =_='
sometimes i felt that keeping myself there = being used..
i don't understand why let someone you talk about/hate work under you.
i dunno if you're a hypocrite or being a troll
i can't even tell if you're lying or telling the truth.
or you're just making fun of me or something.
maybe even watching me suffer = fun. i dunno
i feel so angry :\ -sigh-
oh well i asked for it :D
zi juo zi shou ~ ^^. fml
i'm going to be trololol party with amist. with a new character
i can't wake up today. i remember setting the alarm clock...
at 6am.. i think i got amnesia or something zz i dont remember offing the alarm..
so sad... i keep thinking about my wiped items till i cried x_x''
first was body wiped. 2nd time fully wiped..
and everything on my character was gone.. -sigh-
so unlucky...
i even lost the bet with linling.
she bet no hgm and it really happened -.-' tsk lost 20 bucks
and i was stupid enough to bet 1 hgm zzz
xia suey ~
woke up at 10am... din go to school.. because class was 8.30am to 11am today..
so i went to collect my passport. din go out with clapperton. because she went out with her friend
yun din go to school either.
my right eye hurts x_x' fml
so tired. tml good thing afternoon class...
but i will be staying for taekwondo.. ~ be home late
i feel so sick now =_=' ~
i'm so childish ~ treating the game so serious. because of a wipe.
but seriously.. its so hard to collect from almost all the GMs ):
almost.. all.. i learned my lesson not to collect trophies..
because it all turned into mike's... and now collecting red packets
is also pointless. everything wiped. gone...
i will not collect anything anymore...
at 6am.. i think i got amnesia or something zz i dont remember offing the alarm..
so sad... i keep thinking about my wiped items till i cried x_x''
first was body wiped. 2nd time fully wiped..
and everything on my character was gone.. -sigh-
so unlucky...
i even lost the bet with linling.
she bet no hgm and it really happened -.-' tsk lost 20 bucks
and i was stupid enough to bet 1 hgm zzz
xia suey ~
woke up at 10am... din go to school.. because class was 8.30am to 11am today..
so i went to collect my passport. din go out with clapperton. because she went out with her friend
yun din go to school either.
my right eye hurts x_x' fml
so tired. tml good thing afternoon class...
but i will be staying for taekwondo.. ~ be home late
i feel so sick now =_=' ~
i'm so childish ~ treating the game so serious. because of a wipe.
but seriously.. its so hard to collect from almost all the GMs ):
almost.. all.. i learned my lesson not to collect trophies..
because it all turned into mike's... and now collecting red packets
is also pointless. everything wiped. gone...
i will not collect anything anymore...
Monday, 23 May 2011
Been Trolled ~
now i'm even more sad ):
the pserver ms that im playing ~ everyone been wiped
and all the items i collected from sharon,wenny,vanny,scylla,sunny,jo
hanuel,john,calvin and others ALLLLLLLLL GONE
good job =_='
now i'm even more sad ):
the pserver ms that im playing ~ everyone been wiped
and all the items i collected from sharon,wenny,vanny,scylla,sunny,jo
hanuel,john,calvin and others ALLLLLLLLL GONE
good job =_='
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Spend my weekend rotting
my goodness on saturday my body was aching all over -.-
due to the day before i was like ' traveling all around singapore '
and im quite sad that i was wiped on pserver ms :\
all my items that i was wearing where gone.
some items were given by jiji,swagjohn,wenny,jo,sunny and others.
everything was gone -_-' 2 msi gone.
well i can't claim them back. after all i din donate for it.
it belongs to wenny and swagjohn.
i kinda cried ): because everything was gone~ -sigh-
i swear im a getting fatter in a way or so.
or maybe because i'm stress and i keep eating and eating -.-" i dunno..
maybe during june holiday i shall go buy some slimming pills or something
im so paranoid over my butt -.-' it look fucking big and fat zzzz
i'm also very paranoid about my weight and size ==' ~ im going crazy zz
and now i'm so scared that i can't catch up at higher nitec.
i still dream of going poly when i already somewhat unable to catch up.
fml... i have such poor vision... i wish i dont have to wear any specs.
have perfect eye slight or something ~ -sigh-
fucking suey life.
this week i feel so pissed off for some reason..
-sigh- ~
been rereading a lot of mangas recently, like
korean manga
by Kim Kwang Hyun are
Freezing, Aflame Inferno and Onihime VS
i just love kim kwang hyun's drawing
i still haven finish reading..... this....
Until Death Do Us Part
World Embryo
Break Blade
Immortal Rain
Hana To Chou
i been saying i wanna watch the anime/read the manga for so long
and i still haven even started !! zz i can't find time for it.
i been reading other mangas/reading the updated mangas
GEEEZZ ! during my holidays i must catch up !!!
So busy ! T_T tml CNC lesson ! and i suck at coding zz
i hate vernier calipers at time ~ cause i dont have good eye slight
i cannot fucking find the prefect straight line -.-" TSK
For the week
Tue, Going to collect passport again. -.- i'll fking remember my old passport !
Next Month
2 & 3 June Camp
8 June Braces Tightening
9 June, VBP and CAD-p Test
i bet i forgot some stuff D: can't remember GOSH !
that's all for today zzz enough of my nonsenses ! and its already 11+ zz
good thing tml class at 9 -.-
and also HOPEFULLY i dont forget to bring my notes/file/book to school
like last monday zz totally forget everything !!!!!^$(@$ T^*$%@#^ TSK
my goodness on saturday my body was aching all over -.-
due to the day before i was like ' traveling all around singapore '
and im quite sad that i was wiped on pserver ms :\
all my items that i was wearing where gone.
some items were given by jiji,swagjohn,wenny,jo,sunny and others.
everything was gone -_-' 2 msi gone.
well i can't claim them back. after all i din donate for it.
it belongs to wenny and swagjohn.
i kinda cried ): because everything was gone~ -sigh-
i swear im a getting fatter in a way or so.
or maybe because i'm stress and i keep eating and eating -.-" i dunno..
maybe during june holiday i shall go buy some slimming pills or something
im so paranoid over my butt -.-' it look fucking big and fat zzzz
i'm also very paranoid about my weight and size ==' ~ im going crazy zz
and now i'm so scared that i can't catch up at higher nitec.
i still dream of going poly when i already somewhat unable to catch up.
fml... i have such poor vision... i wish i dont have to wear any specs.
have perfect eye slight or something ~ -sigh-
fucking suey life.
this week i feel so pissed off for some reason..
-sigh- ~
been rereading a lot of mangas recently, like
korean manga
by Kim Kwang Hyun are
Freezing, Aflame Inferno and Onihime VS
i just love kim kwang hyun's drawing
i still haven finish reading..... this....
Until Death Do Us Part
World Embryo
Break Blade
Immortal Rain
Hana To Chou
i been saying i wanna watch the anime/read the manga for so long
and i still haven even started !! zz i can't find time for it.
i been reading other mangas/reading the updated mangas
GEEEZZ ! during my holidays i must catch up !!!
So busy ! T_T tml CNC lesson ! and i suck at coding zz
i hate vernier calipers at time ~ cause i dont have good eye slight
i cannot fucking find the prefect straight line -.-" TSK
For the week
Tue, Going to collect passport again. -.- i'll fking remember my old passport !
Next Month
2 & 3 June Camp
8 June Braces Tightening
9 June, VBP and CAD-p Test
i bet i forgot some stuff D: can't remember GOSH !
that's all for today zzz enough of my nonsenses ! and its already 11+ zz
good thing tml class at 9 -.-
and also HOPEFULLY i dont forget to bring my notes/file/book to school
like last monday zz totally forget everything !!!!!^$(@$ T^*$%@#^ TSK
Friday, 20 May 2011
Today was a real fun/pissed off day !
Parts that i hate..
Turning.... fml i hate that...
milling as well...
FML part 1
after class end. changed into home clothes
made my way to lavander mrt with mei yun
to the whatever tower its called... to collect my new passport
Normal part ~
made our way to Boon lay Mrt~ Jurong Community Central
mei yun changed some stuff at the counter ~
Had lunch at Jurong Point.
5.20 took the mrt to Bukit Batok to meet wei xin.
took the red line. so xin and yun alight at ang mo kio
as for me i made my way to dhoby ghaut then change to purple line
made my way to china town to meet my cousin
Sylvia gave me bubble gums ! SO HAPPY !
had dinner with her.
FML Part 2
STEVEN(Yesterday at 23:17):
*Celyn, most of the names you came up with are from mangas, wtf.
Pandora Hearts
Tales of the Abyss/ Ragnarok: Into the Abyss
Freezing - a anime too
Immortal Regis
Little Busters/Buster Keel
Eden no Ori
some people just have attitude problem
such as steven and bram. i dunno what is wrong with them
more like they changed -.- zz
and yeah i know i dunno what the fk is wrong with the new players
some of them acted like douche bags
you don't have to take it out on me -.-
it's not my fault that they behave like that zzzz !
URGGGHH !!! so angry zzz whatever i'm going to bed soon after checking my mails zz tsk
Parts that i hate..
Turning.... fml i hate that...
milling as well...
FML part 1
after class end. changed into home clothes
made my way to lavander mrt with mei yun
to the whatever tower its called... to collect my new passport
Normal part ~
made our way to Boon lay Mrt~ Jurong Community Central
mei yun changed some stuff at the counter ~
Had lunch at Jurong Point.
5.20 took the mrt to Bukit Batok to meet wei xin.
took the red line. so xin and yun alight at ang mo kio
as for me i made my way to dhoby ghaut then change to purple line
made my way to china town to meet my cousin
Sylvia gave me bubble gums ! SO HAPPY !
had dinner with her.
FML Part 2
STEVEN(Yesterday at 23:17):
*Celyn, most of the names you came up with are from mangas, wtf.
Pandora Hearts
Tales of the Abyss/ Ragnarok: Into the Abyss
Freezing - a anime too
Immortal Regis
Little Busters/Buster Keel
Eden no Ori
some people just have attitude problem
such as steven and bram. i dunno what is wrong with them
more like they changed -.- zz
and yeah i know i dunno what the fk is wrong with the new players
some of them acted like douche bags
you don't have to take it out on me -.-
it's not my fault that they behave like that zzzz !
URGGGHH !!! so angry zzz whatever i'm going to bed soon after checking my mails zz tsk
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Yesterday i din go for Taekwondo.
i was too tired and wei xin din go either. ~ so yeah
so i followed mei yun to hougang mall to eat dinner before heading home
Today was kinda random
alot of random parts. shocking parts and etc.
too lazy to type everything down
i think Marcus spread his flu to me....
headache ==''' ~
Tml will be a busy day for me
'mini amazing race' with meiyun and wei xin ;] !
can't wait to watch pirates of the caribbean and kungfu panda 2 !
i want to watch rio again ): sadly funshion dont have it T_T needa wait !
k that's all for today ~ headache =_=' can't think much to type.. ~ bye
i was too tired and wei xin din go either. ~ so yeah
so i followed mei yun to hougang mall to eat dinner before heading home
Today was kinda random
alot of random parts. shocking parts and etc.
too lazy to type everything down
i think Marcus spread his flu to me....
headache ==''' ~
Tml will be a busy day for me
'mini amazing race' with meiyun and wei xin ;] !
can't wait to watch pirates of the caribbean and kungfu panda 2 !
i want to watch rio again ): sadly funshion dont have it T_T needa wait !
k that's all for today ~ headache =_=' can't think much to type.. ~ bye
Monday, 16 May 2011
Today was a pretty bad 'start' for a day
morning woke up at 6am ~ off alarm fell asleep -.- FML
woke up at 9am + !! then i was like OMFG !! IM LATE
ahh forget it i shall sleep till 10am ~
left home at 10.20
reached the damn tampines interchange
AND FML ! got on bus 31. 2 bus stops later
waited for bus 31A ~ reach school 11.45 ~ tsk
worst part ! forgot to bring my CNC text book zzzz
text book.. lecture pad and others.. FUCK
have to share text book with clapperton ~_~'
well at least i have a nice dinner today !
that's all for today ~ lazy to blog == so damn sleepy !
morning woke up at 6am ~ off alarm fell asleep -.- FML
woke up at 9am + !! then i was like OMFG !! IM LATE
ahh forget it i shall sleep till 10am ~
left home at 10.20
reached the damn tampines interchange
AND FML ! got on bus 31. 2 bus stops later
waited for bus 31A ~ reach school 11.45 ~ tsk
worst part ! forgot to bring my CNC text book zzzz
text book.. lecture pad and others.. FUCK
have to share text book with clapperton ~_~'
well at least i have a nice dinner today !
that's all for today ~ lazy to blog == so damn sleepy !
Sunday, 15 May 2011
It's about 4 days since i blogged ~
nothing much to blog about :D
today i was pissed off at corey -.-
what the fuck is wrong with him
not just him and some others zzzz
what's with their
' are you ignoring me ? '
' you hate me, that's why you're not replying '
' you hate talking to me right? '
' can you reply me ! its been 10 mins !!'
can't i FUCKING eat my lunch in peace ! or bath or whatever
must i reply 24/7 ALL THE TIME or the minute you fucking message me !
worst part ! FACEBOOK CHAT
i don't really notice the facebook chat that much ! GOSH
and what's with corey zz
he said he's down. i'm like zzzz not my problem !
and he keep sending webcam invite
i accepted it but i show him my door LMAO
i dont like webcaming with him anymore.
nor play the pserver ms with him.
yeah i used to be his ms couple
but now no. geez.
sometimes i wonder am i his entertainment npc or what zzz
so pissed off zzz
my teeth isn't pain anymore
in fact my teeth move real fast O_O"
its like damn messy to somewhat straight LOL
my feet/thighs not so pain now. *sigh* wednesday taekwondo ):
xinxin not coming ~ she's going for driving lesson or something
so lonely ~ LOL
talking about lonely, i'm currently addicted to 'So Allein' by Anna blue
it means So Lonely in German. i heard the English version of it too.
but i still prefer the German version :D
and i'm somewhat crazy over Lady Gaga's Judas :D
it's addictive !! LOL
i feel like eating black pepper crab ~
or chilli crab ~ or toujyou flower crab ): ~
i'm craving for fast food too ! so as PASTA ! omg so long never eat pasta ):
tml back to school zz FML ! i hate CNC lesson zz not just that
i hate vernier caliper craps too ):
urgh ~ maybe when i'm free i'll watch gintama !
i never really watch ginatama nor pandora hearts
i re-watch ouran high host club again :D !
i love tamaki ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL k that's all for today BYE
nothing much to blog about :D
today i was pissed off at corey -.-
what the fuck is wrong with him
not just him and some others zzzz
what's with their
' are you ignoring me ? '
' you hate me, that's why you're not replying '
' you hate talking to me right? '
' can you reply me ! its been 10 mins !!'
can't i FUCKING eat my lunch in peace ! or bath or whatever
must i reply 24/7 ALL THE TIME or the minute you fucking message me !
worst part ! FACEBOOK CHAT
i don't really notice the facebook chat that much ! GOSH
and what's with corey zz
he said he's down. i'm like zzzz not my problem !
and he keep sending webcam invite
i accepted it but i show him my door LMAO
i dont like webcaming with him anymore.
nor play the pserver ms with him.
yeah i used to be his ms couple
but now no. geez.
sometimes i wonder am i his entertainment npc or what zzz
so pissed off zzz
my teeth isn't pain anymore
in fact my teeth move real fast O_O"
its like damn messy to somewhat straight LOL
my feet/thighs not so pain now. *sigh* wednesday taekwondo ):
xinxin not coming ~ she's going for driving lesson or something
so lonely ~ LOL
talking about lonely, i'm currently addicted to 'So Allein' by Anna blue
it means So Lonely in German. i heard the English version of it too.
but i still prefer the German version :D
and i'm somewhat crazy over Lady Gaga's Judas :D
it's addictive !! LOL
i feel like eating black pepper crab ~
or chilli crab ~ or toujyou flower crab ): ~
i'm craving for fast food too ! so as PASTA ! omg so long never eat pasta ):
tml back to school zz FML ! i hate CNC lesson zz not just that
i hate vernier caliper craps too ):
urgh ~ maybe when i'm free i'll watch gintama !
i never really watch ginatama nor pandora hearts
i re-watch ouran high host club again :D !
i love tamaki ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL k that's all for today BYE
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Today so tiring ): !
yeah din go to school ~ 'self claim' holiday LOL
woke up at 12nn+
msn,check mail,facebook,manga and etc ~
cooked kimchi instant noodles for lunch
left home ~ on the way to the dentist
bought a double cheese burger :D ! taste so good !!
made my way to the dentist
changed my braces separators and metal lining
cyan and blue for this round :D !
made my way to school ~
regret taking bus 81 =.= damn fking long
should have alight at hougang cc then change bus to 72.
if not i could have reach earlier !!!
first lesson... kinda embarassinggggggg!!
especially the kicking areas D; ! my master not right.. its left -.-'
hopefully tml it doesn't hurt that much ):
and 'super late dinner' ~ another round of kimchi instant noodles !
i just love the instant noodles so much :D
that's all for today. shall read cavalier of abyss before sleeping !
tml night i shall take picture of my braces
Today so tiring ): !
yeah din go to school ~ 'self claim' holiday LOL
woke up at 12nn+
msn,check mail,facebook,manga and etc ~
cooked kimchi instant noodles for lunch
left home ~ on the way to the dentist
bought a double cheese burger :D ! taste so good !!
made my way to the dentist
changed my braces separators and metal lining
cyan and blue for this round :D !
made my way to school ~
regret taking bus 81 =.= damn fking long
should have alight at hougang cc then change bus to 72.
if not i could have reach earlier !!!
first lesson... kinda embarassinggggggg!!
especially the kicking areas D; ! my master not right.. its left -.-'
hopefully tml it doesn't hurt that much ):
and 'super late dinner' ~ another round of kimchi instant noodles !
i just love the instant noodles so much :D
that's all for today. shall read cavalier of abyss before sleeping !
tml night i shall take picture of my braces
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Happy mother's day
today~ mother's day is kinda quiet + mom is sick :\
FML primary and secondary school teenies tml no need to go school ); SAD
bored of being head gm at jin's server :\
head gm nothing to do -.- ~
deleted rave audition. its so boring
totally wtf 7 day items so fucking ex !!
login c's ms to host 1 event ~ went off.
still crazy over Katy Perry's ET :D
i just love the song so much ~
i like lady gaga's judas too !
now more and more people thinks she's satanic ._.
does religion matter =_=? i dont think so.. to me...
samzy having exam on wed ): so i have to go alone to tighten my braces
maybe i shall ask wei ting folo me collect passport :X LOL
went to talk to corey today at facebook
its been awhile since i talked to him
he asked me to play moonlight story o_o"
but im kinda lazy ): ! fml lol
rotting now ~ lazy blog ~ maybe later blog LOL
today~ mother's day is kinda quiet + mom is sick :\
FML primary and secondary school teenies tml no need to go school ); SAD
bored of being head gm at jin's server :\
head gm nothing to do -.- ~
deleted rave audition. its so boring
totally wtf 7 day items so fucking ex !!
login c's ms to host 1 event ~ went off.
still crazy over Katy Perry's ET :D
i just love the song so much ~
i like lady gaga's judas too !
now more and more people thinks she's satanic ._.
does religion matter =_=? i dont think so.. to me...
samzy having exam on wed ): so i have to go alone to tighten my braces
maybe i shall ask wei ting folo me collect passport :X LOL
went to talk to corey today at facebook
its been awhile since i talked to him
he asked me to play moonlight story o_o"
but im kinda lazy ): ! fml lol
rotting now ~ lazy blog ~ maybe later blog LOL
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Today went to wei xin's house with yvonne
yvonne still look the same after so long lol
on the way to wei xin's house
spotted yvonne at portchester street LOL
its like ' just nice' she just got off bus 317.
cleaned wei xin's room.
had fish & chips at her house.
taste good :D ! we laughed at wei xin's pri 5 diary
its damn funny ! LOL ! thinking about it
reading something from the past its always funny ROFL
currently getting used to my new specs.
its kinda heavy actually. my ears hurts -_-'
somewhat regret cutting off my own fringe.
it's kinda... short ==' oh well! who cares
im addicted to Katy Perry's song called E.T
its nice ! i dont like the version ft Kanye west ): !
he spoils the song ~_~' !
oh well ! back to reading kuragehime
actually i haven finish reading Devil and Devil -.-"
so as Himegimi no tsukurikata and Chrome Breaker
LOLOLOLOL ! fail -.- FML !
11 may going for braces tightening
and my first lesson for taekwondo Lol !
i sms my dumb aquarium club chairman
i bet she must be shock or something i dunno
she replied. what is your name/class/course i'll remove you from the cca
finally quit that gay boring cca -.-"
friday din go to school
was having a bad day -.- bad headache so as slight fever. FML
mom wrote a letter for me so that i can give my form teacher ~
k tata lazy to blog !
yvonne still look the same after so long lol
on the way to wei xin's house
spotted yvonne at portchester street LOL
its like ' just nice' she just got off bus 317.
cleaned wei xin's room.
had fish & chips at her house.
taste good :D ! we laughed at wei xin's pri 5 diary
its damn funny ! LOL ! thinking about it
reading something from the past its always funny ROFL
currently getting used to my new specs.
its kinda heavy actually. my ears hurts -_-'
somewhat regret cutting off my own fringe.
it's kinda... short ==' oh well! who cares
im addicted to Katy Perry's song called E.T
its nice ! i dont like the version ft Kanye west ): !
he spoils the song ~_~' !
oh well ! back to reading kuragehime
actually i haven finish reading Devil and Devil -.-"
so as Himegimi no tsukurikata and Chrome Breaker
LOLOLOLOL ! fail -.- FML !
11 may going for braces tightening
and my first lesson for taekwondo Lol !
i sms my dumb aquarium club chairman
i bet she must be shock or something i dunno
she replied. what is your name/class/course i'll remove you from the cca
finally quit that gay boring cca -.-"
friday din go to school
was having a bad day -.- bad headache so as slight fever. FML
mom wrote a letter for me so that i can give my form teacher ~
k tata lazy to blog !
Thursday, 5 May 2011
din blog yesterday. too tired to blog.
after school rush home, to be correct. i skip p.e
FUCKING BITCH TEACHER. what's her problem.
attitude problem. was trying to be nice by helping her take attendances for the class
she fking scold me for no reason. at the first place u shouldn't give say take attendance -.-
ugly fag ! PUI ! ugly eye brows. look like over drawn eye brows -.-' tsk
after that went to vienna with parents.
dad's birthday :D
came home 10pm + was tired. lazy to blog ~ sleep ~
today another tiring day ~_~'
so fucking tired ! tsk ! headache as well.
Marcus called me jiejie at Cad-p lesson.
feels weird... for someone same age but few days younger than me ~
saying that to me ._.' ~
oh well ~ lazy to blog ! going to bed soon :D
too damn tired ~
after school rush home, to be correct. i skip p.e
FUCKING BITCH TEACHER. what's her problem.
attitude problem. was trying to be nice by helping her take attendances for the class
she fking scold me for no reason. at the first place u shouldn't give say take attendance -.-
ugly fag ! PUI ! ugly eye brows. look like over drawn eye brows -.-' tsk
after that went to vienna with parents.
dad's birthday :D
came home 10pm + was tired. lazy to blog ~ sleep ~
today another tiring day ~_~'
so fucking tired ! tsk ! headache as well.
Marcus called me jiejie at Cad-p lesson.
feels weird... for someone same age but few days younger than me ~
saying that to me ._.' ~
oh well ~ lazy to blog ! going to bed soon :D
too damn tired ~
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
LOl super late blog ~ now its tueday already ._."
tueday 12am + ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL in 6 hours time need to wake up and off to school ~
i'm still in holiday mood ): ! gosh !
Wednesday dad's birthday
can't go taekwondo. next week then i shall go.
tsk ! need to buy safety shoe -.-'
friday's turning lesson is so fucking troublesome zz
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, 'What is Politics?'
Dad says, 'Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I am the head of the family, so call me The Prime Minister.
Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government.
We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People.
The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class.
And your baby brother, we will call him the Future.
Now think about that and see if it makes sense.'
So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him.
He finds that the baby has severely soiled his nappy.
So the little boy goes to his parent's room and finds his mother asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room.Finding the door locked,
he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny..
He gives up and goes back to bed.The next morning, the little boy say's to his father,
'Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now.
'The father says, 'Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about.'
The little boy replies, 'The Prime Minister is screwing the Working Class while the Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit.'
By: Ivan Lim You Feng
k going to bed soon ! D: !
tueday 12am + ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL in 6 hours time need to wake up and off to school ~
i'm still in holiday mood ): ! gosh !
Wednesday dad's birthday
can't go taekwondo. next week then i shall go.
tsk ! need to buy safety shoe -.-'
friday's turning lesson is so fucking troublesome zz
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, 'What is Politics?'
Dad says, 'Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I am the head of the family, so call me The Prime Minister.
Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government.
We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People.
The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class.
And your baby brother, we will call him the Future.
Now think about that and see if it makes sense.'
So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him.
He finds that the baby has severely soiled his nappy.
So the little boy goes to his parent's room and finds his mother asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room.Finding the door locked,
he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny..
He gives up and goes back to bed.The next morning, the little boy say's to his father,
'Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now.
'The father says, 'Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about.'
The little boy replies, 'The Prime Minister is screwing the Working Class while the Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit.'
By: Ivan Lim You Feng
k going to bed soon ! D: !
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